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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I have an XEGS around here somewhere that had been spray painted black. I'll have to find it and post a pic. It looks pretty cool that way. And I think you are on to something with that gamepad connection. Unmistakable resemblance.
  2. Thank you for the heads up. There are so many games I'd like to try. I'll keep my eyes open this week.
  3. Oh hey! Never too late; so good to see you here! I love the Jaguar a lot more than I thought I would. I'm having fun with what I have so far and I'm really hoping to get a GameDrive if they become available again.
  4. Oh, that reminds me that I bought the repro-patch for Checkers. My goal is to make a framed collage of the various Activision patches I have. You guys have gotten some really great stuff!
  5. Hey, that one about Johnny is from my hometown of Portland, OR. 100% authentic.
  6. The 8-bit version of Star Raiders is in my top-10 all-time favorite games. It felt like Star Trek for real to me. I loved it and I still play it now. I bought the 2600 version too, probably because it was on clearance sale and that big box with the extra controller was too appealing to ignore. It's amazing to me how much of the original game they captured. However, the actual battle play is way too choppy and random. @TrekMD mentioned Phaser Patrol. I agree with that being a far superior game. The only thing that would have made it better is usage of that Star Raiders gamepad. I also really like the M-Network Space Attack. To answer the original question -- the 2600 version IS a good game. It pushed the envelope on what the 2600 could do and the few games with special controllers were always a treat. The 8-bit version is a classic. It's astoundingly good. It was an early release too. A "killer app". One other note -- I doubt any other computer of that era could handle that game as smoothly as the Atari 8-bit did.
  7. I've added jump-rope to my exercise regiment.  It was really difficult at first -- I was really huffing and puffing on day 1.  But it's getting a lot easier after about a week.  That's good, right? 

    Is anyone else doing some new exercises to help stay in good health?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RickR


      OH!  And the fitbit smartwatch has also been a huge help.  See?  Old dogs CAN learn new tricks.   

    3. Gianna


      I think I am inspired to get myself a jump rope now!

      That's nice WFH became a permanent option. The company I work for has gone back and forth about returning to the office. There was a set date this month but it was cancelled. I am now required to work in the office just one day a week, personally I love WFH so I am happy I only have to go in one day!

    4. RickR


      Yeah, I'm grateful.  My supervisor is on the other end of the country and essentially says "I don't care where you work as long as you get your work done".   That and the private executive washroom @ WFH. 

  8. If you can get two strikes in a row, you'll break 200.
  9. Mine was exactly the same as yours -- the demo for Dreamcast NFL 2K. I was blown away. Dreamcast (the sports version that came with 3 of the 2K games) was the first game console I'd purchased since the 2600 after spending years in the home computer game.
  10. I agree, but it seems to be a youtube video issue to me. I'll bet the real game sounds better. Still, it boggles the mind that a video would be released with this issue. I'm excited for this port, but it puts me in the "wait and see" group. I've got a Phoenix, and love it. One thing I'm not a fan of how some homebrews use the Super Game Module as a crutch. 2600 homebrews pull some spectacular results out of stock hardware. You telling me CV isn't capable of the same?
  11. More people = more fun. Spread the word and invite friends. And a huge thank you to all that have posted scores so far.
  12. 232 - Game 1/a. I choked at the end. Dang it.
  13. Hey, that's awesome. I hope we get several more 200 club members. I know @Csolo is trying hard too.
    1. greenween


      Yo Rick. I think I might take the AT Games Sega off your hands. Does it use hdmi or just a/v?


    2. RickR


      Just AV.  I'll private message you. 

  14. Someone is going to bust a 300. I can feel it.
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