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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Well that's cool. I want to play! Who's going to be my secret santa this year? I'm kidding. Next up: Platform: Atari 2600 Driving my sweet car Trying to stay in my lane A fowl crossed the road!
  2. Well, I can only guess. There seems to be a lot of spaghetti wires, and that weird chip that's half wired into the CPU. My only guess is some kind of buffer or enhancement to the IO pins? For what purpose? A bigger frame buffer? Direct access to video buffer? Maybe it has to do with unleashing the full 16 bit capability of the CPU? Am I even in the right ballpark?
  3. Is it that Jeff Minter Tempest 2000? I'll give up all my Haiku points if someone gets me a Jaguar for Christmas.
  4. That seems like a fine idea to me, but let's let @nosweargamer decide. The original poster gets to have final say. Outlaw is a good one! I did not realize David Crane wrote that. I remember the arcade version had that cool pistol grip controller. Atari/Kee really did a great job of integrating some unique controllers in those arcade games. Kind of like the extra cost of fancy box art on 2600 games -- they didn't have to spend that extra money, but it sure made things more memorable.
  5. <Raising right hand> I will wait at least one hour to respond to any puzzle from now on. Mostly because I'm running out of idears for Haiku!
  6. Good one, @HDN! Platform: Many, but specifically Atari 2600 I am not broken! Please use the right controller Worluk is bad luck.
  7. Platform: Intellivision Is it a defect? Naw, it's a weird southern twang Let's go drop some bombs.
  8. That was a really good one, Marco. That's one of my KayBee Toys clearance games from the great crash! Guys, I'm going to get my next one up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, but I'm bushed.
  9. Crap from 40 years ago = no problem. Ask me what I had for dinner last night, though and you'll get a lot of hemming and hawing.
  10. It's the sticker on the speech unit isn't it? There's some live voltage on the contacts under that flap!
  11. Next one: Platform: Many Do what Nintendon't Enter in a secret code Enjoy the red blood
  12. I think we all know I love that game! Your Haiku was very well done. I wasn't so sure about the Todd part, as I could only remember that cheater dude's name as "Roger". Ooops.
  13. Good. I subscribed. And I never realize people have that anxiety you mention, so let me say that you sound good. I'm sure it isn't easy putting yourself out there.
  14. Nice job, @DoggoThief. Things I like about video #1: Short length: 10 mins is usually my max attention span for retro gaming videos. Humor: Funny stuff in there! Keep up the good work, and join us here for various discussions in the forums!
  15. Atari 2600: I am a square dot? I have to kill a dragon? Gladly only one. (PS - NSG needs to pause 10 minutes before responding). And a question for the crew: Do we use syllables or words in counting for Haiku? I did syllables, but maybe that isn't correct?
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