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Everything posted by RickR

  1. @RadioPoultry, it looks like you could record your gameplay on VHS. I think that makes you the automatic winner.
  2. I think Commodore took the cake with William Shatner (although Leonard Nimoy would have been even better). But I'm just thankful Atari didn't choose Bill Cosby like TI did.
  3. I'd get George Plimpton and Alan Alda in a cage match to settle it once and for all. My money is on Hawkeye.
  4. I think that sad story has been repeated millions of times by other kids in every place on Earth. It's called the "stupid tax". The price we pay for the stupid things we do. Hopefully, we all learn from these mistakes the first time they happen!
  5. Not knowing adds to your legendary-ness.
  6. This game is excellent, but it doesn't quite live up to Shark Shark. Mostly because it starts too slow. The real fun and points start to rack up only when your fish is bigger, and that takes a while. It's really fun though, and thank you for doing this challenge! It's so awesome to try new games.
  7. 2649! Quarantine time makes for good fishin'
  8. I need one.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Justin


      What would be cool is if O'Reilly actually stocked the replicas so you could complete your order. I remember this going around like 5 years ago and thinking you could actually order a replica and being disappointed when you couldn't. I'm sure they'd sell plenty.

    3. RickR


      I smell a business opportunity.  How hard would it be to create one with LED lights and a simple power connector?  We could call it a "Clux Fapacitor" to avoid litigation issues.  🙂  


    4. Justin
  9. There's a Gameboy version of Clue that's pretty good if you want to play but can't find two extra people. Also on other systems too. NES, for example. I've got a couple of board game GBA carts that I like to take with me on airplane trips. Usually three games per cart, and the computer makes a good opponent.
  10. I completely agree with this. It works, but it makes the game a touch more frustrating than it needs to be. Maybe it's just me and my limited amount of time to play games, but I can't stand when it takes a lot of trial and error just to progress. A challenge is fine, but I don't have a lot of time to waste.
  11. Great topic! I still have most of the classic board games from childhood: Life, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Risk, etc. Inside the box, you'll find hand-written "records" my brother created when he creamed us. This week at home, my family has so far played: Scrabble (RickR the Dad won in a surprise victory), and Scattergories (oldest son won in a close 4-way battle).
  12. Great score @TrekMD! I'm not sure I can beat that one, but I'll try. I also prefer no sound. It's just a little less distracting.
  13. Like I said, my Harmony SD card badly needs a cleanup. It's a very fun game. My only change would be to make it get harder faster. Those fast sharks are vicious!
  14. Thanks guys, and I do apologize for running that extended version. I need to spend some time cleaning up my harmony cart "homebrews" directory. There's a lot of extra versions. But it's a daunting task. So many files.
  15. 1600 with the version in the first post. Sorry for causing any confusion.
  16. I just figured out why. Firefox won't download it! It thinks the file is infected (probably since the site is marked as infected). So I had a zero byte file. I've downloaded it using Chrome and am playing on Stella now. No worries, I don't mind removing my other score. I'll post another soon.
  17. The file that Justin posted in the original post does not work on my Harmony cart. But I found three versions of the same game already on my harmony. They are shown below. I chose the "extended" version, which I assume is newest based on the timestamp. Should we disqualify my score? I can use the Justin bin file on Stella instead. Which file are you all using? The Justin version only shows 2 downloads.
  18. On second thought...it's not too bad a price -- it's only $1 per "Where did YOU learn to fly?" on a game of Cybermorph.
  19. How do we turn off the music? Use the B/W switch to turn off the music!
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