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Everything posted by RickR

  1. 929900 I finally beat that last boss. Thanks for the tips. Man o man is this game awesome.
  2. I voted yes on your score. I plan on trying a few more rounds later today.
  3. Nester's Funky Bowling was the very first VB game I ever tried (at the first retro-gaming show I ever attended). When I got my VB, that is the one game I knew I wanted to get. Also one of my favorites.
  4. I love the VirtualBoy and it looks like you got a really nice one.
  5. I think that's awesome. I keep reminding folks that "people I know and trust" say the VCS is good. I want to try one out and maybe then take the plunge.
  6. Good, good. Keep up the good work. Cheers.
  7. Two? Oh man! We need 52! I've been trying to get people on-board to the TG-16 Soldier Blade on Facebook. Lots of chatter, but no action. Getting people to actually play is HARD.
  8. Homebrew double-ender is a fantastic and fun idea. Congrats to you.
  9. Is there any way to add a fridge with sodas and a pizzeria?
  10. This reminds me of this TV show. The MAD Magazine parody was titled "Eight is Too Much". 🙂
  11. I think the "dual cart" thing makes it special. I'm going to check out those videos after work and thank you for the ETSY link.
  12. 780,600 The issue is I haven't figured out how to defeat that boss at the end. I'll keep trying.
  13. 765,200 -- Getting better but I should read your tips. Getting a TG-16 is one of my best retro-gaming decisions. It's seriously a severely underrated system! Thank you for the little push to get one and also the gamedrive cart.
  14. 713,300 This game is awesome! So satisfying to blow everything up.
  15. The new badges are fun. I think I'm at 10.
  16. RickR

    RickR Trip Blog - Reno

    And this one reminded me of the gift Mr. Miyagi gave to Daniel-san. Wax on, wax off.
  17. RickR

    RickR Trip Blog - Reno

    To avoid scratching the gold, I'll take one of these home instead.
  18. RickR

    RickR Trip Blog - Reno

    I wanted to hop in and drive home in it.
  19. This is a quick blog entry with just a few pictures from a short trip to Reno, NV. I'm not a gambler, so I visited several museums in the area and had a great time. Here are a few pics appropriate to this site from the National Automobile Museum (highly recommended if you like cars). They had tons of cars, all drool-worthy. But here are a few of the TV-based pieces they had.
  20. Wow! Nice haul. Which system is "Night Trap" for?
  21. Time to practice my legal skills. 


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