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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. FYI: If anyone is interested, I put my defects on ebay in a lot and started the price low, just enough to cover the fees and maybe get a few bucks off of it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/252928797928?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. I celebrate hitting episode 333 by covering the threequel, Donkey Kong 3, for the NES.
  3. Funny you bring this up. I was just discussing this last night on a recording I did with The Retro League Podcast for their next episode. I'm only 2/3's through the first episode, but here are my thoughts. (some the same as Rows) Crows voice is great! Tom Servo is ok. Gypsy....what did they do to her?!?!?!? I wish the first episode set up the host getting trapped better. It seems like they glossed over it with him getting kidnapped and being like "Ok. Whatever." I like the new set, the reintroduction of the inventions and especially the new doors. I don't like how much they had Tom Servo flying around during the movie. Once every other film would be plenty. Overall I find the new series refreshing and worthy of the MST3K name. I still like Joel & Mike better and Tom Servo has lost his edge in this version, but I am slowly warming up to the new host and am glad MST3K is back in 2017.
  4. I'm back with another toy review covering The Jetsons Capsule Car by Hot Wheels.
  5. Yes, I sacrifice myself for my viewers at times...
  6. Happy to finally get Wonder Boy in Monster World for the Sega Genesis
  7. Cool! I wonder if anyone will think you're a mean Russian game trader!
  8. Last I checked, you can download the kindle version for free at amazon.
  9. In regards to Atari Games doing well in the arcade, I won't argue that as I was focusing on the home division. And yes, Atari Corp did not do well with advertising. Jack was a big believer in print ads over TV ads, but to give him some credit, Atari did well against the Master System (who had a lot more TV exposure) in the states using his method. Also, we got this gem: Atari also did a poor job communicating with stores from what I understand post 1984, especially with the Jag. Hugues from the Retro League Podcast worked at EB during the time and mentioned how when it was released, they got a couple Jaguars out of the blue with no heads up and many people not knowing what it was. I've also heard stories of UK stores barely getting any systems to sell during the holiday system, even though they had customers who wanted them.
  10. Since today is May the 4th, I made a video covering my 4 favorite Star Wars figures growing up: What about you? What were your favorite Star Wars figures from the 70's-80's?
  11. Happy May the 4th!

  12. Staying Current - During the 2600 era, it seemed that a lot of current hits made the system. But with the 5200, they simply rehashed 2600 games. From then on, Atari always seemed to be a couple years behind as far as getting current arcade games or getting the games gamers wanted (like platformers during the NES era). Even the Jag seemed to get NBA Jam TE far after other systems got it and the MK3 talks didn't seem to happen until after others systems got it as well. Having Good Pack-In's - Combat was genius at the time, because it had lots of variations, but required a second player. This meant a lot of neighbors got exposed to the 2600. (This was most likely the only time this would work). But Super Beakout seemed outdated in the 5200 as did Pole Position 2. And I know it's a good game that gets a lot of love hear, but California Games on the Lynx was based on a title that already appeared on many other systems. And Cybermorph wasn't able to outshine Star Fox in most players eyes. Being Innovative - Atari was trying everything when it first started from systems to robots to the Cosmos to the mind link and more. But after Warner bought it and later sold it, innovation died. Yeah, the Lynx was cool, but Epyx made it, not Atari. They did try to do the VR thing, but odds are it would have been a better idea to make the Jag disc based to start with. Also, they never really made a new, great game franchise after the 2600 days.
  13. Yes they are! Especially, when they don't have those weird squiggly lines that some of them get.
  14. It was just posted on ebay but still available. http://www.ebay.com/itm/292102107902?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Were you interested in trading? I can pull it if you are.
  15. They should've of at least packed-in Mzzzz. Pac-Man. It was right there!
  16. Just tried it again. About the second level being one of the hardest second levels in gaming, well, the results are in and it turns out it is.... Lol, naturally most of what we discuss in the retro community is based on opinions. But that's also what makes being a part of the community so fun!
  17. As some of you know, I was able to get my hands on an Intellivsion Demonstration Cart. In this video I talk a little about it and show it in action.
  18. Argg. This game has one of the hardest second levels in the history of games. Each jump has to be perfect and you don't even have a jump button. There were a few times I walked right over the edge of a ledge. I actually find the third level easier than the second. Oh well. After several tries, here's my best game. 19,100
  19. Can I be put somewhere in the middle? I want some time to try to get a few more potential items for the box!
  20. When I review it, I will have to try it with the Track & Field controller.
  21. Here are some Vidpro Display cards I'm getting ready to sell. I'd value these between $15-$20 a piece, but they are hard to price and available for trade as well.
  22. I got some games I've really wanted for a while. First: G.I. Joe on the NES (I remember really enjoying this when my friend rented it growing up.) Next, He-Man, Shark, Shark and Thunder Castle, all CIB for the Inty (bought separately, some poor boxes helped me get good deals).
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