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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. That reminds me of one of my favorite 90s SNL skits. Norm McDonald plays a long reigning champion on an honor system based Bible game show. 😄 https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/clara-turleys-bible-challenge/2861287
  2. Yes, although nothing beats real trakballs and paddles
  3. They're mostly 2600 titles, but several arcade titles included too.
  4. I've played it on a DS greatest hits cart and enjoyed it. It's one of those Atari arcade titles that are not as well known as the big hits, possibly because it didn't get a 2600 port. I recall there being a rumor that Atari was thinking off rebooting the Major Havoc character for the Jaguar, but I don't know how true that was.
  5. Checking out the recently released Tetris mini arcade by Basic Fun.
  6. No Trek Yet? I'll fix that! The cartoon had a good one too!
  7. Actually Atari Corp made a bunch of 7800 systems after selling the warehouse stock. It sold better than many people give them credit for, it's just that the NES really dominated the market (some reports indicate over 1 million 7800 systems sold, some years outselling the Sega Master System in the US). Actually finding an original 7800 made by WB Atari is pretty hard to do. So despite what the T's said about the evils of gaming, they had no problem making and selling video games. I will say 3rd party support was rare outside of the NES due to the way Nintendo contracts worked. The 7800 had about the same amount of 3rd party support as the Master System in the US. With that being said, just imagine what could've been if the T's encourage 3rd party support. And yes, the 7800 was a very capable machine, outside of the internal sound chip. Just look at Ballblazer versus the Famicom version, or Alien Brigade versus Operation Wolf.
  8. 66550 Woot! Won the pole for the first time and made it to lap 4!
  9. 54480 Small improvement. It feels like a game of inches right now.
  10. Thanks to everyone who took part! I was blown away by the amount of participation. The package has been shipped! And yes, I plan to do another contest here, possibly sooner rather than later, so stay tuned to the site and my channel...
  11. The TurboDuo is on my dream wish-list. However the price of systems and games seem crazy, and have been for a while. Maybe one day...
  12. Thanks Lance! 👍 That's probably the best info I ever heard about Froggo. Funny thing about the T's: Thinking games are evil while at the same time hiring people to make and sell them, and also treating a third parties so poorly. Maybe that's why there was a lack of third parties for the late 80s 2600, 7800, Lynx and Jaguar. I suppose I could create a conspiracy theory that they did this on purpose to scare away other companies so that they were they only ones making money off of their systems. 😁 So Froggo was basically a one man operation that quietly closed up shop, probably when the business was on the decline. I wonder if he left while owing people money or paid-for products. This might also explain why his never went public about who he is or what he did, like many other game programmers have done. It also makes me wonder if there were prototypes of Pyromania and Night of the Ninja. Water Ski & Tank Command, while not must-have games, where actually pretty solid for original 7800 titles. I never realize Froggo made controllers for the NES. I wonder if they did anything else I'm unaware of.
  13. Congrats @The Mighty Omega!!! You won the drawing! Please send me a US address through the messenger system here to claim your prize. If I don't hear from you within 3 days, I may have to choose another winner.
  14. Knowing you @Atari Creep, my guess is you'll be tracking this one down!
  15. Thank you and you're very welcome! What's crazy is I still have around 100 more in my collection to review! 😲
  16. Bummer! Your model must have been one of the weird ones. I recall playing it in mine 😞 Coolest 2600 game you say? But seriously
  17. Update: I have now reviewed and ranked 235 Atari 2600 games!
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