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Video 61

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Video 61 last won the day on September 30

Video 61 had the most liked content!


About Video 61

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    Atari Sales & Service

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  • Mood
  • Currently Playing
    Animal Keeper on Atari 7800
  • Currently Listening To
    The BIG Q - Rock 'N Roll from the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s
  • Gender
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  • Current City
    Twin Cities, MN
  • Interests
    Dogs, low-budget SciFi Horror Classic Movies, Monster Movies, Drive-In Movies, Film Noir, Geography, History, writing music, bass guitars, video games, AMC cars, Chevy Impalas, going to my cabin up north, and Atari of course!
  • First Console
    PONG Machine in 1974
  • Coolest Item In Your Collection
    That has to be kept a secret... for now!
  • Favorite Arcade to Visit
    Adventure Zone Canal Park
  • Favorite Arcade Game
    Asteroids table machine and Ms. Pac-Man table machine
  • Favorite Pinball
    Theater of Magic
  • Favorite Board Game
    RISK, Scrabble, and Monopoly
  • Favorite Movie
    Treasure of Sierra Madre
  • Favorite TV Show
    Star Trek, Doctor WHO, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Land of the Giants, Time Tunnel
  • Favorite Comic Book Hero
    The Green Hornet, The Green Lantern, Archie Comics, Disney Comics, Magnus Robot Hunter
  • What I got at Toys Я Us
    If they still sold Atari I'd be looking for something Atari!
  • Podcast I Recommend
    Michael Hudson's Economic Podcast
  • YouTube Channel I Like
    BTB Jag Bar Lynx Lounge
  • Quick, tell us a joke!
    Why do elephants have flat feet? (To stomp out burning ducks!)

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  1. :nintendo_professor_hector: just posted my first BIG BLOG: How alternative "Budget" packaging helped keep Atari developers in business:


    1. Justin


      @Video 61 It's an epic win for the entire Atari community, worldwide, to have you Blogging Lance :donkey_kong:

    2. socrates63


      Loved your blog entry, Lance. I look forward to future entries as I love learning about the industry and behind the scenes especially during the 80s.

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