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Everything posted by RickR

  1. There is a lot in those starter packs to go through and arrange. I'll have to spend some time on it.
  2. Oh wow. How did I miss this? I'm going to take a look at the pack for the FlashROM.
  3. Phew! That was a GOOD one! Nicely done. Platform: Atari 2600 Howard's second game I feel it's worse than his third There's no rock or roll
  4. OH! Dracula: The Undead. I forgot about the part about climbing walls to get into windows.
  5. It's a hard choice. Both sound good.
  6. Is it Warbirds? Sepia tone = old timey WW1 action, and climbing the wall is maybe the pictures on the wall after?
  7. Hint: I'm guessing that second line is too obscure. Bill Gates loved and got addicted to Minesweeper on Windows.
  8. Regarding Auto Racing - check out a game called "Rally Speedway" on C64 or Atari 8-bit. They take this basic game and perfect it. It's faster, easier to control, and injects a little humor in the crash animation. Highly recommended. OK, back to bidness. Platform: Atari 2600 Deceptive box art Bill Gates probably loved this Laddie, avoid the bombs
  9. Platform: Intellivision So many "battle" games Which one am I choosing, eh? The one that's unique
  10. It's that one with the trench. I can't remember the name.... Star Strike?
  11. You got it! It is not fun, I'm convinced of it. I've given it a try many times. I've read the manual. I'm not sure what they were trying to do here.
  12. Just avoid the comb. Wait, what does a comb have to do with anything? Oh well. Sticking with Intellivision Name suggests Vectrex What the <bleep> is happening? Shoot down at weird shapes
  13. It sounds like Mouse Trap, but I'll bet you're trying to trick us. Tower of Doom?
  14. Ah phooey, I just realized my second line makes no sense. Hint: It's pepper, not salt. See where I was going there? Now I've got egg on my face.
  15. Platform: Intellivision Check your timepieces "Assault" all your enemies Building stacks is fun.
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