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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. After Burner II is correct! You made it on the board! I will post another in the next day or two.
  2. My guess is most retro gamers have seen this before. It's a pretty well known game.
  3. Time to go One on One with Ep 343: Jordan Vs Bird (Genesis)
  4. Thanks Rick! I was hoping you all would like it. I've seen similar games played on facebook and I myself played similar games on the Retro League forums and wanted to bring something similar with my own little spin here. I plan to post another screenshot tomorrow!
  5. Jordan vs Bird is correct! It comes from the slam dunk selection screen: SS gets the first point!
  6. Nope. Hint #2: The box art features two signatures
  7. Great Guess! (I see what you did there), lol, but no... Hint: EA game
  8. Welcome to everyone's favorite game show, NSG's NAME THAT GAME! For this game, I will post either hints or a piece of a screenshot of a game I am about to review. In order to win, all you have to do is be the first to guess the game before I post my review! Every correct answer gets you a meaningless point! 2018 Point Totals RickR - 6 TrekMD- 4 Starbuck66 - 2 Arenafoot - 1 CrossBow - 1 jmjustin6 - 1 2017 Point Totals RickR - 17 Starbuck66 - 8 RadioPoultry - 6 jmjustin6 - 2 Ballblaɀer - 2 StormSurge - 2 Gemini Gamer - 2 greenween - 1 Lee - 1
  9. Man Rows! That is a lot of great stuff you got! That Pac-Man LCD game is quite the get! And whatever you do, don't mix the pop rock with Coke I will post what I put in later on. Also, for those of you interested, Junk Box 10 is scheduled to ship out on Sept 1st. A thread should be up for those who want to sign up in late August.
  10. Nothing new here, but I made this in an attempt to put everything vital we know so far about the Retron 77 into one, easy to digest video.
  11. I'm not a big fan of most Defender style games and the flickering seems to bother me more today than when I was a kid, but I did want to take part in the Challenge, so here's my sole submission: 93850
  12. Doh! I forget the certificate of authenticity
  13. Really dig the Tomy game. Those are so cool! New rule: No more Combats in the box...unless Rick hasn't got it yet
  14. This has to be better than DK on the Intellivision! Ep 342: Donkey Kong Junior (Intellivision)
  15. Overdue update, mostly adding some Intellivision games I'm looking for.
  16. Well, I'm guessing your didn't get it today, so hopefully tomorrow!
  17. Yeah, it's real & official, but that is in the planning sense. I think it will come out at some point, but at the same time, I must remind myself that for awhile, the Coleco Chameleon was also real in the same sense. One of my viewers brought this up, but could you imagine the reaction if Mike Kennedy ended up being behind the Atari Box...
  18. Hmm... I don't see difficulty switches or the color/B&W switch, which are need for some games. I wonder if there is some sort of in game menu you can access to get to those. Also, they put Pac-Man in backwards....or the cartridge slot backwards....
  19. I just think it's cool that Plan 9, which featured wrestler turned actor Tor Johnson, eventually led to one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid, George The Animal Steele, being cast in the Tim Burton film, Ed Wood. Seriously, it can be hard to tell these two apart in various pictures from their respective films. (I think George is in the top pic and Tor is in the bottom)
  20. Brace yourself for Ep 341: Donkey Kong (Intellivision)
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