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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I'm going to go with a wild guess of "WWF WrestleMania". Blonde hero = Hulk Hogan. Rich villain? The Iron Sheik? I have no idea about the crosses...but the giant is Andre the Giant.
  2. That's it! They changed the name of the aliens to Krylons for the 2600 version! Why? It makes no sense. In any case, it's clear that the BSG Cylons were the inspiration for the alien fleet.
  3. I think that means I got it, right? <shrugs shoulders> Next one: Platform: Atari 5200, 8-bit, 2600 The Atarian fleet! Zylons or Krylons? Why change? They look like Cylons.
  4. If I get it, donate my point to socrates63 as a "get well" gift. :)
  5. I cheated by using google since I don't know these games. Link: The Faces of Evil.
  6. Weren't there two CDi Zelda games? I have never seen a CDi in person.
  7. You see? And you chastise me about the 5200 "difference" games. We are only human. I want to try the "Decathlon" patch. Let's see if there's time this weekend.
  8. Yes! I always thought the "solar" part didn't make sense inside circuitry and all.
  9. Good grief! Platform: Intellivision I can here it speak! Sunshine doesn't belong here! Matey, fly the grid
  10. He ain't bustin' through those walls due to happiness. Nope! Someone's getting a powdered packet of WHOOP@SS
  11. Don't be hard on yourself. I thought that was a good one! You should sleep-deprive yourself more often.
  12. If we ever do another get together, @- Ω -, I hope this game is available to try.
  13. That will be the first game I try next time I get the TI out (after our current high-score challenge). If this version can keep things on-screen moving while playing speech (and I can't imagine why it wouldn't based on the other speech games) then it will have outdone the Atari 5200 version.
  14. Oh man! FlashROM is what I have. Are there other advantages to going to FinalGROM?
  15. Thank you, that is actually very good info. I think I need to invest in one of the 3d printed cases for the 32k sidecar. It's good to have a recommendation from someone you trust.
  16. Those little amiga controllers are a huge improvement over the standard TI sticks. Although they are quite small. Parsec is a really good game, especially if you have the speech unit. It's got such high-res graphics and smooth scrolling. It's impressive.
  17. Thank you! Is this something that will run on a standard TI with the 32k memory expansion?
  18. That looks (and sounds) fantastic! Is that demo available for download?
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