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mbergeron last won the day on August 15 2015

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About mbergeron

  • Birthday 09/24/1981

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    All systems! Especially oddball stuff.

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  1. I have been asked to do a "homebrew" set to go with this which would include Arena Football '95.
  2. Jaguar labels added to first post!
  3. Just finished a set for Jaguar. Will be updating soon!
  4. Sorry guys, busy week! arenafoot is on top of things as usual! First, let me assure you that the set on Good Deal Games, ebay ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/151834454939?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649), and here are all the same one. So you can order wherever you're most comfortable. GDG is a great site with a great owner, ebay has it's buyer protection, and direct through me is cheap. Lol My price through here would be $25 shipped.
  5. Sounds good to me. Send me a PM with your address.
  6. I've actually got an RC Pro Am as well if you just want to combine it. But I don't want to take away from NSG so your call. I posted a want list here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/769-things-im-looking-for/?p=5485 But to be frank, I collect for everything. Lol
  7. Sorry guys, this is long overdue. It's been a busy week! Here's some stuff I have for trade! Intellivision: Canadian Intellivision: Almost all of the above are complete, ask if you're interested in a specific title and I can take a look and let you know. Loose Intellivision: Loose Coleco, 2600, and 8-Bit Atari: I've got more modern stuff as well. NES, SNES, PS1, PS2. Let me know if there's interest.
  8. Same result. Using Chrome. However I gave it a shot while not logged in and it worked, so you probably have it set to not show any of your auctions outside of the US. Anyhow, I should be able to sort through some stuff later this week and let everyone know what I have to offer.
  9. Lol. INTV1 is on my list! Although my Odyssey2 will likely be next, it's another really easy one. Eventually I want composite out on all of my really old consoles so I can connect them all to a huge switch box that I'll make and have them all ready to play without having to swap connectors. Super simple. You should!
  10. Decided to take a break from renos tonight to finally do a quick AV mod on my Colecovision. Looks and sounds great! I used the Ben Heck method here: http://benheck.com/Games/Coleco/Video_Mod.htm REALLY simple, all said and done took me about 30mins.
  11. I clicked your ebay link and it came up as nothing listed? I'll be looking through my stuff this week and posting what I have for trade. I've got some 2600, Intellivision, Lynx, NES, SNES, N64 games for sure, possibly more. And of course my label sets.
  12. Definitely. It's either the glue they used or the paper, but it bleeds through and looks awful! I'll look into it.
  13. I've got a cousin in upstate New York that you can ship to so no real worries there.
  14. Old post, but if you're still looking I do. Would love a Genesis 3.
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