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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I do! I know that makes me a weirdo among retro-gamers, but I'm good with it.
  2. Great scores! RickR's Top 3 favorite bowling games of all time: Nester's Funky Bowling (VirtualBoy) Wii Bowling (Wii) Bowling (Atari 2600)
  3. That is COOL! I think this is the AA link: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/329991-open-lara-engine-on-the-atari-jaguar/#comments
  4. Are those vintage or more modern? I don't know if I've ever seen those before. Neat.
  5. oooh, this looks awesome. Thank you for sharing.
  6. That blog post gives this endeavor a lot more credibility. Someone cares and is making great progress. IMO of course.
  7. I JUST ORDERED A JAGUAR GAMEDRIVE! Sorry to yell, but I'm so excited. From Stone Age Gamer. Thanks again for the heads up.
  8. This exactly the reasoning for my wife and me too. Well stated. Although we did have a dog (our first child) a few years after we bought our first house and before we had kids. That's dang good training for being a parent if you ask me. If I'd have known how long this pandemic would go on, I might have decided to get a dog. Still, we have so many plans to travel, and we'll eventually get that chance again (soon I hope). In any case, I love pets and really love seeing the pictures from other members here. So cute!
  9. I think I screwed up my composite mod



  10. Carla Meninsky is the programmer. There are a few interviews out there, but nothing about this specific question.
  11. I'm talking about the thing inside each castle. What exactly is it? A two-point flag? A dude sitting down? A knight from the torso up (the top part is his head with the face shield down, the bottom, his torso with a lance sticking out)? WTF? Here is the manuals description. It's a "warlord". Help me solve this question that's been bothering me for 40 years.
  12. Yeah, makes sense. Just keep in mind that the newest gen of stick vacs are cordless, very light-weight, and have a very large capacity. Imagine whipping it out of the closet, giving your door areas a quick once-over, and then putting it back. No wires, little effort.
  13. A bit more info on the stick vac -- I got one about six months ago with the idea that I'd clean the dust around the edges of my bathroom/bedroom a lot more often (we have hard flooring) and it would help my allergies. So I bought a super cheapo wired Dust Devil model. After six months, I can tell you I do clean a lot more often. Mission accomplished. It's so easy and lightweight to use, so I do indeed use it more often than a big vacuum. And it totally does what I need. I want to upgrade to a better model once this cheapo breaks.
  14. My suggestion is to look for a nice stick vac instead. I think the robot vacuums aren't going to get all those pine needles and they do have a very small capacity and will require emptying pretty often. Get a cordless stick vac from Costco and give it a shot. They have a spinning brush and should handle pine needles just fine. I'd say they run about $250. And if you don't like it, the return policy there is so generous that you can just return it. No bending over, and very little maintenance on those (you just vacuum out the filter about once per month).
  15. Here are the ratings from Consumer Reports: https://www.consumerreports.org/robotic-vacuum/best-robotic-vacuums-of-the-year-a7149523687/
  16. I'm totally in the same boat as you, although I have gone on both the FL and CA versions, I usually will just pass if I'm not feeling exactly right. But with the GoG theming, I feel like it's a "do not miss" and will go on it over and over. Same ride, different theming, but it totally changes into someting super fun IMO.
  17. That's it? Just a big drop? I absolutely would not go on that one. A note from our trip to Disneyland a few weeks back...they changed the "TZ Tower of Terror" ride to have Guardians of the Galaxy theming. I know it's a weird fit for theming, but it changes the ride completely. From fear and foreboding about the drops, it has turned into really fun and funny. They tell you when the drops are coming, no more suspense. And the cut scenes are hilarious. Also, really good music going the whole time.
  18. I gotcha and no sympathy intended. I've been very vocal about getting rid of stuff and I've both given it away and sold via e-bay. I'm happiest to see stuff go to a person who I know will actually use it. Nothing implied at all and please don't stop posting due to me! Once I start fixing that CV up, I'll probably post over in the CV forum. I have a feeling I'm going to need some advice from @CrossBow about what it could be. It has an AV mod that worked fine for a long time. But now, the screen has a weird color shift to it. Still totally playable, but the colors are a bit wrong in certain areas of the screen. I was going to start by checking the wiring on the AV board just to make sure nothing is loose and also that the ground is good all the way to the composite connectors. Actually, in typing this out...it could be something as simple as a bad power adapter. Maybe that's the simplest place to start.
  19. I have an Amiga that I rarely use just due to lack of time. But if I had an expert to help guide me...I'm sure I would be an active participant. Hell, if you want to post the games that are best, I'm happy to try them out and post a newbie perspective. The most disappointing thing I've found so far with my Amiga is that it cannot run the one game I really wanted to try: Dr J vs Larry Bird One on One. It might be worth trying emulation for that one.
  20. My TI was last out right before Christmas. I was playing a lot of Borzork (which I've decided is one of my favorites now). And testing/getting pictures of some of my extras to list them for sale. A lot of that first round of stuff for sale did sell! But I need to get a second round of stuff listed. I still have the goal of getting my TI collection down to one box, and that second box is still half full. Anyway, I put it all away to make room for company. Lots of cleanup...the house looked really nice. Good thing, we had a full house for a change. Our last kid is moving out mid Feb, so I'm holding out on getting anything out and making messes until then.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear this. I can understand how difficult it must be. The exact same thing happened to my father-in-law many years ago. He was a huge comic-book collector. The storage units at his apt building got ransacked, and the thieves took it all. I think he intended to leave all that to his grandsons. But we don't dwell on it. I think the best gift he gave my boys was just knowing him. I've got an extra colecovision console that needs a bit of repair. I'll try to get that done before we visit Vancouver in April. If I can, I'm happy to hand that off to you.
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