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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. The Rare, Red Intellivision Demo Cart
  2. Are Adventure (Atari 2600) & The Legend of Zelda (NES) The Same Game?
  3. Ep 331: Spike's Peak (Atari 2600)
  4. I tried something new and put my finds from last Saturday in this video (along with the finds I already posted about from two Saturdays ago)
  5. Joy! I put three of those things in the box with you in mind, thinking you might like them! Glad they found a great home!!!
  6. Opps, DK Jr, was not suppose to be in there, but maybe I can do a quick review of it and send it your way! I will hold the other two for you and wait to see if you want any other titles I am posting later. Is there any certain games you are looking for?
  7. Here's a bunch of loose Intelly games I have available to trade or sell: The Imagic titles in the picture are Atlantis, Beauty and the Beast, Demon Attack, Ice Trek & Microsurgeon Still to come once I buy more q-tips to clean: more loose titles, CIB titles and extra manuals & overlays.
  8. Happy Saturday Morning! What are you going to watch?
  9. Mikey Likes It! (and I like the Fisher Price toys at the end!)
  10. Did any toy have a catchier tune than My Buddy? I never cared much for the doll, but man, that jingle got stuck in my head. (Bonus point for the "after these messages" jingle at the beginning)
  11. Arggh! Ok, allow me to point out three errors, imho 1) Describing E.T. as "Horrible, Horrible" - No. Not even close. I could name 50-100 games on the 2600 alone that are worse. And while some reviews when it came out gave it poor scores, it also got good reviews too. If they would have prefaced this statement "many believe", I'd be ok with that, but they stated it as fact. 2) Calling the game a retail "Flop" - It was a TOP TEN SELLER on a system with hundreds of game. That is not a flop. The decision to overproduce the game was a very foolish decision. If they decided to start out only producing a million copies to begin with (which would have been a lot at the time), it would've sold out and been considered a huge hit. 3) Atari programmers making bad games helped cause the decline of Atari - Really. Name five. E.T. was one of the earliest silver box games and a lot of those games are some of the best of the system. Yes, third parties were making bad game, but don't blame them or the programmers at Atari for Atari nosediving as far as business goes. Blame the business decisions they made, including overpaying for the E.T. licenses and over producing games beyond realistic expectations. With that being said, I recall HSW becoming a counselor, but I didn't realize he lost all of his ET money and was able to use his high/low life experiences to help others. Good stuff. Also, I think HSW knows it isn't as bad as it's reputation, but enjoys the notoriety that ET being labeled the worst game of all time brings. It gives him a ton of opportunities to talk about the past, which without ET, he may never have today. How many other Atari programmers do you know still get mainstream coverage like this?
  12. Whoopsie!!!! It looks like I accidentally forgot to pack these 3 loose, disc based games back in the box. (My kid just found them on the table that I pack the box on) Do y'all mind if I keep it a mystery and just throw them back in the next junk box?
  13. Re-organizing my Intellivision collection after buying about 100 games. I will soon have lots of doubles to trade.

  14. My family ended up with 5 of the 8 (with a lot of Princess Peaches), so I used ebay for the rest. And, you know me, I made a video reviewing them!
  15. Thank you to everyone here at the I/O who helped me reach reach 5,000 subscribers on the YouTube!

    1. Justin


      Congratulations No Swear!!!

    2. Willie!


      Keep up the great work! Love your channel!


  16. Yeah. Like I said a buck was worth it to me, since I usually would post the games in batches. Sometimes I posted 20, 30, 40 or even 50 games at a single time, so that's up to $50. Right now, I think I'm going to try making a massive lot of common games using a regional rate A box, which is usually not too bad for shipping. I know I've done it once or twice before. I may not make a ton of money, but at least I will get rid of a bunch of games at once.
  17. So recently I had a revelation when I sold a common 2600 game, Target Fun, on eBay. The cheapest games on eBay for almost any system, usually start at about $4 including shipping. For my commons, I have listed them for $3.94 for quite a while. My goal was to earn $1 after expenses for common games, and it used to be that I did. But when I rechecked how much money I cleared on Target Fun, I was in for a surprise. Allow me to break it down: Sale Price: $3.94 Money after PayPal fees of $0.30+ 2.9% of sale: $3.53 Money after cost of First Class Shipping (-$2.61): $0.92 Money after eBay Final Value Fee (10% of total sale including shipping):$0.53 Money after cost of bubble mailer (bought it bulk at $0.27 each):$0.26 So there you go. When all is said and done, I make about a quarter. Thankfully, I used a free listing, otherwise that would've cost another 30 cents just to list it, at which point the sale would lose me money. The total also doesn't count my time, or materials to clean the games or paper/toner/tape for shipping. And, if I ever had to take a return on a game, I'd need to sell about 16 games at the same price to break even. I believe the big problem is that shipping costs have rose. It was not too long ago that shipping one game cost less than $2. So what does that all mean? If I raise my prices, I most likely won't sell the game since everyone else is selling it for $4. That means it's time to either bundle the games in lots where I hope to make more per game or send them to AA for store credit. A quarter just isn't worth the time or effort.
  18. Got the box yesterday! Full of good stuff! This was the neatest packed box I've ever seen...until I got my hands on it and put some cool, uniquely shaped stuff inside. Box is going out to Willie today. Here's what I took out:
  19. Great plan including Secret Santa. And it seems the poll favors 3 Junk Boxes a year too. Since the current box will still be going in June, how about we plan for Retro Junk Box X in September? Of course, this isn't set in stone, but that sounds like it should work.
  20. For Trade or Sale, some recently reviewed games Loose Games: Venture Red, Venture Coleco, Survival Run, TRON Deadly Discs New: TRON Deadly Discs
  21. It has been my experience that most my Atari games (2600/7800) record dim. I almost always have to brighten them up. But nice video!
  22. One that wouldn't make my top four, but I still think it would be nice to see a new game from is the Space Harrier series.
  23. From last weekend. Not a lot of sales, but ended up with a few nice finds Playstation Controller - 50 cents (My son also got some free lego pieces and a matchbox car from a random box of stuff) Plant's vs Zombies DS - $1 The lady was getting rid of her girls DS and some games together. I wasn't interested in the system nor most of the game that involve taking care of ponies and such, but I did ask her if I could buy this one separate. Not only did she say yes for only a buck, but she also sent her kid to find the case since she only had the cart outside! Mad Magazine: The Board Game - $1 (I remember seeing this game as a kid, but never had the chance to play it) Disney DVDs - 10 for $15 (All DVDs at this sale were $2 each or 3 for $5, but I got an even better deal. I was most excited to get the 1st and 2nd Season Dinosaurs set, even if it is missing it's slipcase and has marker on the front. NOT THE MOMMA!)
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