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Posts posted by Jin

  1. Glad you figured out the issue! As far as the print quality goes, thermal paper is one of those things that only has a couple years shelf life to it so new production thermal printer paper is necessary if you want to get legible print quality. To give you a practical example, here's a comparison of an image I printed using my Game Boy Printer. The picture on the left was printed using new production thermal paper the picture on the right (which is the same image) was printed with the long-expired official Nintendo brand thermal paper: 





    As you can see, new production printer paper is necessary. :lol: The printer paper goes for $14.50 per 5-pack and can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/PMC05228-Thermal-Calculator-Paper-Rolls/dp/B0000DBMGL/

  2. Just curious -- what made you decide to sell your games?


    A combination of lack of money, seemingly flakey hardware, and poor decision making.  :lol: I was rather hard up for cash for life's basics (food, paying the utility bills, etc.) and I had been through four Vader model 2600's in a year because they kept breaking down on me. Seeing that the 150'ish games that I had collected for the 2600 combined with the value of the accessories I had added up to around $800 and feeling incredibly frustrated with not being able to keep an Atari system working for more than 2 months I decided to liquidate my entire collection. 


    The real kicker is that about 6 months after I sold off my entire collection I found out that there was never anything wrong with the systems at all, it was actually the coaxial port on my retro gaming CRT TV that had gone bad and was causing all the issues that I thought were problems with the systems. After learning that, and missing my old collection of Atari games something fierce, I decided to slowly start rebuilding. It's been really difficult going though, since when I built up my old collection all the local game stores had tons of Atari 2600 games and sold them for anywhere from $0.50 to $2 each, so I was able to get almost all my games locally and on the cheap. Since then almost all the local stores got rid of their Atari games on eBay because there wasn't a big enough local market for them (it was always just me and one other guy who ever came in to buy Atari stuff), and the only store I can find Atari games at locally now sells them for $5 to $10 each. Because of that it's been really difficult rebuilding my collection, especially since I'm very picky about label condition and won't buy any games with ripped or torn labels. 

  3. At the moment it's a tossup between Jr. Pac-Man and Super Football. Oh the shame!  :lol:

    I liquidated my collection of 150'ish Atari 2600 games two years ago and just slowly started rebuilding with common titles this summer. At one point in my previous collection though I did own copies Frogger II: Threeedeep!!, H.E.R.O., and Montezuma's Revenge as well an original production copy of the homebrew Princess Rescue. I imagine I'll probably get all of them back someday except for Princess Rescue, since that one has just gotten too expensive to re-buy now. 

  4. I had completely forgotten that there was a Centipede comic coming out, that is until today when a friend gave me a gift for setting the HighScore.com world record high scores in Centipede for the Atari 7800 on every difficulty level, Centipede TB for the Atari 2600, Centipede for the Game Boy Advance in the Atari Anniversary Advance compilation, and Centipede for the Game Boy Color. He got me the first 3 issues of the Centipede comic! I really love Centipede in all it's forms so I'm seriously excited to sit down and give these comics a read! :D



  5. I always like looking through other people's Top 10 lists to see what games they enjoy that I may have not tried yet, but when I tried making my own list I ended up having waaaay too many fantastic games in the "honorable mentions" category so I wound up making it a Top 20. :D



    20. Midnight Magic

    19. Montezuma's Revenge

    18. H.E.R.O.

    17. Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle

    16. Alien

    15. Starmaster

    14. Miniature Golf

    13. Adventure

    12. Centipede

    11. Robot Tank


    10. River Raid

    9. Sentinel

    8. Kung-Fu Master

    7. Crystal Castles

    6. GORF

    5. Millipede

    4. Super Breakout

    3. Ms. Pac-Man

    2. Venture

    1. Pitfall II: Lost Caverns

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