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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Good topic. I'm going to find time to watch these videos. I posted it in the "pickups" thread, but I recently picked up a Neo Geo mini and have been enjoying it. I love how the games are pure arcade versions.
  2. The thing I appreciate most is the positive discussion here. On social media, I see people going over the deep end. I feel about this just as I do about the Amico -- let them release what they want and let the market decide. And how cool is it that they fixed the issues noted on the web site?
  3. A bit of additional info that Howard Scott Warshaw posted on Facebook:
  4. Who knew? I'm going to give this a try on the computer version. Thanks!
  5. I'm also not aware about this cheat, but I'd love to learn about it!
  6. We have some great ideas here! I never in my right mind would have thought I'd be excited for the Swordquest games....but here we are.
  7. Looks good! Once you've got that spacing down, nothing prevents you from making all the other overlays. Nice work. The only other really complex overlay that I can think of is "Defender". That one uses all but one button. I know because that's the game I use most of the time to test the keypad on controllers I get in.
  8. I still don't have a good Genesis pad. I need to refurbish the two I have or buy something better. I'm using the Retron controller, which is ok.
  9. Now THIS is a great idea! How about they add in little charm replicas of the 4 (or 5?) prizes. Chalice, crown, sword, etc. That's something a respectable nerd could not say no to.
  10. Gotta push em all. It's what I do best. Push buttons.
  11. You ever see this? A really nice set of fixes for ET that you can download and play. http://www.neocomputer.org/projects/et/
  12. Interesting. Seems pretty steep in price if you want the box then. Well, something to think about.
  13. Very cool. Do you really think the Standard versions are boxed with manual? If so, that seems like a fair price. But their website was a bit confusing.
  14. It may work just fine with a digital joystick. I haven't tried it. Next time I get my 5200 out, I will. This is a game that gets overlooked. But on the Atari 8-bit, this was the "killer-app" that sold a ton of systems. Released in 1979.
  15. I've got a few end-labels to create. 


    labels 001.JPG

  16. I find these old games to be good stress relief. So thankful to have this outlet.
  17. Oh, and I think we should add +1000 to @TrekMD's score for passing his board exams!
  18. That was a fun one, and I think I have a new favorite variation of Super Breakout! Thank you for hosting, and great job to @chas10eand everyone else!
  19. Everything you need is here: https://atariage.com/software_page.php?SoftwareLabelID=664
  20. One thing I can suggest on the 5200 is the one game on the system that is an absolute classic. A masterpiece. A top 10 hall of fame game. But you have to spend a lot of time exploring all that it has to offer: Star Raiders. No other system of that era could do this game. C64? Nope. Colecovision? No way. And the 5200 version is an improvement over the classic 8-bit version (it has bug fixes and analog controls). Please give it a go. You'll need the manual and an overlay. Pretend you are your favorite Star Trek captain. I tend to overlook this one myself, as I'm so used to playing it on the 800XL instead. But this one game makes the 5200 worthwhile all by itself.
  21. A quick update - I traded in the 27" monitor for a 24" and am much happier. It fits better.
  22. Play. Play and enjoy the games. I'm in the same mode, except that selling stuff off has been my priority. Playing the games has been priority #2. And I'm loving it so much.
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