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Atari Creep

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Everything posted by Atari Creep

  1. STRONG LANGUAGE and psychological nudities!!!! lol
  2. Some strong language and needless negativity from the Creep.
  3. HUGE thanks to RickR for this amazing trade. You have no idea how long I have wanted one of these but their cost got to far away from me.
  4. Just changed mine to what you posted bud. That is too cool. Here is what I had before if anyone wants it.
  5. Atari Creep


    It's so odd that the mindset from just a few generations of management can drastically change SO much. They killed it in the catalog business for generations. There is NO reason that couldn't translate to the internet. I said for years, they could have been Amazon. So sad, ALL my first experience with Atari (and video games in general) came from Sears.
  6. Not much of an improvement but might as well post it anyway. 11680 STRONG LANGUAGE
  7. NICE! Lap top emulator using a WiiMote until I get an decent USB controller. 11650 just to toss an entry in.
  8. FINALLY! Great game list so far too! https://m.ign.com/articles/2019/03/30/sega-genesis-mini-release-date-price-and-initial-games-lineup-revealed
  9. That Junkman talks about Ataris concept for a Star Wars ROTJ speeder bike concept arcade game.
  10. My gut says it was an idea, few meetings and a sketch. Maybe another few meetings then scraped. Tons of concepts hardly make it past this stage, but you know that. But that is what I think happened, just another quick look at an idea and then they moved on.
  11. Thanks so much bro. You summed my entire video/thought process in 2 simple paragraphs. Lol This could be anything from a simple "let me come up with an idea for the boss to look at" sketch all the way to a full fledged concept that never made the distance. Its more so fun that this kind of stuff ia still popping up, even in 2019.
  12. Thanks for coming by. Ya I love this game too. Rented it alot back in the day. Have yet to play the Lynx port. Hopefully soon with tjis lap top I am getting. Was told it had lynx on it. 🤘
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