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Posts posted by DegasElite

  1. I would love to see Atari XP release Black Ice/White Noise (BI/WN) as a finished game for the Jaguar or the new VCS. Preferably, I would love to see it for the Jaguar CD, if B.J. West will allow it (he is the owner of the intellectual property that is BI/WN). This time, it could have the Nine Inch Nails soundtrack that would have been in the game. It was going to be epic for 1996. Maybe, it still can be. Maybe, it can be updated. Just a thought. :O)

    But, anyway, that's a deviation from this topic. I wouldn't mind seeing more classic titles being resurrected for the older systems by Atari XP as well. It would be glorious.

  2. I would like to see a Crystal Castles: Arcade for Atari 7800. It would have to be closer to the arcade port than the XE version is. I have always like playing Crystal Castles. The Atari Jaguar was going to have a sequel called Return to Crystal Castles. It was never released. That would have been amazing as a 64-bit release.

    Getting back to the Crystal Castles port, it would probably need a POKEY chip. I think the arcade used the POKEY for sound. But, this is just wishful thinking. I would like to see what it could look like and if it would ever be done. Just a thought, anyway. I am sure it has been thought about before. :O)

  3. 18 minutes ago, Silver Back said:

    I think it'll be a while before this stuff goes away down in value to where it's bottomed out (a couple generations at least) and we all should be proud of our collections!

    Agreed on that. :O)

    Retro seems to be king right now. I think nostalgia is a fad, but it keeps coming back from time to time. People like to reminisce. Memories are a powerful thing, especially if they are reinforced with something good. The Atari Era is a good time for a lot of people from the 1980s, especially if you are fascinated with video gaming. I have been an avid Atari collector for forty years now. I started at almost eight years old in 1982. Now, I consider myself a true connoisseur of collecting. I have dealt in other game systems other than Atari, but it all goes back to Atari. I had SMS, Genesis, Intellivision, ColecoVision, and TG16 collections, but they are gone now. Going strictly Atari has made collecting games more centralized and possibly cheaper.

    This is because I am not going after ALL video game systems. Just Atari.

    Of course, needless to say, classic Atari games are getting more expensive. That is predominantly scarcity, and people are looking for mint condition collections a lot of the time. The scarcer something is, the more it can go up in value. Commodities are like that and it is also the law of supply and demand. The demand is there. The supply not so much, especially since these games are not made anymore, which also adds to the value. I think of collecting older video games as a commodity as well. It seems to be the in thing at the moment, which makes collecting even more attractive. Maybe I am rambling a bit, but I think I am on to something here.

  4. I think, since older stuff has become more scarce, collecting trends might go down as it gets more expensive to do. There are games for the A2600 in mint condition that go for approximately $1,000.00 because they are graded by professional appraisers. But, as prices go up, so do the values of the collected items. They WILL appreciate over time. This is a given thing. Fellow Atari collectors, be proud of your collections. If it is older stuff, in any condition, it will go up in value during appreciation. Whatever condition it is in will determine the value of it in the future. Thanks for letting me share. :O)

  5. I want to collect as much of the Atari stuff as I can. I know it's scarce, but I can try. I would really like Track & Field for the A2600, but it's rare and hard to come by. I would like to collect more Lynx and Jaguar games as well. They hard to come by as well. It's tough when everything is getting collected and you are left with fewer choices, and the choices are expensive. But, I think I will persevere as much as I can and get what I can still get. Thanks for letting me share. :O)

  6. You'd think someone could improve the controls in Karateka for the A7800. It would be a nice thing to do. I wouldn't mind playing it if it had improved controls. That would be fun then. I did some research, and Jordan Mechner is the creator of Karateka. It's a cool game and I think it was remade in HD in 2011. it has better graphics and they look polygonal in appearance. It's on Wikipedia where I found that info. Pretty cool remake, and Jordan Mechner was in behind the remake's development.

  7. I remember playing Karateka on the Atari 8-bit computer in my teens. The controls takes a little getting used to. It's different, I will say that. I have it for the A8 and A7800. I don't play it very often, but maybe I should try it sometime. Interesting game. Was Jordan Mechner the creator of Karateka? I think he was. He also did Prince of Persia.

  8. I use the A2600 only if I have to play a game for it that doesn't have compatibility with the A7800 somehow. I have a Supercharger cartridge, for instance. It works best with the A2600. Plus, I have the Stella Gets a New Brain CD and tapes for the cartridge. But, I mostly use the A7800 consoles I own (I have two) for gaming for both systems. It's more advanced and almost completely backwards-compatible with the A2600 without a separate adapter. So, the A7800 is more versatile. Plus, it has great games the A2600 doesn't have. So, the A7800 is definitely my choice. 

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