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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. For my final episode of The Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast, I asked for people to vote for their top 5 and bottom 5 official Atari 7800 games. I got more votes than expected and put the results in the two videos below. As far as I know, this is the first time such lists have been created using several users input. Thanks to everyone who voted here on the forums!!! Some notes: Votes were weighted when voters listed the games in order of preference. The videos show the games in order with honorable mentions, making these more like top ten lists. The "Best" video has an extra honorable since Xevious & Asteroids were tied. The #1 Best & Worst game won by a large margin. Impossible Mission got a lot of "Worst" votes due to the impossible bug in the US version. Sport Games and Flight Simulators really suffered in the votes. The two sports games that got the most "Best" votes included Ninja Golf (Ranked #12) and One on One Basketball (Ranked #19). The only flight simulator to get "Best" votes was Ace of Aces (Ranked #28) Games that got both "Best" & "Worst" votes: Ace of Aces, Double Dragon, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Impossible Mission, Kung Fu Master, Midnight Mutants, Motor Psycho, One on One Basketball and Xenophobe The Top 5 7800 Games: The Bottom 5 7800 Games:
  2. On Saturday, another old system will receive its first NSG game review...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nosweargamer


      Actually DeLorean, I've already reviewed 40 NES games!

    3. The Professor

      The Professor

      I suspect NSG has made an Intelligent choice.

    4. greenween


      Great job and perfect 1st choice NSG!

  3. Glad you liked it Rows! Initially I was just going after a game on the Intellivision you didn't have, but I got such a great deal on White Water, i was able to shop for Tron stuff...and guess what? I got more great deals! I'm glad I could pass the savings onto you! And yes, your gift to Rick totally inspired me to add the middle gift!
  4. No that I'm aware of. It was in such an early stage of development, that it would require a lot of work.
  5. Very generous Creep! Is this the first system given as a SS gift?
  6. Super Sonic Gold (This one came from the last Atari I/O Retro Junk Box, from jmjustin6 I believe)
  7. Who? Well, anyways WELCOME! You should also introduce yourself by busting out the Edladdin Seaguall 78 & Sega Sports Pad and showing them your mad 7800 Centipede skills in this months high score squad challenge! http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/2708-squad-challenge-centipede-atari-7800/?do=findComment&comment=27036
  8. Welcome! And I'm glad Team Game by Game could help you find this great site!
  9. I just wanted to say big "Thank You" to everyone for helping me recently reach 1,000,000 total views on YouTube!
  10. I would....if I owned the 5200....and a 5200 system (which I've never played in real life) But I'll do this....If I ever review 5200 Pengo, I will compare it to the 2600 version!
  11. My Secret Santa package went out today! Y'all may want to check your mailboxes this week. It sounds like a lot of gifts might get delivered!
  12. Wow! Thanks for the kind words! It ended up being the most work I ever had to do to put one together, so I'm very glad you enjoyed it!
  13. While finishing up the podcast, I made this video using footage I recorded showing every official release on the 7800. You may need to turn up the volume a little as a few of the game recorded softer and I had to balance everything to them. Enjoy!
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