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Smell Dawg

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Everything posted by Smell Dawg

  1. I can't shake the feeling that @D.joe is going to "wake" and post a new score right at the 11th hour!
  2. Oooof, there's a LOT of information to wade through over there! I seem to recall having a RaspPi 3 with an old version of RetroPie... Perhaps it's still around, hiding in a basement box somewhere. And, WOW, I see what you mean - they don't appear to be as cost-effective these days! With the mention of standard xbox controller, now wondering now if a couple daisy-chained x-input controller boards can be directly connected to a Pi for an arcade setup. Not really sure how it all works, but sounds possible. Coinops Legends 3? "Includes 630 curated MAME titles and 55 console games"? This seems like something worth following up on! To your comment on the USB stick - I also ran into that problem when I was trying to mirror my Windows installation to the Atari VCS. Up until that point, I wasn't aware there were substantial speed differences... but my decade-old drive wasn't up to snuff, so I feel your pain!
  3. Super validating to hear your opinions/experiences on this matter! After getting a couple Arcade1Up machines, I found myself wanting more. Only recently did I stumble across the [now defunct] iiRcade stuff; that had the bones of an ideal consumer experience; just buy/download the game and it works! I've tried playing the RetroPie game with a few devices with overall good results, but am willing to pay for a more consumer-friendly "it just works" experience. I've been following along with what Polycade has been doing, but they are very clearly focused on the commercial market... just crave the plug-n-play experience they offer! So: In the 19 months that have passed since you posted this (😆) - do you have any discoveries or solutions to share?? 🙂
  4. I'm aware a substantial amount of time has passed since this post, but holy smokes, I have many hours into the Crackdown 1 and 2 games! Did you manage to play through one or both of them last year? Coincidentally, I played through Crackdown 3 for the first time last summer - which was overall in the same great spirit as its two predecessors!
  5. Nice!! For all the hate it got, I never ran into any issue with the OG Evercade - sufficient battery life and always ready to pick up and play! Evidently there's an Evercade club on this site that went dormant at some point?
  6. Yep here's a terrible score and holy smokes more practice is required - fun title, though!!
  7. I've been enjoying this and Amoeba so much on VCS, that I chose to go buy the physical copies in addition. Great, great titles!
  8. The visuals alone make this very intriguing - looking forward to seeing more info as it draws closer!
  9. Alright alright - I’ve been neglecting family today in order to achieve this
  10. Good morning, folks! Lots of familiar faces here - and thank you Sabertooth for the invite! My score submission was by using the modern controller d pad (the joystick felt impossibly mushy here!). Super fun title!!
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