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NOSTALGIA ALERT! - Classic Electronics Trainer

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I remember these too!  But I never did get one as a kid.  Still, once I got old enough to have a few bucks in my pocket, I remember going to Radio Shack to buy all kinds of parts to make whatever and experiment.  I remember I came up with a pretty simple little box that would basically flash a red LED every couple of seconds...a simple circuit with an on/off toggle stuffed into a cassette tape box spray painted black.  The purpose was to put it on your car dash so thieves might think you have a fancy alarm.  I ended up getting a lot of requests from friends for one of those!  Ah memories. 

I still have room and sometimes I'll pull out old stuff like this (or train sets, or slot cars) and set them up in the garage for a while.  I'm happy to host if anyone in the area ever gets bored and nostalgic. 

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