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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. This is a nice surprise! I made a video to let my viewers know and plugged the site & gave you a special thanks in it, af! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUuCUlU8kYI
  2. Yup, both the Seal Circus and Sears Space Battle were meant for you! I really dig some of the Intellivision Sears art! Really has it's own vibe.
  3. And that's the game folks!!! Great score! I will have to give this another go later.
  4. I'll break the ice. 2 0244.5 This is one tough game! Props to anyone who can get passed day 5 and earn the patch!
  5. Looking forward to seeing what you took out Rick! Hope you found something good! The box is moving at record speed! Bob Lazer is next up! UPDATED LIST Atari Creep MA Atari Brian NY Jmjustin6 GA Rowsdower TX Correagonzalez NY RickR OR Ballblazer MD Malakzero CA NSG TN
  6. I'll be the weird one and post feedback here this time! First, a brief back story: During the turn of the century, I worked a summer, youth work program run at an inner city church. The basement of the church was used as an area for the youth to hang out and contained four or five original arcade games, all set on free play, including a Pole Position, Donkey Kong and a Neo Geo cabinet with Bust a Move. The condition of the cabinets wasn't the greatest and the kids pretty much ignored them, but for me, it ended up being the first, and so far only times I played Donkey Kong or Pole Position in their original arcade format. Job perk! Back to the Neo Geo. I was able to open the cabinet and actually see the cartridge it runs on. In the last episode, I believe you mentioned that the cartridges for both the arcade machines and home system are the same, but they are not. The cartridges for the AES home system look like a supersized cross between Genesis and SNES cartridges: The cartridges for the MVS arcade system look more like large, VHS tapes and lack artwork: Also, I don't believe they will work in both systems without an adapter of some sort. I for one wouldn't mind hearing about more Neo Geo titles as your show continues. Yes there are a lot of fighting games, but it would be interesting to hear about the differences between the original Double Dragon and the Neo Geo Double Dragon. And there are some other Neo Geo non-fighting games that may make for an interesting show such as Bomber Man: Panic Bomber, Crossed Swords, Cyber Lip, Spinmaster, Super Dodgeball, The Super Spy, Viewpoint, Windjammers and the Metal Slug games. I'm sure they'd be more enjoyable than Prof. Pac-Man
  7. Welcome! .....and now I feel even older!
  8. Score one for the good guys! Actually, I was shocked that kamakazi didn't surprise us at the last second with a higher score!
  9. I've heard many mentions of 7800 Gauntlet, but of course no evidence that anything really got started on it. That's the first mention of Turrican on the 7800 I've heard. With all the sprites the 7800 could fit on screen, it might have worked, although it seems more like a 16 bit title to me and the Turrican name wasn't all that strong in the US. (They turned Turrican 2 into Universal Soldiers for the Genesis). But again, that sounds like nothing more than a rumor. I wonder how easy it would be start a new 7800 rumor? Hey! Did you hear about the Dragon's Lair game in development for the ill-fated Atari 7800 Laser Disc add on? Rumor has it that Atari made a prototype that Jack Tramiel ended up putting in a playroom for his grand kids after he bought the company.
  10. Ep 324: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (Sega Genesis)
  11. Tiger Handheld Electronic Baseball LCD Game
  12. Ep 323: Joe Montana's NFL Football (Sega CD)
  13. Growing up I played a lot of Math Munchers in school. That and Oregon Trail were my two favorite school games at the time.
  14. 2017 Hot Wheels K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider
  15. In honor of Pi Day, what's your favorite math related video game?
  16. I recall Crazy Brix piquing my interesting when I was working on my Jinks episode.
  17. We finally know the big item Creep put in! That Nintendo Power is great! And I dig that Sega Genesis controller with full size turbo buttons on top. UPDATED LIST Atari Creep MA Atari Brian NY Jmjustin6 GA Rowsdower TX Correagonzalez NY RickR OR Ballblazer MD Malakzero CA NSG TN
  18. So I did another Mt. Rushmore video, this time covering the best pack-in video games of all time. Please note, these are not necessarily my favorites, but rather the games that I thought did the best job of selling their systems. So, what four pack-in games do you think did the best job of selling their systems?
  19. It also works well with a controller, if you don't want to use a light gun. Both it and crossbow allow the controller to be used. The other games mentioned do not, but aren't that great. And if you want a new light gun, Best Electronics sells an Atari compatible one that works just as well as the original (Both have aim that is slightly off, but easy to get use of) and for about the same prices as a used XG1. If your handy, you can also mod a Sega Light Phaser for the Master System.
  20. As far as the 7800 goes, Alien Brigade might be one of the best 8-bit light gun games ever made for any system, but it is a bit bloody and pricey. It is pretty similar to Operation Wolf, but with aliens. I would avoid Meltdown, Barnyard Blaster and Sentinel on the 7800 but recommend Crossbow and, ironically, the 2600 version of Sentinel. Some other light guns games I enjoyed include Virtua Cop 1& 2 with the Sega Saturn & Stunner, T2 with the Menacer on the Genesis and Duck Hunt, off course.
  21. Wow! I had a pretty good week selling and buying on ebay. Looking forward to sharing some of my finds in the near future.

    1. RickR


      Cool. I'm happy to have sold a few things too.


    2. Rowsdower70


      I finally sold some stuff that had been up for a while. Maybe something is in the water!

  22. Wow! I forget that LOTR made it to VHS! Silly me! Dig the TMNT tapes
  23. That Tetris light really pulls the room together! Feel free to post a close up shot of your game shelf some time!
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