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Everything posted by RickR

  1. The record itself is in good condition. It would play just fine, and I may dig out a turntable to try it later. The sleeve is kind of creased up a bit though, but not too bad.
  2. A very good day yesterday. I found a bunch of good stuff as seen below. Check out this incredible Pac Man record I found. Copyright is 1980. I mostly bought it just for the artwork on the sleeve. Overall, in poor condition, but it will look nice on my game room shelf. The Imagic games were a really lucky find, as I had those two games' boxes in very bad shape and with no plastic insert. So I created my own cardboard inserts and cleaned them up as best I could. And now I've got 5 boxed Imagic titles.
  3. The first time those chainsaw guys start chopping heats in RE4 appear....cleanup on aisle 2. Scary stuff.
  4. Quick thoughts: The graphics are really nice Sounds are fine. I like the PP theme music. Well done Several screens! And they are pretty varied in the gameplay. Controls. Well...it is a prototype I guess. The jumping is very difficult to master. They should have skipped the tail wag and made the button jump. Overall: Fun! It's so cool that this came to light after all these years.
  5. Pretty cool. I'm loading up the new version of Stella now to give this a shot.
  6. There is a new store that has gone in to one of the locations of the chain that's closing, I haven't been yet because I'm a loser (and too busy). It's called "Sidequest Games" and it's totally game based. I'll go check it out at some point.
  7. I usually do buy the 2600 games I consider "uncommon" if they have them for this very reason. But I did not see a Tunnel Runner. I did grab "Demons to Diamonds" and "Amidar" last time, if you happen to need those.
  8. They don't have any displays or anything like that. It's the kind of place that mostly sells DVD and vinyl, and they have posters and pop culture stuff. And games. Mostly loose games. So for the most part, finding good games was hit and miss, but the prices were always fair. On that Odyssey power adapter, you're gonna have a hard time finding one. Your best bet is to find out the volts and amps and find an aftermarket one.
  9. I got a pretty nice original NES today from a friend! 

    NES from Todd 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Justin


      HEY that looks SUPER nice @RickR! That looks so bright and clean!

    3. RickR


      Here's the fascinating part.  He had exactly ONE game.  That's it.  Never bought any others.  Mario Bros/Duck Hunt.  My friend kept it all these years, shared it with his kids, and only had one game.  Granted, it is a great game.  I am not poking fun or anything like that, I just find it to be so interesting. 

      I think because of that, the NES is in pristine condition.  It does not need the pin comb cleaned or replaced (the carts go in and come out easily), like-new controllers, etc.  I'm just going to wipe everything down to get the dust off and make this my main NES rig (I've been using a retron 3). 

    4. RickR


      Just one part was missing, and that was the power adapter.  I had an extra, so no problem there.  The ultimate dad-move -- keep a box of miscellaneous power adapters in the garage for an occasion like this. 

  10. Oooh, that's a good choice. I forgot about that game.
  11. Cool! My favorite scary game is Atari "Haunted House". Honorable mentions to Dreamcast "Typing of the Dead" and Intellivsion "Dracula". Thanks!
  12. It's kind of frustrating how the 7800 got buried by Atari's financial issues. In the ideal "What-if" scenario, Atari would have never released the 5200 and went with the 7800 instead. It probably would have been on the market later than the 5200 was. But man, wouldn't that have been something?
  13. I also could not pause on real hardware, so I switched to an emulator (jNES) which uses the F2 key to pause. I have no issue using the honor system for that score.
  14. I think I've learned quite a bit from watching your videos, so thanks for that. I want to try again very soon. Sadly, I lost my hard drive last night. I'll have to restore everything, including my emulators. Will try ASAP. I think the main issue I've had with the game is going way too fast. And now I see you also need to avoid shooting the "light-blue" cars too! Dang. I'm dense.
  15. Oh guys, I'm feeling so overwhelmed at work lately.  Please forgive me for venting, but it's gotten so difficult.  Do more with less.  I just feel so bad that I can't seem to keep up. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RickR


      Thanks, J.  You know, sometimes it helps just to type it out to friends. 

      My wife says I should quit.  But I don't want to do that.  It would let down too many people, including me. 

    3. Justin


      I agree with you. Don't quit unless it's what you really want to do. Do you feel this is a current project that has driven things to become more difficult? Or have things changed in your work environment in general which have made things more of a challenge?

    4. RickR


      My main issue is that I find myself with zero support from above.  My supervisors are all very busy on other important things (I guess they are overwhelmed too), and I feel too much pressure to make decisions that feel way above my pay grade.  At the same time, I work in an area of business that is shrinking. 

  16. I'm going to say that the manual for this game is one of the worst I've seen. It only vaguely mentions that enemies are blue. Nothing about scoring. Thank you guys for the tips!
  17. I had no idea on the red cars and motorcycles! Thanks, Justin.
  18. Sweet! That is my all-time favorite system right there. It looks like you have a very nice collection of cartridges too. Blue Max is a favorite of mine. Other favorites you need: Missile Command Final Legacy Star Raiders Ballblazer Have fun, and let us know what you think.
  19. I didn't see it in the manual: Does anyone know how the scoring works? Is it just based on time? Or do you get points for shooting/crashing opponents?
  20. OK, first legit score. The emulator works well. 11885
  21. Big problem on this game....it doesn't show your score for more than a few seconds after the game ends. I got 12225, but wasn't able to snap a picture in time. Is there some secret for getting the score back? ** UPDATE ** I switched to an emulator and will use the F2 pause button. (Thanks Creep for that tip from your video).
  22. My opinion only (I speak only for myself): - September is a super busy time for me. Work and personal. Back-to-school time, for example. It was really difficult to find time to play. Maybe we should do month-long challenges in Sept. - Emulation works fine, but this particular game has such strange controls that it's awkward to play. I should have tried a real console, but bullet point #1 stopped me. I wonder if the "Intellivision Lives" version would have been better? - I'd like to hear from those that normally do participate. They probably have better insight than me. We should try this game again. Maybe the 2600 version and the Intellivision version at the same time (like how you did Devil's Crush on TG-16 and Genesis).
  23. I do want to make one complaint. The control on this game isn't my favorite. They should have made one of the side buttons fire so it controlled more like Berzerk. As it is, it feels clumsy to me. Maybe it gets better if you play more.
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