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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Done and mailed. $26 for 2 years (32 issues). And none of that "auto-renewal" nonsense.
  2. 38,180. Those space hamburgers aren't going to shoot themselves.
  3. PS - for anyone that does YouTube videos -- a tutorial on the rocket start and bump-start with precise instructions would be a big hit (I punned again) with me.
  4. I experimented a bit with the different cars. Yellow - this one is easiest to do the rocket start trick. But it's feels too slow to me. Pink - I always drift back to this one because you can do the corners without letting off the gas and it's fast. BUT it seems near impossible to me to do a rocket start with pink. Green - This one fits in between Yellow and Pink to me. I can do the rocket start, and I like how hitting other cars doesn't impact (pun intended) him as much. But I can't seem to beat my high score with Green. Blue - I had a lot of trouble controlling blue and it goes too slow. I didn't spend much time with Blue.
  5. This reminds me a lot of the whining a lot of us older people tend to do. "I wish they still had magazines" or "I wish they still had arcades". Yet we won't do a thing to save those industries as they die. Wishes mean nothing. ACTIONS do. If you love something, buy it and support it. Or it goes away. Simple as that. PS - I also subscribe to my local newspaper, albeit in digital format only. I've been reading the newspaper every day at lunch since high school. On-line stuff doesn't cut it for me. I love the layout and "localness" of the newspaper.
  6. The "first place freak out" is real. I call it a choke job and I do it all the time. Just learn to ignore the "final lap" message and that helps. You're on the right track with the gray areas/landmines...but take a closer look. There's a path through there (it's tight) that doesn't go all the way through the gray areas. One more tip for you: try to find long stretches where you only go straight and don't touch the direction pad. Even the slightest course correction slows you down. And another: You know those slowpokes that look like football helmets that always seem to get in your way? Use them! Like if you know there's a computer guy behind you on your left, then pass that football helmet on the left. He'll veer towards you and hit the computer behind you!
  7. My Vectrex collection! I just got the Vectrex back from being refurbished (buzz-off kit installed, all caps replaced, general clean-up) and thought it would be a good time to document the whole collection. The Vectrex is one of my all-time favorite parts of my collection. I purchased this one in Feb 2013 from a chap over on AtariAge. Over the years, I've added a few carts and overlays, and that sweet converted Genesis arcade stick (that turns-out was made by a guy I know!). I'm now up to 3 multi-carts, with the newest being the Jason Kopp cart that I 3d printed a case for. The refurbishment went really well. It absolutely looks, sounds, and plays like new. Better-than-new in the case of the missing buzz. Thank you for indulging me!
  8. 2'13"66 I found a different controller to use. It has a much less mushy gamepad.
  9. I am a subscriber to the following print magazines: Smithsonian Men's Health Consumer Reports My wife has one for "People" And I'm about to fill out a card to get a sweetheart deal on "Sports Illustrated".
  10. $10 for these games is an incredible deal. And it seems like they are getting better and better as they go.
  11. News alert: We don't have space shuttles anymore. There is no option to repair anything in orbit other than the space station. What exactly would you ask the design engineers to design for as far as repair missions? Add a dock?
  12. Tomorrow is my "hard day" at work (I have one day a month that is ultra difficult). So I'm hoping to play more this Friday.
  13. Why do we distrust the experts? https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/how-hardy-is-webb-a-qa-about-the-toughness-of-nasa-s-webb-telescope
  14. The "Atari Shelf".  I've been fiddling around a lot with the 7800 and Concerto cart lately. 

    atari stuff 001.JPG

  15. Your reasons are sound and I completely understand. It requires a shift in thinking. Here's my observations after a day: The "smart" features seems dumb to me. Everything here -- it's just as easy to use your phone. I think it helps a little while driving (who texted me? why did my phone buzz?) The "health" features are where this thing shines. Heart rate, # of steps, # of flights of stairs, etc. That's good info if one is trying to exercise more. Still, it's important not to get too concerned (oh my god, my heart rate is too high!) It can cause anxiety. I will investigate if this thing can notify me if things look out of whack....like "let me know if my heart rate suddenly spikes for a prolonged period". That would be really nice for us older vintage people. Battery life on mine is excellent. After one day, I'm at 89%. I'd guess it will last a week. It would be easy enough to charge at night just like my cell phone. I really love how you can change the face. Analog or digital? Star Trek? Kitties? There's a lot of fun choices and you can change as often as you like. It is comfortable to wear. Very easy to change the band too, and mine came with about 6 different colors. There isn't any bluetooth conflict. My phone connects to both car and watch just fine. The watch is more of a "remote control" and doesn't seem to interfere with the car at all. I'm going to wear it for a week and then decide if I like it or not. PS - I'm at 3200 steps for the day and it's only 1:15pm. Christmas is a busy day!
  16. Oh great! What's new is here (looks substantial): https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/NEWS Thank you for sharing.
  17. Merry Christmas, everyone. 

    Here is my retro-gaming loot for this year.  Good stuff! 


    Christmas 001.JPG

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