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Requesting: Suggestions & Comments for a Future Atari 5200 Video

- Ω -

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It's one thing to hear about how much difference it makes to go the S-Video route.  It's another to actually see it.  I was blown away!  

Below is an extreme closeup of the composite image, bear in mind this is better than the normal RF output.


Notice the rainbow effect and blurriness?  

Well, below is the S-Video output, which I've converted to HDMI.


Notice the enhanced contrast, sharp lines and even coloring?  I have to say, viewing this from a couple of feet back from the monitor is like the ultimate eye candy.  I'm going to start on the video tomorrow.  @CrossBow Thanks man, I'm blown away!  

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Most welcome and thank you as well! I've always stated that with a good s-video output and a means to view it on modern displays, there really isn't a need to go much better on classic consoles from the 80s era. I only have RGB on my Colecovision and Intellivision because at the time:

One, there wasn't anything other than composite and RF upgrades for them and

Two, the composite kits and circuits for the CV and the Intellivision do NOT look nearly as good consistently as they do on other consoles. Now s-video is technically available for the Intellivision but still requires the RGB board to do it so...might as well go RGB or component output at that point.

Glad you are happy with the results! Now... get playing some Super System games would ya!


Edited by CrossBow

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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1 hour ago, RickR said:

I suggest some of the homebrews that are available for download.  Bosconian, for example.  The best reviews are the ones that make the viewer want to try it themselves.  And if there's no cost involved, that makes it even easier. 


Pretty much this. Or also perhaps some of the 8-bit computer conversions. Satan's Hollow for example!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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12 hours ago, - Ω - said:

Oh yeah!  This is awesome!  It works great on my 5200, but for video making purposes, what are the proper setting for it to work under Altirra?

To play in Altirra I find I have to use the rom marked as just Bosc5200. It is a 512k sized rom and requires choosing the 512k bankswitched option when the cartridge types come up. The ones specific for the Max I've not been able to get working on Altirra.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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7 hours ago, CrossBow said:

To play in Altirra I find I have to use the rom marked as just Bosc5200. It is a 512k sized rom and requires choosing the 512k bankswitched option when the cartridge types come up. The ones specific for the Max I've not been able to get working on Altirra.


Thanks, that was it!  👍

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