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Everything posted by Marco1019

  1. 41,831 I am thrilled with this score and I will not come CLOSE to the scores I see in this thread LOL
  2. This is close, but no cigar, correct? https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/StellaDS
  3. Happy Holidays! I hope you and your families and loved ones remain safe and healthy during these trying times.

  4. Here's a little promo video ahead of tonight's episode of Retro With Marco:



    Bring your eggnog or preferred holiday beverage & stop on by at 9pm ET!




    See you then!

    1. HDN


      We just got some ‘nog from the store! I won’t be able to make your stream tonight but I will try to check it out in the future.

    2. Marco1019


      You are more than welcome to check out my stream with/without eggnog hahaha!

  5. until
    I'll be in the Twitch chat for the Episode 48 replay of Retro With Marco! This replay will air at 8pm GMT for those based overseas.
  6. until
    Retro With Marco is back in time for the holidays! Tune in at 9pm ET for scoring & speedrun shoutouts, plus a look at the following: - Sonic Z-Treme, a homebrew demo for the Sega Saturn - Scourge of the Underkind, an action adventure game for the Amiga - Nox Archaist, an RPG for the Apple II (That's right, the Apple II!) Stop on by with eggnog (or your preferred holiday beverage)! https://twitch.tv/retrowithmarco See you then!
  7. I'm sure it'll make for a heck of a read, especially given his career pivot.
  8. The CollectorVision Club is returning! Registration is open until the end of December. Membership includes access to 100 ROM files (including a few that were never released) plus a chance to win a limited Adam-colored Phoenx console! You can read about it here: https://collectorvision.com/shop/colecovision/collectorvision-experience-club-membership-2021/
  9. I stumbled onto this sale a few days ago & mentioned it on my show. You can purchase a bundle of 15 games for the C64 for only $5! Check out the link for more info: https://itch.io/b/699/c64-xmas-bundle
  10. until

    Here's a :28 promo video for tonight's episode:
  11. I'll be sitting this one out as I never touched Cybermorph when I had my Jaguar. Good luck to everyone in the Squad Challenge!
  12. until
    I'll be in the Twitch chat for the Episode 47 replay of Retro With Marco!
  13. until
    Episode 47 of Retro With Marco will air LIVE on Twitch! I'll have some new scoring & speedrun records to share with you! I'll also take a look at a new Dreamcast racing game (which I shared on atari.io last week), and I'll take a quick look at River Raid 'Cold Winter' for the Atari XL. https://twitch.tv/retrowithmarco See you then!
  14. Why, yes, I am spending my Sunday afternoon watching the 2020 Classic Tetris World Championship on Twitch!




    Spoiler Alert: We will have a new champion this year as 2-Time Champion, Joseph Saelee, lost in the 1st round of the Finals in 5 games.


    I will add that watching these young gamers take Tetris to new heights is truly fantastic!

    1. Marco1019


      The Finals are delayed for the moment due to a power outage...in Indonesia! You read that right! The only non-US player remaining, Nenu, is en route to a friend's house as I type this post. Arda Öcal, one of the hosts of the CTWC, just informed the Twitch viewers of this development.


      Oh, and Nenu's opponent in the Semifinals is PixelAndy. Why is this signifcant? The winner of this Semifinal will move on to the Final Match against...PixelAndy's brother, DogPlayingTetris!


      Sometimes these stories really do write themselves...

    2. Marco1019


      DogPlayingTetris, the #1 seed and all of 13 years old, found himself down 0-2 in the Final Match against PixelAndy - his 15-year-old brother.


      DogPlayingTetris stormed back to win 3 straight matches including a Game 5 thriller to win the 2020 CTWC!

  15. Just off the top of my head, my non-Pac-man picks would be Donkey Kong, Tempest, and Zaxxon.
  16. I just learned about this game last night. PixelHeart released a new racing game for Dreamcast called Arcade Racing Legends which really looks impressive. Sega Lord X posted a detailed review here:
  17. Pac-Man 8K Atari 2600 Difficulty: Default High Score: 170,060 November 27, 2020
  18. I only knew about Ted Knight because I looked him up recently. He also did a lot of radio work in his career. He kept himself quite busy.
  19. I'm really enjoying seeing the classic gaming systems & computers get pushed to new limits.
  20. I learned of this title two days ago on EverythingC64. This platformer is in the early development stages but it looks very impressive. It's called The Wild Wood and you can learn more about it here: https://www.wildwoodgame.co.uk/ Kodiak64 is helping out with the code and posted an update earlier this month: https://kodiak64.com/blog/wild-wood-deconstructed The Wild Wood is slated for release in the summer of 2021.
  21. The documentary Insert Coin, in which Midway is the focus, premieres tomorrow (November 25) on-demand. Here's an article from Polygon, who will also host a special panel on November 29:




    The special panel will feature Eugene Jarvis, Mark Turmell, Ernest Cline, and director Joshua Tsui.


    There's more info on the documentary website -- https://www.insertcoindoc.com/

    1. socrates63


      😮 I had no idea that Midway was an American company until just now. Thanks for bringing the video to our collective attention. 

  22. until
    Start your Thanksgiving holiday with the replay of Retro With Marco on Twitch! I'll be in the chat providing additional commentary on the show. htttps://twitch.tv/retrowithmarco
  23. Thanks for the info! I may give this one a shot on my phone.
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