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Hi, Intellivision not working


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Hi everyone.

I have a bit of a problem ,my intellivision just displays a black screen. Plus when I've tested the voltage test points on the mainboard they seem to be 2 or 3 volts down.  I've recapped both the main board and the powersupply ,plus new voltage regulatores(old photo) but still no good.So now I'm to replace this Red diode on the power supply(zener?) But all I can see on it is W145?,has anyone any idea what it is and if there's a modern equivalent? I've included some photos.Its a model 1 I think




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This must be a PAL console then? I've seen the insides of plenty of NTSC Intellivisions and never seen one laid out like that before? Are the initial input voltages from the AC transformer correct? I know you said you tested the voltage test points and that everything is a few volts off? So first thing is to verify that the input voltages are correct and begin to trace from there.


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Hi, @CrossBow, yes it is the pal version.I can't find any powersupply board that's set up like mine on youtube or the net.So I'm not sure how to test the ac voltages coming in off the transformer (marked up in photo)or the voltages leaving the power board...I did buy another intellivision and its the same as mine so ive been using it for spares


HI @RickR I don't know tbh,I changed both regulators .I'll check as soon as I'm home and let you know.


Hi @DegasElite, thanks im sure I will😁


23 hours ago, RickR said:

what were the voltages coming out of the 7805 voltage regulator?  That is always the first thing to fail. 

Can you tell me how to check please,dont want to prod around with my multimeter and make it worse 😆 

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Those voltages should be okay there. Although the 11.8 is a tad on the low side as the regulator is a 12v output regulator. If you probe the left hand pin, that is the input voltage going into the regulator... what does that read?

Also, I don't think the AC input portion would likely be that different from the NTSC version since the transformer is still providing the initial input voltages to the PSU board. Sure the actual AC to the transformer is different being 220 - 240v at 50hz but I would think the outputs lines will be similar.

I also was looking at some pics of PAL Intellivision model 1 units, and they actually looked to have the same similar PSU board design as the NTSC ones? So this is a pretty strange layout on yours. In looking at the BOM for the NTSC model 1 PSU, it seems there are only 2 zeners they used and they were basically 3.3v output types. The rest of the diodes are standard 4001 series likely designed as a bridge rectifier for converting the input AC voltages to DC for the regulators to take over from there.

Another thing to check in regards to voltages, is to make sure you have the right voltage from the PSU through the power ribbon cable to the mainboard. The Intellivision is kinda finicky about the voltages and if it doesn't have enough juice or as much as it wants for a particular section, it will mistreat you with graphic corruption and other tantrums. 

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Hi,I think something has failed on the psu board..there was a tiny hint of smoke and one of the diodes is so hot you can't touch it...ive just won another "untested" intellivision off ebay (I'm a sucker for punishment) so I'm hoping that this one will be in a better condition than mine.

As soon as it turns up I'll let you all know what's going on.In the meantime I appreciate all the help you've given me so far.

Have a happy Christmas everyone


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Hi everybody, hope you all had a good Christmas!

Well it's took a long time but my third intellivision has finally arrived and I don't believe it but its the same ruddy model as my other two (was hoping for a newer one that is the same as all the youtube guides)

I havnt plugged it in yet cos I need your help....I know you are supposed to remove the ribbon cable and test the voltages ... but can you tell me where do I put the multimeters black cable for ground?


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One easy to get to location for ground is actually on the left hand side of that large cap. The negative lead on all of the Intellivision power supply boards I've seen, is usually ground. That is if you are just checking the voltages from the ribbon cable off the power supply board to the main board. If you are wanting to check the voltages on the harness from the transformer to the power supply board, then you need to consult with the service manuals on which pins to have the probes on for testing that. I'm not sure if it is different between the NTSC and PAL/Euro models though.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Not really weird as you are using a PAL system the games are likely squished due to the difference between the 50/60hz line frequencies is my guess. In other words I'm not sure that the Intellivision games are really PAL specifically programmed? Colors look different as well on your Armour Battle.

On an unrelated note... why is your BBC Micro being used as a table for storing stuff on it?! LOL!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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18 hours ago, Jas said:

Hi all,could someone please tell me what this board is called and what it does?

Many thanks20220107_135444.jpg.006e4cfdc1347cae315c02072325e95b.jpg

I honestly don't know since the NTSC consoles do NOT have this board. But if I were to guess, maybe it is some sort of video converter? Is your console SECAM or RGB in some way? 

In looking at the components on the board, I can see another variable cap and crystal on it similar to what should be on the main board. Lots of 74x logic and what looks to be a tuning coil. So it has to be related to video somehow.

Edited by CrossBow

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Then what is in place of where the RF would normally go on the mainboard just below that PCB then? I can see how that would be RF with the tuning coil on it but then why the different crystal? But you have to keep in mind I've never seen the insides of the PAL consoles and I've not found any service manuals for the PAL models either. But what few PAL versions I have seen the insides of from other people posting pics, they look very similar to the NTSC models. So yeah... kinda strange.

Heck, it wasn't until end of year before last that I found out that some European models of the Intelly don't even use a power supply board inside them? I guess they were designed with external bricks similar to the colecovision and other consoles.

That is why the first RGB board from Yannick has the holes on the sides of the board. He designed it to mount in the spot where the power supply board is on most other models because apparently in France they don't have power boards in them. That must be nice...


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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