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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. There was also a guy who posted on their FB page, that he canceled his pledge (Don't know how you do that on the site they are on). From reading some of the comments under his post, apparently he was a pretty big supporter of theirs, but has not like how things have turned out. I wouldn't be surprised if others followed his lead. I was going to post what he said, but guess what? They (Retro VGS) no longer allow people to post to their page, only to respond to their posts. In addition, it seems they have started responding to some of the criticism by name calling. They called the criticism from Pat's show "Drunken Commentary". Even if everyone on that show was severely under the influence of something, it's best to respect their opinion rather than respond like that. Either address it directly or ignore it. They also have started calling some of their critics "haters" and seemingly blaming them, but when doing so, did not make it clear if any criticism is valid. (see pic below) When you put out something this ambitious, you will have people who have valid questions and criticisms. Name me one system that didn't? If you start attacking part of your target audience instead of trying to win them back, you not only alienate them, but also people who have honest questions about the system, but think they are being called haters even if they are not. I hate to say this, but this is getting ugly. I think there was a portion of gamers who had fair questions, but felt ignored or belittled for their opinions. And I think some of the Retro VGS people are feeling frustrated at the lack of support after working very hard to get their project up and might be starting to lash back. This is getting ugly. Hopefully they can turn the ship around.
  2. Donkey Kong (2600) Donkey Kong (7800) Classic Games Overload (3DS)
  3. It looks like for the most part, after the initial funding, contributions have stopped. In the past four days, they have only raised $5,000 at this has not budged the 3% raised mark. If this doesn't improve soon, they may want to consider pulling the project and rethink on how to make the VGS successful.
  4. Ep 197: Commmando (NES)

  5. I have relisted several items with lower prices and adding a bunch of Atari 2600 games, some titles which I never listed before and several 99 cent games.
  6. Campaign is live: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/retro-vgs#/story
  7. At-At Commander built a fort out of the Awesome Trade I got from Rowsdower (The Detroit Lions card included is playing Hide n Seek....and is currently winning)
  8. Been a while! May latest videos include reviews of 2600 River Raid, 7800 Pete Rose Baseball, 2600 Bugs, 2600 Journey Escape, 7800 Crossbow as well as a cool 2600 lot unboxing and what I put into a Retro Junk Box (phew..)
  9. Monopoly (DS) Crypts of Chaos (2600) & Game #200
  10. Ep 196: Crossbow on the Atari 7800

  11. Here's some more from the VGS guys: Time for damage control First off, Indiegogo has been courting us for the past 4 months and have gone above and beyond doing whatever they can to get our campaign running over there. They have been accommodating and pro-active with us while Kickstarter could care less about what I feel could be a very substantial campaign. Next, to address the prototyping situation and Kickstarter. We've had a variety of conversations directly with them, especially since OUYA never showed anything near a prototype, and also after seeing a current (laughable) campaign like this get approved: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/158432866/nomo-android-game-console-without-microtransaction?ref=discovery They have indicated that they don't really require a "working" prototype even though their policies clearly state otherwise. We have received their approval but are still moving away from them since they wouldn't actually change that verbiage to accommodate our (and I am sure other legitimate hardware ventures) situation. And we don't want to raise any red flags with potential backers not understanding exactly where we are in our development process. Next, Indiegogo also offers a Fixed Funding option which works just like Kickstarter. We don't get the money unless we reach our minimum goal. So please don't immediately jump to conclusions without learning more about that venue Guys, we have dedicated over a year getting to the point we are today. Everything is in place to prepare us for the more costly prototyping phase. I have confidence in my team who have a career in software/hardware development to deliver in spades and ship this product within a years time. So just check out our campaign when it goes live and make your decisions based on all the final information. We will be bringing our backers on the front lines of console development, from the extensive prototyping to production and everything in between via weekly updates and videos. Hey, Indiegogo also accepts Paypal so that is a good perk as well. Hold tight and stay positive. We are getting ready to turn it on soon. Just a few last minute things need to fall into place. Hoping for a Saturday activation.
  12. Yup, no prototype and apparently that goes against the rules of Kickstarter, hence the switch.
  13. Yes it is! My original recording got messed up, so I had to re-record it. The audio on the podcast and the video you will see in my eventual review came from my recording that night.
  14. Episode 18 covering Ace of Aces & Mean 18 Ultimate Golf is now out on the feed, iTunes and YouTube: The next episode will cover Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. As always, you can send text or audio feedback on these games, previously covered or general Atari 7800 stories and thoughts, both past and present to atari7800podcast@aol.com. I will be taking a break for a little bit while I have some family in town, but plan to release the next episode in about 4 weeks. This is a great time to get caught up on old episode and send in any feedback you got!
  15. The Atari 7800 GBG Podcast Ep 18: Ace of Aces & Mean 18 Golf is now on iTunes, Stitcher & YouTube:

  16. I understand both points, but the fact is any company making a consumer product asks the customer to grow the business by giving them a desired product at an attractive price. Typically, businesses don't ask for donations but for investors who will financially profit if the company succeeds. Getting in and staying in the console business is tough. Just ask Coleco, Mattel, Magnavox NEC, 3DO, Sega, Atari and many others. I'm a retro fan. There are a lot of things I like about the VGS. I like the guys behind it. I want it to succeed. But as someone who is familiar with the history of gaming, I know that it is foolish to buy a system based on promises of what is to come without any firm evidence that it will come out or a proven track record. Ironically, the Atari Jaguar, from which the VGS system shell is based, is a prime example of this and they had more support and a better track record. They promised a VR system, an all in one CD and cartridge system, real hits like Mortal Kombat 3 and even a Jaguar 2. Even the Tiny Toon's game originally shown when it first came out never surfaced. If you bought the system based on the promises, you would've been disappointed. Originally they were going for a cartridge based system that could produce up to Neo Geo graphics. There were talks of bringing new games from popular franchises to the system. The goal price was $150. This excited me. I was very much considering saving up to buy one. Now the price has doubled so, from what I understand, it can be able to do more. But most of the titles announced can already be purchased elsewhere and no established franchises from the past have been announced. Not only has my excitement waned, but now I couldn't afford one if I wanted. I wish they would have stuck to the original plan and if that was successful, then they could've announced a follow up system. Perhaps it would have also been more economical to wait for some tech prices to lower. The timing is also bad because right now at Walmart for the same early bird price you can buy a Wii-U with Mario Maker and pixelated Mario Amiibo. Of course for a little more you could get a Xbox One or PS4 or you could get a 3DS (my current favorite system) with some games. So basically, let's pretend I had an extra $300 in my pocket. I could buy: 1) A bunch of retro games and maybe some systems I don't have like a Colecovision or Atari XE 2) The Wii-U Mario Maker Bundle 3) The Retro VGS basic set I'm sorry, but right now #3 would be trailing.
  17. Ep 195: Journey Escape (Atari 2600)

  18. Ep 194: Bugs (Atari 2600)

    Which will also be on the next The Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast
  19. No prob! The box had some extra room, so I turned it into a mini junk box.
  20. Ep 193: Pete Rose Baseball (Atari 7800)

  21. Oh wow, was that your autograph?!?!?! Sorry! I am terrible at reading those! BTW, here's the video they were talking about:
  22. Time to sign up the Retro Junk Box! See the thread posted in the Events section!

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