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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Nice pick ups! I can't argue with any of your reviews. I like Superman a lot too. My only complaint is that I've never been able to memorize where everything is. And that subway system just makes it worse for me.
  2. I'm not familiar with this game at all. I'll have to check it out. It looks like something I'd enjoy.
  3. I asked about the "W" price tags on Facebook, and got the answer. Those are from "Woolco", a branch of "Woolworth's". They went out of business in the US in 1983. Although they lived longer than that in Canada, I assume most of our "W" price tags are from USA stores, probably from the mid-west. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woolco
  4. Platform: 2600. Alfred Hitchcock is shocked that I chose this game.
  5. I will watch that video after work today. Thanks! On that website, there are options for a Rasp Pi Zero and a "Programmed SD Card". What are those, are they needed? Or is that covered in your video?
  6. I couldn't remember the name of this game, but I do remember it had to do with air traffic controllers. Final Approach!
  7. Oh! I guess I kind of do vaguely remember that. You know, I'm positive I have written a lot of code when I was younger that worked brilliantly, but I'd be unable to figure out or recreate now. That game is fun at first, but gets impossible pretty quick. Here's the next one for you all: Platform: 2600
  8. Looks like "Entombed". Although I'm not sure I know of the "in the news" reference.
  9. This is such a great idea. One of those "why didn't I think of that?" ideas. Does anyone have pictures of the innards of the sticks? I just wonder the length of wire there is to work with internally, and whether they used connectors (like Atari) or soldered the wires in.
  10. Yes, they were pretty terrible! Manual dialing, stuff the handset in that coupler, and hope for the best. But that was my first foray into the on-line world (it wasn't a TI, but a mainframe terminal of some sort at my elementary school). They didn't let just anyone have access. For some reason, they trusted RickR. Shocking. I kept those credentials for years after. Shh, don't tell anyone, but I sometimes would use my VIC-20 (and then Atari 800XL) to dial in just to see if that old school mainframe still worked. 🙂 It always did. I always have wanted an acoustic coupler modem just to have for my shelf. I feel it's a piece of history and a real conversation starter. If anything, it's the kind of thing that would make me smile when I look at it. I may just buy this one, as it's the cheapest I've seen. For as ubiquitous as these were, there are very few out there to buy. Most probably got trashed once better technology came along.
  11. That's it! I never noticed the cheesy mustache before. Oh, and I'm including a bonus Galaga from yesterday.
  12. HINT: The game is also available on 2600 and 8-bit, both with different cover art.
  13. Looks like a jet fighter game. The only one I can think of is "Tomcat F14 Simulator".
  14. Yes! Galaga is correct. I'm getting vaccine #2, so I cannot post the whole box.
  15. My first thought was "Qix", but I had to look it up to make sure. QIX! It's a good cereal too.
  16. Bowling is correct! I think this one is seriously underrated. It is a piece of art.
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