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Everything posted by RickR

  1. And here's an old-timey photo of the falls from 1918
  2. One thing I'd like to bring up is good after shave lotion. Using stuff whose main ingredient is alcohol is pretty rough on your skin -- drying it out. As an older gentleman, let me share this stuff with you. Of all the lotions I've tried, this one is my favorite. It moisturizes, feels good, and smells really nice. Duke Cannon Ice Cold after shave balm I usually buy it at Target, but know they also sell it at JC Penney and other stores. https://www.jcpenney.com/p/duke-cannon-ice-cold-balm-aftershave/ppr5008095542?pTmplType=regular
  3. I've been thinking hard about how to emulate the controls for TRON. Is there a spinner that works with MAME?
  4. What's so interesting is that with Sony and Microsoft systems being so costly and scarce, and the Switch going for over $300, the low-end market is wide open for something simple and elegant to get some attention and sales. Their $150 price point would have been perfect. A shame.
  5. This is the problem with the pre-design-stage hype. They got boxed into a corner. I imagine they wish they'd gone with traditional controllers right about now.
  6. Oh wow. I have a Gamedrive now. I downloaded the 0.1 version and will try it on real hardware when time permits.
  7. That would go over like a turd in a punchbowl.
  8. It's been a while since this change. But I've noticed one more silly thing. If you give a partial refund (for example if ebay charged too much for combined shipping), the fee you pay is not reduced. As an example, someone bought two items from me and ebay simply combined the two shipping costs ($15 * 2), but I was able to put them both in one flat rate box for $20. I refunded the $10 difference, but still ended up paying the fee for the full $30 shipping.
  9. RickR

    eBay FAILS

    I've got a good "FAIL" story to share. Enough time has passed that I feel OK telling... I had a 5200 multi-cart listed on ebay. It was fairly priced -- let's say $80. My listing had pictures showing the cart was full of ROM files. I received an offer from a buyer: a lowball $40. I declined. No message, just a "no thanks". Next thing I know, my listing gets marked as "counterfeit/copyright" violation by ebay and taken down. Now I have no proof. But I know that ebay only does this to auctions when someone reports it. Put two and two together... I also now know that selling items with original ROMS is not right, so I guess I'm thankful to that person for educating me (in a very passive-aggressive way). I ended up wiping the multicart, putting on a few "public-domain" roms to show that it works, and relisting. I got a full-price bid almost immediately. Oh, and I blocked that lowball user on ebay.
  10. Q: What is the most popular tourist attraction in the entire state of Oregon? A: Amongst many natural wonders in the state, Multnomah Falls is the winner My wife and I left our home early this morning to beat the crowds and visit the falls. It's about 50 miles east of Portland...about an hour away down the scenic Columbia River Gorge. The Gorge was created in one of the last ice ages 10,000 years ago by the tremendous water flows of the Missoula floods. The falls are 620 feet tall with a very difficult trail that goes all the way to the top (we ended up going about half-way up). What's different for us locals who have been here 100 times is that a lot of the forest is gone or thinned out -- a result of the wildfires the last few years. The view from the parking lot: The historic lodge: Majestic falls: From the bridge, you get a spectacular view of the upper bowl, and also quite wet from the spray. And the view from above isn't too bad: We had a very nice time and drove on to the beautiful town of Hood River after for lunch and sight seeing.
  11. It has arrived! 

    multnomah falls 019.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DegasElite


      I would love one of those carts. They are just so expensive. I had heard about $200.00 for one.

    3. RickR


      The mail person left me a personal note apologizing for marking it "delivered" the day prior and delivered the box yesterday.  All is well.  Never panic, things tend to work out.

      The cost is $180.  While that is expensive, it's much less daunting than the cost of the actual "must-have" games at this point.  Also, Jag emulation stinks, so it feels like a very good option to me. 


    4. DegasElite


      Well, it is a better option than emulation, for sure. Good point about the cost. They're just so scarce, and that's another problem, possibly due to the chip shortage worldwide. Glad you got it. :O)

  12. I agree with this method. Score + point differential. So my score of 21-3 = 21 + 18 = 39 datafry's 31-10 = 31 + 21 = 52 Very good idea.
  13. My face after the Jaguar GameDrive tracking says it's "out for delivery", but the mail just came and no package.



    1. DegasElite


      Hopefully, no one took your mail! Theft can happen. I doubt it happened that way, though. :O)

    2. RickR


      Oh it gets more worrisome.  The status shows as "delivered" at 5:21pm yesterday, but no sign of the box.  I don't think it was stolen, but rather the mail person must have put it in the wrong box.  Hopefully, whichever neighbor got it will give it to me today.  Fingers crossed!

    3. DegasElite


      Saw the other post. Glad you got the GameDrive cartridge. That must have been nerve-wracking waiting for it. Happy for you. :O)

  14. As that one weirdo that LOVES sports video games, let me share my thoughts on this one. It had been a while since I played. What makes it so good: Although it is very simple, it's a microcosm of real football. Both the run and the pass work, and both take some skill to pull off. You've gotta make quick decisions at the line of scrimmage by observing what the defense looks like. I can't tell you how many football games introduce unreal gameplay (like the guide-able ball on Atari Football, or the brain-dead computer on Atari Realsports Football). This game has none of that. The addition of playing defense really works well. As far as I know, there are no "cheats" or "tricks" that make the game too easy (I'm looking at you Bo Jackson on Tecmo Bowl) What's bad: The vertical scrolling is horrible. It makes it feel like the field is made of molasses. For a long time, the ROM file I used was the Japanese version, which plays just like the arcade version (with a "score" and no defense). The USA version is much better and more complete, and I was really happy when I figured out the difference. Comparo vs. the arcade version: The IREM arcade version is a classic. Easily in my top 5 of favorite football games. I LOVE the very Japanese speech and super smooth scrolling.
  15. 21-3 Superbowl level. PS - I'm sorry, you guys are right that the demo doesn't show the score. Get your camera ready at the end of the game, or pause it right before the clock hits 00:00.
  16. I did play the superbowl level, and maybe it's just luck that the score in the demo was the same as my game score. Who knows? I'll keep a camera handy next time to get the end-game score like you did. Assuming I can ever score a touchdown!
  17. Your score will appear on the demo screen after, right?
  18. In my case, my score showed up on the demo screen after, so I took a picture of that. See if that works for you. Great score, by the way.
  19. Oh man, the Superbowl level is TOUGH. First game...I lost 0-7
  20. It's never to late to say hello. Welcome and join in the conversations!
  21. RickR's tip for this game: Audible! Decide to pass or run based on how the defense has lined up.
  22. 18 participants is outstanding! Thank you all for playing and let's keep the momentum going.
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