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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Mr. Do! - Yes! And it belonged to Rows before me! Rampage - Nope! I've actually toyed with the idea of putting some sort of sticker on the games I reviewed saying that it officially appeared on a certain episode, but then I figured it might be a hassle to find good quality stickers and that eBay buyers might be turned off by them being on the carts! Thanks to RickR for the sports triple play of games that I hope to review in the future!
  2. Welcome! I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, but a lot of my extended family lived on the Lake Michigan side and a spent many summers in that area.
  3. Wow! Thanks SB! I have at least another hundred 2600 games, so that should mean a lot more reviews in the future (although I do want to cover more from other systems as well). Anywho, tell your daughter I said hello! I have 2 girls myself (and a boy and another girl on the way).
  4. Happy Atari Day! Ep 286: Ghostbusters (Atari 2600)
  5. Burger King Kid's Meal Game Boy Color Toy
  6. I liked Genesis better as it meant the start of something great. Mega Drive, to me, sounded like either a monster truck or 1980's Heavy Metal Band. I think what you grew up with, can influence your vote however. The guys at the Pie Factory Podcast, also thought Genesis was the better name. Side note: I thought Nomad was an awesome name for a portable Genesis.
  7. Today I review Shaq Fu.....the drink!

  8. I'm scheduled to be a guest on The Pie Factory Podcast tomorrow to talk about all things Sega Genesis. I was wondering, which name did you like best: Genesis or Mega Drive?
  9. That would have been amazing tech at the time and may have got Atari a lot of buzz, but as was mentioned before, the Lynx really needed more NES style games.
  10. If I ever post something that you'd be interested in trading for from me for the MEF 2, let me know.
  11. Yup, I'm doing it again and trying to get an even greater head start this time around. Since the next Atari Day will happen right after Turkey Day, the theme this time around is 2600 games with birds in them. I will count the results in a week or two, so vote today!
  12. Thanks again everyone. As a bonus I also did a review of Frankenstein's Monster. Ghostbusters will go live at 6 AM EST on Oct 26th Frankenstein's Monster will go live at 6 AM EST on Oct 28th
  13. My Atari Day Review of Ghostbusters on the 2600 is all set to go live on Oct 26th at 6 AM EST!

  14. I'm not sure how the Switch would play 3DS games anyway. DS games aren't even made any more (they only had 2 new games in 2014), so that would not be a big deal to the average consumer. Besides, Nintendo will just say they are happy with the 3DS, that it's there only dedicated portable system and that it will still be supported (until a couple of years later). BTW, is the Switch screen a touch screen? I don't recall anything in the trailer showing anyone touching the screen, but I could've missed it.
  15. First of all, my theory why some of us (myself included) feel that new systems no longer induce the "wow" factor feeling. Graphical leaps are getting smaller and smaller. Going from 2600 to NES...Wow! From NES to Genesis...WOW! Grainy FMV on Sega CD...Wow! Genesis to PS1...Wow! PS1 to PS2...Wow! PS2 to PS3...meh. Here's another one. Mario kept looking better and better, but once the gamecube version hit, he didn't really improve all that much. We're visual people, but the room for improvement is getting smaller and smaller. It's actually smart that Nintendo is focusing on innovation. (Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii-U) Yes, they have had some duds (Virtual Boy and Wii-U as far as sales go). Switch doesn't floor me, but it does intrigue me. I like the option to play on either a TV or laying on the couch while someone else is watching TV. The 3DS is my current favorite system and Nintendo is my favorite game maker. Even if it was just another plain system, I'd probably be interested just for the next games in series such as Zelda and Mario Kart. Two last thoughts: 1) Portable no longer means having to fit in your pockets, thanks to massive smart phones and iPads. 2) I hate to say it, but we (who grew up in the 80's and 90's) are no longer the target audience. Now it's all about Millennials, who, on the whole, have different tastes than us. I believe that is who the trailer was targeting. However, future ads may target more kids and families.
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