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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Thanks Rows! Pac likes his new chew toy too!
  2. The Sarge is happy with his new recruits. Thanks Rick!
  3. Wait!!! What??? You mean I got stuck with the REGULAR RAM version!?!?! Drat.
  4. Hmm...some of those look familiar
  5. You know you have too many games when you find games you forgot you had.

    1. StormSurge


      That's always a great feeling!

  6. Here are what's left of my games for trade on the 2600 that hasn't hit ebay yet.
  7. FYI, most of my 2600 games that didn't get trade (Thanks Rick and Rows!) have now been listed on ebay, however you are always free to search my ebay for possible trades.
  8. Just listed a bunch of stuff, mostly 2600 games including some obscure titles like Taz, Gremlins, Super Baseball and Solaris.
  9. FYI - It seems y'all like it better when I embed everything, instead of links, even if it was posted elsewhere, so I will be returning to that method. Ep 206: Donkey Kong NES
  10. Yeah I missed #1 and #4, but when I saw what games they were from, it made sense as I haven't spent much time on those two. I do have #1, I might be missing #4, but I would like to get it one day to review.
  11. Finally got a copy of Fishing Derby! A possible candidate for ep 250....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rowsdower70
    3. greenween


      One of my earliest Atari memories. Played this with my best friend all the time!

    4. louisg


      I love Fishing Derby! And I don't even like real-life fishing!

  12. Mountain King & Title Match Pro Wrestling are spoken for
  13. Just came in. Let me know if you want more pictures of certain game. Still need to test, but usually Atari games are built like tanks. There is also a Smurf with a bad label in the mix and Fishing Derby is MINE!!!!!
  14. Fight Night 7800 Mario Bros. GBA Mario Bros. 7800
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