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Recharged Squad Challenge 027 - Cash Cow DX!

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Cash Cow DX
Difficulty Level: Easy
Play on: Real Hardware ✔
Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST May 31, 2024




Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or YouTube video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved between May 1 through May 31, 2024. Screen captures are not allowed as they are more easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the competition is the victor!



This is a Club VCS Exclusive Challenge. All Club VCS players are welcome!


Play Rules

This is a VCS exclusive challenge.  Play on a VCS! Choosing which controller to play on is part of formulating your strategy. Enhancements, rewinds and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.


Difficulty Level

We are playing Cash Cow DX for the Atari VCS! To make this challenge as accessible as possible, we're playing on EASY.  Start from the start and get as much "mooney" as you can before game over!


Fair Play

Your integrity is everything. Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that we will not allow cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, rewinds, deceitful photo manipulation, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage. Everybody hates a cheater.



To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: 




It's all about the mooney!

Welcome to our 27th Club VCS Recharged Squad Challenge!!! For this challenge, we're playing a recently released game called Cash Cow DX!   Cash Cow DX is from one of our favorite VCS devs, pixel games SARL-S, maker of Donut Dodo, Sir Lovelot and Sigi - A Fart for Melusina.  Like Donut Dodo before it, Cash Cow DX is a love letter to 80s arcade quarter munchers that many of us grew up with!

From the dev:

Holy cow, it's all about the moooney! Embark on an udderly jolly adventure to rescue Cash Cow's riches from the grasp of those sneaky Pig Pockets and reclaim what's rightfully hers! Get ready for a blast from the past with an 80s inspired arcade experience released 40 years late...


  • 5 multi-screen levels, bonus stages and secrets
  • player speed selection: normal or turbo
  • arcade, speedrun and marathon modes
  • delightful chiptunes by Vincent Verger aka Tuï
  • illustration and official merch by Pete Ellison
  • B/W and color TV compatible (unplug antenna first)
  • cross-platform, worldwide leaderboards

Play on EASY and collect as much MOONEY as possible for a high score!


Club VCS Recharged Squad Contest

This game is the fifth title in our fifth Club VCS contest giveaway! This time we're going a full 12 rounds with the winner announced in January 2025!  Prize details are linked here.


1)  All challenge participants will receive one (1) entry for each challenge in which they submit a valid score!

2) The top scorer of each challenge will receive two (2) additional entries - for a total of three (3) entries in a single challenge!

3) On Twitch or Youtube?  Stream or record and post your ClubVCS high score attempt for one (1) additional entry in each round.  You must post a public link to the video in the Challenge.

This contest is open to everybody, including Atari I/O Moderators, with a U.S. or Canada  mailing address. It's really easy, all you have to do is participate be a Club VCS member and participate in our Recharged Squad Challenges.




Edited by Sabertooth
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Oh man y'all going down this month, I've gotten real good at this game. 🙂

A few tips:

Go for the bonus stages each level, big points and an extra 250,000 if you succeed at them all.

The pick accesses the bonus stage, after it is done the pick will reappear for a short time before disappearing for good. Grab it a second time and get all the enemies you can.

Clearing a stage of enemies spawns a watermelon that is worth 100,000. 

Grab as few points as you can unless you are getting at least a 2X bonus.

There are hidden diamonds generally along several drops each stage. I know most but not all of them. 


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Posted (edited)

 default_pole_position_blimp_big.gifCongratulations MOCKDUCK!


Congratulations @Mockduck!  He takes the win in our Cash Cow DX  Recharged Squad Challenge!

@Mockduck got all the MOONEY early on with a devastatingly high-score of 2,247,975!  I slid, bounced and bounded to a second place finish of 945,075.  @Cryptocoffee13 kept the party going all month long with a final high-score of 448,450!

As the winner of this round @Mockduck will receive three (3) entries.

@Mockduck receives a bonus entry for sharing his attempt on YouTube!  That's four (4) entries total!

Everyone else will receive one entry!

Finally, @Mockduck will receive a JP Import of the Donut Dodo soundtrack courtesy of developer pixel games!   A very special thank you to pixel games for his generosity!

I'd like to encourage @Mockduck to post this high score on the Scoreboard so we can make sure this Challenge continues on!

Cash Cow DX is a love letter to classic arcade action.  Like any quarter muncher, it is tough.  But if you get past the initial learning curve, there is a tremendous amount of fun to be had.  If you're at all curious about the game, I highly recommend it!


NOTE: Series Five of the Recharged Squad Challenge  continues with a terrifying trip to the CIRCUS!  Be There!


Edited by Sabertooth
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