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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I'm going to save this for a future watch. I've gone down this path before, and building out the cabinet and controls is do-able. It always comes down to configuring retro-pi or whatever platform you choose to run. It just seems so finicky. You can get the main menu and a few favorites to work just fine, but then as you start expanding to other arcade games or other systems, the controls get all hosed. I've seen people get very excited to buy pre-build retro-pi builds and they are happy because everything works out of the box. But then shortly after, something gets hosed and they send out a "help" message. The response is always "I hope you backed up the SD card as it came". WTH. Too fragile. Or they can't get a certain game to run. "Oh, you need 0.35b of the rom, not 0.42". But no worries, I'm going to keep trying and keep researching until I find something that works and stays working. Thank you for posting.
  2. And of course, my crew of figures continues to grow.
  3. The only thing better than a Ferengi piggy bank would possibly by a Gringot's Goblin piggy bank. Maybe.
  4. Awesome write-up as usual. I love how the VCS games are reasonably priced as promised. I was thinking about jumping on at the recent $250 sale price for the VCS, but I don't have a microcenter near me. I'll keep my eyes open for similar deals.
  5. I value your opinion a lot, so thanks. It's interesting to me how CIB Jag games are easier to find decent deals on than loose carts alone.
  6. I just bought it. The P-Diddy connection was too good to pass up (actually, the seller offered $5 off. $35 shipped seems like a nice deal). I remember playing this game on PC and loving it.
  7. This auction features a cartridge with pee on it. Well, actually, it's the letter "P" in sharpie. I wonder if that means it's PAL? https://www.ebay.com/itm/203732558856?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=561d23162fc949b894aa6adbaa0de247&bu=43187582069&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20211202043449&segname=11021&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cut%3Dut%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid
  8. Well thank you for that info. The good news is that it takes about 30 seconds to undo and put the RF back, which is what I'll do. That circuit looks easy enough to breadboard, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort. I didn't initially like the RF on TG-16 because it uses a screw-in adapter instead of just an RF cable, which required me to unscrew the adapter on my TV (it was a PITA for a lazy dude like me). But I have an RF switchbox now, so it should be no issue.
  9. YES! I've got real hardware AND a manual this time. I'll tell you where I learned to fly, baldy! Now shush up and tell V'Ger to pound sand.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your fried laptop. That sucks! I also feel a bit awful as I wanted to play this a lot more and at least complete one round of getting the crystals. Work and other projects got in the way. But I'm still going to give it a go when I have more time. Thank you J -- this was an inspired choice for the high score deal.
  11. My holiday list this year is all clothes and candy. I've worn out a lot of my casual stuff over the last couple of years and hey, this fat ain't gonna maintain itself!
  12. I got one like this for my wife about a year+ ago, and it's been rock solid. We both love it because it makes no noise and doesn't take up much desk space.
  13. No offense taken. My opinion of the Jaguar is pretty open. The hardware itself seems fine. I didn't really notice the exposed cart connector. And the controllers work fine for me. They fit my hands nicely. I think they do look a little weird with the old-style keypad. They are a home run compared to the 5200 controllers. I've been having fun with the few games I have, with Pinball Fantasies being my favorite so far. Iron Soldier seems like a great one, but I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet. For me, it's been fun to explore Atari's "last hurrah". It seems a bit more whimper than roar. But that's ok. Something new for me. It kind of reminds me of the Nintendo 64. That's a fine system, but is it better than SNES? No. Not in my opinion anyway. Or Saturn vs. Genesis. Still, it's been fun to own and try out.
  14. I got another CIB Jaguar Title. I hear it isn't the greatest.
  15. Those ships are super cool! Really nice stuff.
  16. Here's one of an LP, a Laserdisc, a CD, and a 3D-ish cutout. I think I have 3 Star Trek Laserdiscs, even though I don't have a player. I just like the big arty covers.
  17. Here's a picture of my Azio. I'm pretty sure I got it Dec 2018 (best guess), and I haven't had any issues. The only flaw I've noticed is that one worn spot on the space bar. And it gets heavy use, including gaming.
  18. I feel a little dirty for saying it, but honestly, I see this as a great time to SELL. If you have stuff you don't use, prices may never be this high again.
  19. Good stuff, thank you: http://www.ataricompendium.com/game_library/easter_eggs/a48/a48starraiders.html
  20. Return it if you don't like it. It doesn't make sense to keep something that may drive you nuts IMO.
  21. Here is a question for you: I have a TI cartridge called "Star Maze". I can't find any info about it, or what it's worth on pricecharting.com. My guess is that it's a rare one. And I think I'll probably sell it. Have you heard of this game? Do you know anything about it? I'm going to get some pictures of the game soon.
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