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  1. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)   
    @nosweargamer has a quick and simple overview of Nintendo's Donkey Kong Jr. for the NES. It's a great place to start if you're new to the game!
  2. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)   
    Please remember to TYPE OUT YOUR HIGH SCORE when posting to High Score Squad! We want to get your score right, and prevent mistakes. Scores can be blurry in photos, tricky on the eyes, or hidden deep within play-through videos. Claiming your score 100% prevents confusion.
  3. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)   
    There's a potential Donkey Kong kill screen coming up if anybody wants to watch
  4. Like
    greenween reacted to Justin in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Congratulations Marco1019!
    Congratulations to @Marco1019 for becoming our first Activision Keystone Kapers Squad Champion! @Marco1019 ran away with this Squad Challenge! Marco takes the top spot in our Final Standings with an insane score of 293,600 points. Way to go Marco! @greenween comes in 2nd Place in our Final Standings with a very impressive score of 34,600 points. @RickR made a strong showing, taking the 3rd spot in our Final Standings with his score of 23,250 points. We're pleased to have @socrates63 join us again in High Score Squad, taking 4th Place with his outstanding score of 17,500 points. The incredible @Atari 5200 Guy takes 5th Place on the podium, with a score of 16,700 points. The Doctor is in the house, @TrekMD As always I'd like to encourage @Marco1019 to  post his high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on! Congratulations to Marco, and a big congratulations to our wonderful little community for being such a great group to spend time with, I hope everybody had fun playing in our first Atari 5200 Squad Challenge!
    NOTE: Our next High Score Squad is for the NES. Be there!


  5. Like
    greenween reacted to TrekMD in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    This arrived today...

  6. Like
    greenween got a reaction from TrekMD in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I could taste it LOL 34,600

  7. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I could taste it LOL 34,600

  8. Haha
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    That happens to me all the time!  Or the phone starts beeping and buzzing.  MOTHER<BLEEP>!!!!!
  9. Haha
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I was in the zone and then the wife came in the room and it was all over. Haha
  10. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Dang!  So close. 
  11. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I could taste it LOL 34,600

  12. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   

  13. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   

  14. Like
    greenween reacted to Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Yes, because the crook will run back and magically appear on the 2nd floor (despite the escalator only going up). You can catch the crook on the 3rd floor heading right if you time it well. Otherwise, you're stuck and will likely run out of time.
  15. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I've tried to do better. Just can't get the timing of the elevator right to get a higher score. I'm off work the last 2 days of this one. Gonna keep trying. 🙂
  16. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    What is TG?  Can you share that post, I am interested to learn any secrets!
  17. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   

  18. Like
    greenween reacted to Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Remember my post above? Yeah, those were the days, huh? So...
    293,600. I played on Stella 6.7 for Mac OS. I did record this run but I need to shrink the file size before uploading to YouTube.

  19. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Marco1019 in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Slightly better. 13,000.

  20. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Improved my score 😊 16,700

  21. Like
    greenween got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Slightly better. 13,000.

  22. Like
    greenween got a reaction from RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Slightly better. 13,000.

  23. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    Ha!!!  Thank you Bluetooth and XBOX. 12,150

  24. Like
    greenween reacted to RickR in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    It's tough game for me because of the focus needed.  Once you get to the higher levels, the objects really fly across the screen.  You have a split second to figure out what the obstacle is and then react.  I haven't figured out the secret to the dual bouncing balls yet. 
  25. Like
    greenween reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Squad Challenge - Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600)   
    I'm at least on the board.  I don't care for the touchscreen controls. I could not get my character to go right most of the time.  6,200.

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