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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Isn't it incredible how much it looks like the American SW desert? Like you could pull out a lawn chair and have a picnic.
  2. CORRECT! I think I spent a few hours a while ago with the goal of landing that plane. I did it once, and now I never want to play that game again.
  3. Platform NES Why can't I land this plane? Highway to the danger zone crash every time.
  4. I'm good, don't worry. I suffer them all them time, and usually do a good job keeping things in check. Hopefully, you can do the same.
  5. Bowling. Yes, the allergies are the worst. I couldn't sleep last night due to them. And now I'm bushed. Bleah.
  6. Eliza was a very early program that tried to duplicate the responses of a person via computer. Trying to duplicate it (or something similar) was a common exercise when learning BASIC. But there ain't no way you could do anything that complex with 2600 Basic Programming! More info here if interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA Basic Programming is correct! @HDNis next!
  7. Platform: 2600 Eliza? No way. You gonna need the manual 63 characters
  8. Well there's a fact I did not know. Thanks for the learnin' I will get a new Haiku up after work today.
  9. That old Antec case is in my garage now, waiting for disassembly and selling off of the parts (the case will go first). My "new" PC (it's not that new) has a Thermaltake case that's a little more quiet. Both are very high quality.
  10. I'm not sure about the "two publishers" part, but this sounds like BMX Airmaster to me.
  11. That's why that thing isn't on the poll.
  12. Somehow, that controller would have foiled your 5200 raft plan.
  13. We should not have to justify pricing here. If it's a solid product that you like, that makes it fairly priced.
  14. They aren't for sale. If you paid for one over a year ago, they ship soon. I'm not sure if more will be made. But I do agree that it's a fine product.
  15. Platform : Intellivision Great music surrounds Diagonal moves abound Should-have-been Tron game
  16. Stairmaster? You been watching Suzanne Somers commercials? I know, that's BAD humor. You got it Your turn.
  17. CAPTAIN FALCON! (I had no reason to type that other than it must be said loud and proud). Platform: 2600 First Person space sim Use Black/White switch for the map One of the four made
  18. Star Fox. I think of this every time we have the high score challenge for the SNES version.
  19. Well, it doesn't blow up very big on my browser. Beige key caps on a black keyboard. Looks customized. Is that an extra key to the left of "A"? Caps-lock maybe?
  20. The thing I noticed immediately is the beige keyboard. I also like the old-school "princess" phone.
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