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Everything posted by Marco1019

  1. I just spotted this a few days ago. This looks very promising!
  2. This is an awesome trailer! I'd like to feature this one on my show this Wednesday night, but only with your permission. You would also receive end credits. Which audio track did you use? I used Shazam twice and received two different answers lol.
  3. Congrautlations to @greenween! Boy, this one was nerve-wracking & blood-boiling, but it also had enough fun. Also, related to @Justin's post: I am now able to stream the Atari VCS. I look forward to taking part in the May Recharged Squad Challenge & streaming some of my runs.
  4. I will miss out on this month's Club VCS Challenge, unfortunately. I just didn't get to Akka Arrh as I hoped.


    However, the good news is that I will be able to (finally) stream future Atari VCS runs! It took some trial, error, and luck, but I was able to split the HDMI signal and record it my MacBook Pro. Here's a clip of me playing Missile Command: Recharged...



  5. It appears the friend setup is similar to that of Antstream Arcade, though you cannot even send DMs there. I'll (finally) get to sending requests this week.
  6. New PB: 2,065. I'm sure the neighbors don't mind my yelling & cursing like a sailor.
  7. I took a half day and I'm getting in some gaming before an early Happy Hour. New PB of 1,520.
  8. Here's the teaser for Episode 102 streaming Wednesday night at 9pm ET! New retrogaming records, Double Dragon 128K for the ZX Spectrum, + Crap Tournament 15!


  9. It's been a busy stretch outside of gaming; I'm fortunate to have submitted for the Squad Challenge. Tonight's show has been postponed to next Wednesday, April 19.


    Screen Shot 2023-04-12 at 8.09.37 AM.png

    1. socrates63


      Life is constantly getting in the way of me participating in the Challenge. Best wishes, Marco!

  10. 1,050. This is way higher than I expected. I played on OpenEmu which uses the Stella core.
  11. I'd participate, though I'm also juggling a few other challenges between Club VCS, EverythingC64, and the #SplashWaveRacing Challenge hosted on Twitter. That said, I'd be on emulation using Fusion 3.64. I never owned The Adventures of Batman & Robin, but that should not stop you from putting together a one-off tournament or using that game as a launching pad for a new monthly challenge.
  12. We need a slight edit to the original post, @Sabertooth, please. The dates read April - March 30, 2023.
  13. Thank you, @Sabertooth. for your kind words. I didn't know what to expect, which will be a theme going forward as I navigate a new system and its library. That said, I'm happy to be a part of this community! Good luck to everyone participating in Akka Arrh! 🍺
  14. This Recharged version is a lot of fun! It can be frustrating at times, though lol. I tried to push my PB further but I couldn't do it today. The consolation was completing the final mission. (This was the frustrating part 🤣 )
  15. Here's the last-minute teaser for Episode 101 streaming TONIGHT AT 9PM ET! Featuring new retrogaming records, MAME Gaming League 55, + an update on a few Twin Galaxies bounties!



  16. I'm using the Modern Wireless Controller. You can only use the Analog and not the d-pad for this game.
  17. New PB: 132,840. Score of 109,100, Time Bonus of 20,500, + 2.5% Hyper Modifier.
  18. New PB: 92,993. Score of 75,225 + Time Bonus of 15,500 + 2.5% Hyper Modifier.
  19. New PB: 56,323. Score of 44,450 + Time Bonus of 10,500 + 2.5% Hyper Modifier. I'm hoping to stream some Atari VCS come April.
  20. New PB: 27,550. I'm working my way back after a rough week & a half. I have to say this is A REALLY FAR CRY from playing Beetle's Adventure Racing for the N64 which is this week's Splash Wave Racing Challenge on Twitter lol.
  21. It's been a rough, non-gaming week & it's going to carry over into next week, sadly. The show will be postponed 1 week & will return on March 29. I'll be online sporadically until then.

    Screen Shot 2023-03-15 at 8.46.51 PM.png

    1. Sabertooth


      Hang in there! We'll be here when you're back! 🕹️

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