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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Woot! Thank you BB! That was some serious Velma skills you showed!
  2. So I bought this pair of mysterious joysticks. There were labeled as 7800 joysticks, which is why I bought them since I've never seen them before. However they are not, since both buttons work the same. Most likely, they were made with the 2600 in mind. If you want to see more pictures or have any idea who made them, please see this thread: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/3041-need-help-identifying-atari-2600-joysticks/ EDIT: THANKS TO BALLBLAZER FOR LETTING ME KNOW THESE MOST LIKELY CAME FROM A SPANISH FUNVISION ATARI 2600 JR CLONE SYSTEM.
  3. So I bought these joysticks, which were labeled Atari 7800 joysticks, but are not (both buttons do the same thing). They have proline look with a diamond texture on top that is almost painful to touch. On the bottom it just says, Made in Taiwan. The knob is pretty big and heavy, while the base is pretty light. Any idea who made these or what they are called?
  4. I just wanted to give some more props to StormSurge! I have a small stack of NES manuals, that I keep alphabetized. I went to get the manuals I got from StormSurge to organize and put in my stack, and surprise, surprise, he alphabetized them too! I didn't realize it when I unboxed them, but boy, does that make organizing them soo much easier. (& it turns out, most of them are manuals I didn't have!) BONUS POINTS FOR STORMSURGE
  5. Hate to say it, but if it's happening on both systems, it sounds like a defective disc.
  6. Get Ready! for my next pickup: That's right. Another loose 32X game. This time it's Space Harrier. I've heard that this is a pretty good port so I'm glad to have finally found one at a decent price.
  7. Actually it might not be a bad idea to take off the next month and start the next Junk Box around May or June to give everyone a chance to replenish their stash.
  8. I'm not sure yet, but let's go with the year 20XX!
  9. Next up is Atomic Robo Kid for the Sega Genesis. This is one of those games that attracted me from afar in the early days of the Genesis due to magazine screen shots and the weird box art, but never enough to rent or buy. This one is a former Blockbuster rental with label damage (might be why I got it for a good price). Rental code N? Perhaps it's a new release!!! I'll post more in the days to come, saving some of the best for last!
  10. Man, a HD Genesis, Ghostbusters and Manual! Good Stuff! Pretty much. You can play without it, but you won't get far.
  11. I also wonder if psychologically it might be a little harder for us gamers to deal with mortality, since we tend to play games that constantly give us extra lives, continues, save files and the ability to reset at anytime. That could make it harder to come to grips with the single life we are all given. I'm sure it doesn't apply to all gamers, but there might be something to it. Just a random thought.
    1. DCG


      I'm thinking either the silver label or text label.

    2. RickR


      You know what? It IS hard to choose! Whichever one has the best condition label.


  12. First off all, my heart goes out to you and your fam Rick, and I'm glad your ok Sean. I'm not a big fan of roadside memorials any more than I would be if someone put an X where someone dropped dead in a house, school or store. They may slow down some drivers, but my guess is they cause more of a distraction. For the most part, even though there are things I still want to accomplish in this life, I'm perfectly at peace with my own mortality and what lies beyond. And both my wife and I have term life insurance, so if anything happened in the near future, we'd be able to grieve without worrying about money so much. Imagine raising four kids and trying to pay all the bills as a single parent while grieving at the same time. No thanks. However, this post did remind me of few things I should get done sooner than later: 1) Get wills done for my wife and I so that if we both died together, our kids would be set up with who we'd want them to be raised by. 2) Get an "I love you" paper done for my wife, so if I did die, she'd know how to access the stuff I mostly handheld, like bank accounts and such. So basically a list of were to go and what passwords to use. 3) Spend more time with the kids. Especially, one on one time, which is not always easy with multiple kids. 4) Take better care of myself physically, if for no other reason than my family's sake. It may not be fun to think about this stuff, but if anything did happen, it would be very beneficial for the family.
  13. Starting on March 5th, I had an amazing week on eBay (actually more like 5 days). Not only did I find some cool stuff at good prices, but I also sold enough to cover my purchases. On this thread, I'm going to share some of my purchases as I open them up and test them. First up, Shadow Squadron for the Sega 32x. I got this for a great deal loose. I remember having a blast playing this at a friends house when it first came out. I recall that it had a great two player mode and was actually more fun than the 32x Star Wars game!
  14. Ep 326: James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing (Sega Genesis)
  15. Wow Rows! That's some great stuff!!! StormSurge is definitely the current leader for the 2017 Willie! Award For Generosity!
  16. I got a Retro Treasure Box from StormSurge Today!

  17. THAT WAS FAST!!!! Spoiler Alert: I'm working on a review of Buster Douglas Boxing, which I got from Rick, and the manual came just in time. And manuals in general are really helpful to me, since a get a lot of games loose, and when I want to review them, I have to hope to find a manual scan online, which in the case of Buster Douglas Boxing, I couldn't find at all (I was using a picture of the arcade marquee for Final Blow, for my research, lol). This box was awesome! THANK YOU STORMSURGE!!!!!
  18. I beginning to think that Rows is a MST3K Redox Robot...and that's awesome!!!!
  19. Wow. I do believe this is the fastest the box has ever gone! Only one more coast to coast trip and the box will be heading home to finish it's journey. Get ready MZ! UPDATED LIST Atari Creep MA Atari Brian NY Jmjustin6 GA Rowsdower TX Correagonzalez NY RickR OR Ballblazer MD Malakzero CA NSG TN
  20. Welcome to the forums dave! Great to see you here! This is an interesting situation as both Bill and Michael have some credibility to their names. I know in the past, Keith Robinson has tried over and over to be able to republish the Tron games, but Disney always wanted too much. Perhaps, however, a deal is in place, but it hasn't officially been finalized.
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