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Status Replies posted by MaximumRD

  1. 🤓You know, I think the YouTuber TechDweb and his affinity for all things orange is starting to rub off on me. I tweaked the colours the Legion desktop so the front fans, CPU and rear fan are orange, and I’m kind of digging it.




    1. MaximumRD


      I must say though, these pics do NOT do the Orange justice, it's more dark and vibrant in person, looking at the front is more like looking inside a toaster or oven and seeing the bright orange heating elements, I could not get my iPad camera to replicate that well. 
      This old Android 7 phone captures what I see better, though still not quite there.


  2. AHEM - https://1up.onl/  😎


    1. MaximumRD


      I been checking daily with no good results until now. Curiously at this moment, it redirects to


      Though nowhere near as slick or featured as when I posted the original link at least there is something to work with so I am posting here immediately as obviously there are no guarantees on how long it will remain up. 🤷‍♂️At the redirected URL (or simply go direct to the new one) choose the platform, pick a game from the alphabetized listing and lastly click PLAY NOW. 

      See 3 screens below showing it working as I mentioned. 






    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. AHEM - https://1up.onl/  😎


    1. MaximumRD


       Poop. I just checked, no DNS error but broken from what it was when I initially posted it. Shame. For the past few months it was pretty much a multi-emulator in your browser, you know like those HDDs you can buy (or set up your own) multi-arcade and consoles emulation setup with everything from art to backgrounds to screenshots and animated previews, just select the platform, select from a large library of games and start playing. I stumbled on it a while back and even waited a couple months just to be sure it was legit and sticking around. Shame, hope it comes back at some point. It was much like this screenshot but in your browser, pre-configured, even my plugged-in gamepad just worked. Ah well, best intentions....


      Very much like this but in browser, free, no weird pop ups even with adblocker off and I had checked for malicious verus etc. Seemed clean, sure it seemed to good to be true as well. I had even found someone posted a video about it. No idea how long it was previously up for. 

      Here is video from 2 months ago, hopefully just down for maintenance....

      I get THIS currently, let's hope it comes back eventually......

      Screenshot 2024-03-20 010214.jpg

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Played a couple of rounds of pool with my wife in the clubhouse and didn't do too well but to be fair it's been about 15 years 🤷🏻‍♂️I managed a couple of nice shots though. Checked my messages to see she snuck a couple of pics of me, I was concentrating too hard to notice 😝

    416147068_379852634734968_6056542266689646486_n.jpg  416231375_955217122870379_2085091499844268772_n.jpg

    1. MaximumRD


      A friend reminded me on Facebook in a comment on these pictures, I used to be quite the Bumper Pool player. Good times. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. I did not share this earlier, but on Tuesday I was making my normal commute when I was hit in the intersection while making a protected left turn. The other driver ran the red. Fortunately, I'm just a bit sore and we'll see if my car can be repaired or not.

    Two good samaritans stopped to check on me. They both were rushed for work and didn't stick around for the cops but promised to send their dash cam footage and contact info. Fortunately, both followed through. I can't quit watching it. If I was a split second earlier into my turn, my one year old may not know her dad.

    Just a reminder to hold your loved ones tight and do not take things for granted. I lost my father to a drunk driver over 20 years ago. No one has a guarantee on tomorrow.


  6. December has been a crazy month--so much going on both professionally and personally, and it's just been a blur. I've been doing the bare minimum when it comes to social media (which means mostly checking Facebook with very limited time in the I/O).

    As far as the hobby is concerned, it's also been a busy month.

    • Traded away a bottle of wine for an Odyssey 2 in the box with a bunch of games. This is the same person that I traded my heavy sixer with for the Lego 2600 set.
    • Bought a Vectrex light pen.
    • Bought couple of short controller extensions cords to use with the Vectrex.
    • Bought A8PicoCart multicart for the Atari 8bit. I don't need it as I have other means to store and load games, but bought it on a whim.
    • Bought games for the Atari 8bit, 5200, and 2600.
    • Got an empty Atari 1040ST box for free from a member of the local gaming group.

    I'm pretty sure I'm missing some other stuff, but as far as adding to the collection goes, it's been fruitful.

    I hope 2024 will be slower going, and I can finally finish cleaning up and reorganizing my hobby spaces in the house. That's been put on hold the past two years because of my health issues (which should be a thing of the past now).

    For 2024 and beyond, I am making a big shift. Instead of dabbling in most things, I intend to focus retro gaming heavily to all things Atari with a smattering of modern gaming on the Switch and Steam Deck. This year has taught me that my heart belongs to Atari and other platforms from the 80s and early 90s.

    I will be selling off the PS1, 2, and 4 collection to a local gaming store in the next week or two, so that should help with reclaiming some shelf space. For now, I intend to keep my Xbox collection as well as the PS3 collection. While I will keep all my consoles and a few physical games, I will not be expanding my PlayStation and Xbox physical library.

    It's been a very enjoyable six years exploring the popular retro gaming platforms, but as I contemplate life and the need the downsize in 5-7 years, I think the time is right to start that process. Hopefully, narrowing my focus will translate into more game time and lot less shopping.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Nice dinner of shrimp and mushrooms.


    1. MaximumRD


      And for dessert some Christmas treats. White chocolate macadamia, candy cane, and chocolate chip cookies.🎄

  8. Walk and ramble, still kicking, HI! 🙃😝


    1. MaximumRD


      Wow Degas glad you caught it on time and are aware now! Yep all we can do is adjust our life style and try our best. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Walk and ramble, still kicking, HI! 🙃😝


    1. MaximumRD


      It's not the easiest getting good doctors here but I've lucked out with my current and previous ones but the current one is so wonderful, compassionate, listens, and is supportive, I am so thankful, she's helped me through some hard times let me tell you. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. I've been away for a week on vacation with very limited internet access.  I've got a lot of catching up to do around here!

  11. 🤔🤨Question, ever noticed on Youtube going through recent videos to watch that you are subscribed to a channel you do not recall subscribing to?

    1. MaximumRD


      Ah ok, it's something I have heard others claim as well and honestly, before I noticed it I too assumed it was just something "forgotten" however there have been some that there was simply no way I'd have subbed to, yes I have a TON of subscriptions but there is just no way in hell I'd subscribe to certain channels as they have only ever had content that is of zero interest, which is why I knew immediately something was up. 🤨

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey, what's up, people? 🤷‍♂️🤔How's your day going?WIN_20231018_14_01_06_Pro.jpg

    1. MaximumRD


      Funny you should say that 😝 as I am JUST getting over some type of Stomach Flu or bug, past 2 weeks it's been just liquids and light foods, I had it BAD, like I actually vomited, last time I vomited from Flu or Virus I was a child as typically I got a cast iron stomach. About a week in I made the mistake of eating too heavily thinking I was mostly better and BAM total relapse, nausea, diarrhea but today woke up feeling I'd say 80% better, so much so I have been in an a productive mood, doing laundry, did dishes, cleaned bedroom night tables and dressers, just thankful to say feeling uncommonly chipper and motivated after being in lazy recovery for too long. Will have a light meal later. So HOPING FINGERS CROSSED I am on the other side of it now. Also from eating like a bird the past week+ I definitely lost extra weight through this time, Melissa has been noticing of late, I am not one to weigh myself and don't even recall the last time I did but out of curiosity I decided to and let's just say I am a couple of pounds less than I ever thought I'd be for what I consider my normal so bonus I guess 🤷‍♂️🤨I recorded it for reference but I am considering it my "sick" weight, will see if I level off or maintain but for now I can easily say I am currently about 30 pounds lighter then when I was pushing maximum density back in 2012 or so before switching to intermittent fasting, cutting out sugars and other lifestyle changes to help with diabetes etc. Gotta take the wins where I can get them these days right? 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. 😵 Congratulations to @RickR on making his 10,000th Post!

    1. MaximumRD


      Rick is an awesome pioneer here as well as one of the nicest people I know of! Congrats Rick we are honoured to have you here and I mean it wholeheartedly.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Nice to finally be here.  I recognize many of you from AA and the Atari Discord pages.

    1. MaximumRD


      Hey! Glad you found us, enjoy your time here, familiarize yourself with the HOUSE RULES and WELCOME ABOARD! 🕹️😎👍


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. PSA: AtariAge "last chance" sale. Get 'em while you can.


    1. MaximumRD


      I literally just found out after seeing this video. 


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    Sitting at the mall waiting for my wife to pick me up, just finished diabetic blood work I do every three months, I’d walk but having problems with my Achilles tendon again dammit. Limping like a mofo 😜🤷🏼‍♂️

    1. MaximumRD


      Every day I am trying to be, body doesn't always want to work with me though 🤷‍♂️Just take it one day at a time. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. 🏴‍☠️ Our hosting platform experienced a bit of downtime overnight. If you were unable to get into the Forums, it wasn't anything specific to Atari I/O, just some general maintenance on our platform's end.

    1. MaximumRD


      I wondered, the site loaded and even threads but I could not log in or click to read anything without erroring out. Glad it's all sorted. 😎

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Funny that the online WEBCAM TOY is still around. Seems like it's been around forever. 😝🤷🏼‍♂️ https://webcamtoy.com/ 


    1. MaximumRD


      Note my current profile pic as well using one of the filters. It's fun play around with. of silly filters ad regardless of the quality of your webcam, in fact it's a good use especially if you have a lower quality webcam in some ways. Just click allow when it asks for permission to use your webcam and it will work fine. It was a really nice option for free especially back in the day when we might not of had so many options for webcam software but even now I like to tinker with it when I'm bored, a fun lo-fi experience. Share some results with that Dell 😉

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. 😎🤷🏼‍♂️Strapped in for the night in front of the PC with my black coffee followed by mint tea. You can’t stop me I am a wild man.


    1. MaximumRD


      Watching video's, reading forums, wearing headphones and walking lightly and being extra quiet closing both doors to the adjoining bathroom as I go multiple times throughout the night / wee hours (yes, I said wee intentionally) so as not to disturb my sweet slumbering wife and, well that's about it really. 😝

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. I'm working on converting old family 8mm film movies to a distal format. It is slow going, but works well. 


    1. MaximumRD


      So awesome Rick! Great idea that I am sure will give you great satisfaction on completing. And Justin, man I envy that you recorded all that awesome nostalgic stuff back in the day. I did have several hours of VHS I recorded back in the day as an older teen and young adult mostly, I was into video stuff and did the best with what I had at the time but without any foresight most of it is either stupid, embarrassing or downright drunk nonsense 😜it’s pretty sad quality but who knows, I might share specific bits, like the Beastie Boys Fight for your right to party video we lip synced and made a video for, you won’t believe how skinny I was or the literal Afro head of hair I had, I have tried to laugh at myself more these days after all 🤷😆

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. 🤔 Idk about you but I can’t remember the last time I animated a .gif

    1. MaximumRD


      Same, typically I can find a suitable one easily enough 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Been tinkering a bit with ANDROID SUBSYSTEM for Windows. It does NOT use Google Playstore by default but as you can see my version does 😏 Previously, I used some emulators like NOX / BLUESTACKS /LDplayer etc but this seems better with good integration with Windows, for example the ReFace App instantly defaulted to my Desktops Logitech Webcam. I still prefer testing various LINUX distos using Vmware though or older hardware, so I will never use LINUX SUBSYSTEM for Windows and so I have removed that feature. 


    Screenshot 2022-12-28 220813.png

    1. MaximumRD


      From what I have read that DOES seem to be the general use for it or the most suggested, makes sense. I was surprised how well it integrated though and definitely prefer it over stand alone emulators like LDplayer which tend to be chock full of adds etc. as well have origins in China so trustworthiness is dubious at best. Seeing the Reface app automatically pickup my webcam was the clincher for me. Now I am using a hack or patched version which allows Google Playstore just to be clear but I am using an ANDROID account I created originally just of emulation purposes anyway. I am no developer but I just cannot help but test and tinker with such things. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Hear me out, Santa deniers: if Santa isn’t real, why do the presents you get on Christmas say “From: Santa” on them? It just doesn’t add up…

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