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Everything posted by RickR

  1. My original grocery store was a local chain called "Fred Meyer". We all called it "Freddie's". They eventually spread out to several states here in the northwest part of the country. But once the founder, Mr Meyer, died in the 80's, the chain was sold to Kroger. The stores are still branded as Fred Meyer here. And now we call it "Freddie Kroger". I can remember my childhood Freddie's vividly. The green concrete floor, white walls. I remember playing Asteroids while my dad was in line for groceries. I remember walking there with my brother to buy Mattel Basketball (the old LED handheld). I bought my first digital watch there. And on and on.
  2. YES! It was such an impressive game when it first came out. I remember thinking that there's no way the VCS can pull off Asteroids..but it did excellently. My friends and I played and played and played. Even the control scheme was excellent. Going from the arcade buttons to a joystick was just fine. Space Invaders, Asteroids, and Missile Command are probably the triumvirate of arcade greatness on the 2600. The games that really made the system blow up in the minds of most kids at the time.
  3. I won a card! Wahoo! -Rick "Tiger" R.
  4. @BlackCatz40 you are a hero. Thanks. In my case, I click the PDF option, then click on the little rectangle that says "499 files' as shown below.
  5. Perfect, thanks. My intention would be to grab the full set of manuals and turn off the client. Get in, get out.
  6. No man, I mean how to download them ALL at once. I think a torrent is the only option.
  7. The only streaming service we have at the moment is Disney+. We just finished up "The Imagineers", which as outstanding if you're a Disney parks fan. Next on our list will be DVD's for "Master of None", "Breaking Bad", and probably a switch to CBS All Access to watch Picard.
  8. This is cool, thank you for posting. But, of course, annoying me, I have a question. It looks like the only way to download the entire set is to do a "Torrent". I have never done that. Is there a Torrent app for Windows 10 that anyone would recommend? Is there an easier way that I haven't thought of?
  9. I think I submitted a 45. I never saw any results posted.
  10. So basically they are sold at Target in specific racks for $6 or so? I can't see I've seen any, but I usually stick to the $1 racks.
  11. There's a lot that come to my mind: Blue Thunder - The fancy helicopter movie starring Roy Scheider. The Thing - John Carpenter remake is absolutely riveting to watch even now. Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan. I don't think we'd have any Star Trek nowadays if this movie wasn't so good. Big Trouble in Little China - An action movie that's FUN from start to finish. UHF - Weird Al at his finest. Down and Out -- I had forgotten about that, and I definitely need to rewatch. Nick Nolte was huge in the 80's. Deservedly so.
  12. Here's an ad for a local casino. Hear anything familiar?
  13. And it sure seems like 2600 Pac Man and Donkey Kong sounds are used as standard video game sound effects on many TV shows. Even if the actors are playing a handheld or more modern system, they still use those sound effects!
  14. My favorites at the moment are: A customized CX-40 that I got from @AtariBrian He replaced the little metal indent switches with microswitches. It's awesome. SlikStik. The custom pad I got from @StormSurge. Perfection in pad form. I think it's made by Retrogameboyz. But my memory is weak. And PS - I've wanted a Starplex for a long time. I saw one recently and was always thought it would be bigger. Still, I want one.
  15. I had no idea there was a pinball game for SMS.
  16. Oooh, this is tough. Most of my favorites are based on real cars. For example, the Chevy Nomad Wagon. Given the limitations, I'd do with something like this. It's gold and black and looks good.
  17. It isn't easy, that's for sure. That makes it a lot more realistic than most modern golf games
  18. 2600Club is holding a 2600 Golf tournament. Post your lowest score before Feb 17! The top 40 scores get a collector card (and bragging rights). https://2600club.com/atari-golf-tourney-2020/
  19. We just finished Discovery Season 2. I loved it, although the ending was strange and unsatisfying. The character of Captain Pike was truly incredible. And the visit to Talos IV??? AWESOME. Best not to think about that last episode too deeply though -- plot holes galore!
  20. I'm not sure why, or if it's good....but I think there must be a food based Hot Wheels line.  Today I found a "toast" car to go with my hamburger-mobile.


    toast car 002.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RickR


      It's a harmless hobby really.  They don't take up much room, and only $1 if you find something you like.  I also am one that opens the packaging and puts the cars on the shelf. 


    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I will open duplicates sometimes.  And I already see an unopened case of HW cars in my future ;) Wife found a 24-car case cheap she's been hounding me about.

    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I agree about it being a harmless hobby.  When I was working in at a die casting plant making good money I would actually buy a case of HW cars from Wal-Mart with every pay check.  I only had to give a small portion to my grandmother for bills the rest was free game.  I spent more on HW than video games and any duplicates I held on to for trade or selling to other collectors.

      I'm once again finding myself hitting the HW section every time I go to Wal-Mart.  We don't have a Target locally so it's either Dollar General, Dollartree, Walgreens (over a $1 per car there, though), or Wal-Mart.  Wal-Mart has the biggest pile of course but they also poured them in a metal bin.  Next time we go I'm going to have to take two carts with me.  One to hold the cars we want, the other just to move the other cars out of the way.

  21. Willie, your content has been outstanding lately. Thank you and keep up the good work.
  22. PS - we are now watching season 2 of "Star Trek Discovery" (I got the DVD's from the library). I just can't get over how incredible the effects are on this show -- cinematic, really. If ST:Picard is this good, holy cow! Picard will probably be next on our list.
  23. Hopefully we didn't spoil it for you. One more thing...Then end credits of each episode were so cool too. I think it was a series of storyboards. Mesmerizing to me.
  24. We finished it last night and loved it. I think it's great that each chapter is only 30 minutes. The stories are kept simple with minimal dialogue. Perfect! It's being described as a space western, and even compared to the old spaghetti westerns, and I think that's perfectly appropriate. Smart, fun, and not time consuming is a winning combo. And oh yeah...BABY YODA!
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