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Everything posted by Marco1019

  1. 7500. I played on OpenEmu which uses the 5200 core. I used a Sony PS4 clone controller.
  2. I dedicated a short segment of tonight's show to this one. I have to say it was well received, especially since it will be released on several platforms.
  3. Here's the promo for the 'Season 3' finale! Featuring new retrogaming records, a look at Airball - once canceled, now available for NES & GBA, plus Akka Arrh from Jeff Minter! (H/T @Sabertooth)


  4. Here's your Tournament Roundup for December 9! Featuring the latest Atari.io Squad Challenge & the Season 11 premiere of Mamemeister's High Score Kerfuffle! Plus updates on EverythingC64, Antstream Arcade, Lvl Up Score, Club VCS, & Master System Challenge!


  5. This was a tough poll despite my lack of participation throughout the year, but I voted for Pole Position II (7800). IIRC, there was a good amount of participation for that one.
  6. After a long Friday of work, my weekend has arrived! Here's your latest Tournament Roundup! Featuring Club VCS, Master System Challenge, EverythingC64 High Score Challenge, Atari.io Squad Challenge, Antstream Arcade, & a new tournament from Lvl Up!



  7. Best of luck to all of the participants in the F-Zero Challenge!
  8. New Parker Brothers PB: 3574. This is it for me, save for a last-minute run before bed. I'll be concentrating on the EverythingC64 High Score Challege (Raid on Bungeling Bay) and the upcoming Lvl Up Score Holiday Tournament (NES Pac-Man Championship Edition).
  9. Here's a promo for Episode 94 streaming tomorrow night at 9pm ET! Featuring new retrogaming records, Dinoforce - the long lost shmup for PC Engine & TG-16, plus a recap of the Twin Galaxies Donkey Kong Bounty Challenge!


  10. Thanks for posting! I'll likely feature this on tomorrow night's show. I'll be sure to give you credit for your post.
  11. Yes, I also have @greenween leading the Parker Brothers track. Here are my unofficial standings for both versions: Parker Brothers: Greenween - 4119 Marco1019 - 3442 HDN - 2301 Csolo - 2093 Atari5200Guy - 2034 RickR - 1792 TrekMD - 1471 Justin - 1445 Starpath: TrekMD - 16830 Marco1019 - 14100 Justin - 11840 RickR - 8360
  12. My Parker Brothers run: 3442. I played on OpenEmu which uses the Stella core. I couldn't get the direction keys to map properly on the standalone Stella emulator. It's funny (well, kinda) to put in the work for this version, only to end up with a measly score lol.
  13. I thought you had recorded the run to video as well. I apologize for misunderstanding your post. You may encounter voters who may not approve of a photo-only submission, especially if your score lands in the Top 3. (Photo-only outside of the Top 3 is usually sufficient.) I will post a comment over there as well. (I wouldn't be surprised if your top this score when you commence your video run.) Thank you for joining Lvl Up Score! We're another high scoring site featuring a wide assortment of gamers as well as a welcoming and diverse Discord. I hope you will post and share your feats on the site very soon!
  14. Congratulations! Which version? You are also more than welcome to upload your video & screenshot to https://www.lvlupscore.com!
  15. New PB for the Starpath version: 14,100. I will try to give the Parker Brothers version a go some time this week.
  16. Starpath version: 12,810. I played on Stella 6.7 for Mac OS & used the keyboard. I recorded my gameplay using Wondershare Filmora 11. This version is really good. I wish I had known about it sooner.
  17. First off, I had no idea (or forgot completely) there was a Starpath version of Frogger for the 2600. So thanks to @TrekMD for sharing that info! Second, I'll be out of town this Friday & will be mostly offline through Thanksgiving so I will do my best to enter for both versions. I don't recall the last Double Feature Squad Challenge and I don't want to miss out.
  18. Here's your latest Tournament Roundup! Featuring Club VCS, Mamemeister's High Score Kerfuffle, Master System Challenge, EverythingC64 High Score Challenge, Atari.io Squad Challenge, & Twin Galaxies Donkey Kong Bounty Challenge!


  19. Here's the promo for Episode 93 streaming tomorrow night at 9pm ET! Featuring new retrogaming records, the latest Donkey Kong ROM hack from Paul Goes, + a look at a new Vectrex homebrew!


  20. Let's Rewind to Episode 42! Voodoo Chilly played Pac-Man 4K for the Atari 2600 & set a new TG record with 160,060. That score broke the old record by almost 50,000!


  21. Good luck to all of the participants! While I was big Genesis guy WAY back in the day, Space Harrier 2 wasn't really my bag. Good title and all, but I never got into it personally.
  22. Here's your Tournament Roundup for October 29, 2022! Final standings for the 80th Master System Challenge, updates on Club VCS, MAME Gaming League, EverythingC64 High Score Challenge, Mamemeister's High Score Kerfuffle, Atari.io Squad Challenge, and Antstream Arcade!



  23. Here's the promo for Episode 92 of Retro With Marco airing tomorrow night at 9pm ET! Featuring new retrogaming records, a preview of a homebrew shmup for Neo Geo, + a look at Super Mario Odyssey...for the NES?!


  24. This week's show, originally postponed one day, has been postponed until next week. My partner was diagnosed with COVID over the weekend. She does have severe symptoms, fortunately. We also reside in a townhome which affords ample space. So I will be spending this week tending to her and ensuring she regains her health. To that end, she was prescribed Paxlovid and it is helping her recovery.


    The new show dates will be Wednesday, October 26 and Wednesday, November 9. I will then take a short break due to personal matters before returning for a show in early-to-mid December which will be the "Season 3" finale. I hope to return in January for the start of "Season 4".


    I'll upload a few videos in the meantime, including a head-to-head video which I planned to air as a segment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DegasElite


      That COVID is nasty. I have had it once, and it lasted two weeks. Mild symptoms, but it still happened. Hopefully, she recovers quickly. :O)

    3. Marco1019


      Thank you 🙂 We're keeping our fingers crossed

    4. Marco1019


      I tweeted this a short while ago. Here is the updated show schedule:

      Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 8.17.03 AM.png

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