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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Actually, I think that claim was a visual claim and had nothing to do with the music (how dumb is that)
  2. Dig Dug is one of my favs! Glad I could help add that and others to your collection!!! Who knows about that pac-man. I think I got it mixed in a recent lot off of the bay, so it could have come from anywhere. That Pitfall really likes YouTubers. It belonged to Willie from Arcade USA before me. Oh, and it's not just a Care Bears VHS....it's Care Bears The Movie!!! (Totally fine you took it out to make room. I wasn't sure if anyone would take it, but thought it might get a laugh or two from people who saw it in the box!) Looking forward to seeing what bulky item you added to the box. I'm going with a Sega Activator!!!
  3. It depends. It may be the owners aren't aware of it..yet..OR...the owners are ignoring it or don't care...OR...they got permission...OR..they aren't getting away with it. A claim could've been put on the video and now they owners of the music are making money off of youtube creators video. Right now, Nintendo makes money off of my Super Mario 3 review video, I don't get a cent. I believe it's fair use and would get overturned in court, but I don't have the time or money to fight their claim.
  4. If you didn't write it, the original author (or company who owns the song) can claim it, unless they clearly gave you permission or stated it's royalty free. Technically, this applies to 8 bit and 16 bit music from games too, although nowadays, a lot of people write their own music in this style. Also the music that appears in games you review should be covered under fair use, but occasionally claims are still made.
  5. That sad thing is is that the game came out when the Jag was pretty much dead when it came out. And at the time, retro wasn't as in as it is now and Atari characters would not have added much appeal to the general public. However it would've been cool if they did add some old Atari characters with matching stages: (I will copy some, but I won't include Atari Games characters, since it was a different company, even though they had a good, working relationship with Atari Corp.) Adventure Square outside the Yellow Castle, using the bridge to jump, magnets that pull the cars of the track and dragons to eat the karts. Yar, driving on the neutral zone similar to the rainbow roads in Mario Kart. Ninja from Ninja Golf, driving through a golf course, and underwater! Charley Chuck with pot holes on the course with random chefs popping up. Desert Falcon on a pyramid themed course. Pole Position course where the Pole Position car drove a kart Sentinel orb on a space course Tempest U driving on a rotating tempest tube. Centipede Elf driving through a mushroom forest Haunted House eyes in a (duh) Haunted House Combat Tank on a very basic course Outlaw guy on a generic desert course with cacti
  6. We have lift off! The box is now headed to Creepville, USA. Happy Early Birthday! I'm honored to help build your Atari collection. I tried to only put in Atari games I didn't think you had (Plus one of my personal favorite games growing up). I also put in a bunch of non Atari games, but I have no idea if you need them or not. Please, feel free to take all you want!!!! I will pm you the tracking info later.
  7. Great minds think alike! I posted this pic on my facebook page way back in 2014 https://www.facebook.com/thenosweargamer/photos/a.606942576069166.1073741828.606285779468179/722137807882975/?type=3&theater
  8. Hold it down for several seconds to turn it off. Tap to Reset.
  9. My hope is to ship it out early next week! Here's the order so far. I tried to mix it up from last time, but I did put Creep first since I have more games for his collection! Atari Creep MA Atari Brian NY Jmjustin6 GA Rowsdower TX Correagonzalez NY RickR OR Ballblazer MD Malakzero CA NSG TN *awaiting final confirmation
  10. Btw, I was surprised that no one took the ps2 slim. I was tempted, but decided to let someone else have a shot at it, since I have a ps2 phat. My guess is several others felt the same way.
  11. A Saturn game & Entex Baseball? Nice! And, LOL, I had the Star Wars Quiz Whiz at one time! I bought it around the same time I got a Game.com at the store. Both were marked down and represented the end of Tiger
  12. The ending isn't the greatest but I really enjoyed the throwback to the original Pitfall in the Mayan Adventure ending:
  13. Great Job hosting the box cg! Gangster Town is a Light Gun game, I believe. And I really dig that Radio Shack game. I took a picture of what I put in, but for whatever reason, I can't find it. So here's what I put in, to the best of my memory: Q*bert NES Riddle of the Sphinx 2600 Complete Pit Fighter Lynx Classic Arcade Pinball Plug n Play A bunch of manuals including Spider Fighter, Multi Language Yars Revenge, ET and a 2600 System manual Frogger 2600, no label Radio Shack Slots LCD game And I also sent a separate package to creep with the following 2600 games: River Raid, Othello, Millipede, Basketball, Freeway & Pole Position II (7800) plus the manuals to River Raid and PP2. I may have put another item or two in the box as well, but I can't remember for sure.
  14. I just passed 4,000 subscribers!!! Thanks everyone for all the help!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MaximumRD


      Congrats man you deserve every single one! And you got there doing what you LOVE right? Who could ask for more?

    3. DCG



    4. Atari Creep
  15. Here is some info on the upcoming box: It is starting out with over 40 items Almost half the items are games including including complete games, a boxed game and games with manuals There are games for 7 different systems, plus items representing other systems as well There are 2 retro themed movies, not to mention toys from other movies and shows One item represents a retro property that has lasted since the 30's!
  16. The 2016 Hot Wheels Minecraft Minecart
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