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Atari Creep

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Everything posted by Atari Creep

  1. Dude you're the ultimate secret Santa all year round!
  2. Wish list I would be happy with anything to be honest but here are some specific things I am looking for. 2600 Beamrider Haunted house CIB if possible Spider Fighter E.T. Box (I have hame and paperwork) Superman 7800 Ninja Golf Midnight Mutants Intellivision Games, any. I only have Beamrider and Dracula. Looking to grow that collection for when I pick up a console again. TI-99 4A Ti Invaders Munch Man Controller converter AC Cables (I have the adapter with the prongs ) Genesis I need working 3 button controller(s) Toys Stomper Vans Spikor (Masters of the Universe) Skeletor (I have a battle armor Skeletor, looking for a normal original as accessory complete as possible but not the comic) Kenner T-800 from 1991. Building an army and have 5 so far. ANYTHING Universal Monster related. Super Naturals figures. Mainly the Ghostlings but any figures from that line is great.
  3. Aside from my Atari portable this is the first AtGames Flashback I have been considering picking up.
  4. Yes I forgot to mention that. It's like a ray of false hope. AMAZING score you thunder stealing bastard.
  5. 580 is where i capped off tonight!! Live on Instagram of all places. LOL Using RetroN 77 with original paddles. If I had any tips, here they are. 1. On your first few passes just bomb away, as soon as you see your bomb hit the boulders fire off another. Usually you can keep up with the computers score that way. 2. Once the boulders start becoming fewer be selective with your shots. There is not time limit here so take your time and fire away when confident. 3. If you see your shot is not going to hit anything you can stop it buy firing off another. I do this until I see one of my shots are lined up with a boulder. This is the best way I have found to stay in the game longer. Hope this helps at all.
  6. Its a paddle game but the mode we are playing you only need the button. ???? Kind of a waste.
  7. Interesting choice. My cart is acting a little glitch but I think I can manage this one!
  8. Oh but the family did go live on youtube playing Tetris if you dare to watch it.
  9. 48594 is the best you're getting out of me guys!!! LOL
  10. NO BOSTON ???!!!??? BOOOOOOOOOOOO I'll stick with the Atari Holiday whatever....
  11. I know I am WICKED late to this but that was a Taco Bell toy when Star Wars was re released in theaters. I remember them well, had 2 full sets once!
  12. I have found a very interesting phenomenon that happens here, with me anyway. I have yet to be able to come even close to my first high scores. LOL I complete the same amount of levels, same play style and yet I am averaging half my original posted scores. LOL Anyone else experiencing this?
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