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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Great! I'm going to guess that a shielded RF cable will fix this issue. Your standard audio cables have no shielding at all.
  2. Posting a score for my older son. Let's call him RickR Jr too. Neither one of us could get past that first boss. 25,800.
  3. I second what kamakazi20012 has said. One addition. Try a different power adapter. You can use the one your sixer uses. With a fuzzy RF signal, I've found many times it's an old or bad RF adapter that was giving off the interference. Good luck, and let us know what you find!
  4. Did you guys order from the Polish site? Or is there an AtariAge thread now? Thanks.
  5. 20,600 for me. I need to figure out how to get by boss #1
  6. Taco Bell toy and Princess Peach toy. Thanks!
  7. YOU are the hero of this story, StormSurge.
  8. So I'm at my local library, and they have a little "for sale" section, which I always stop at to peruse. And this little gem catches my eye. It's tiny (about the size of a CD) and pretty beat up, but of course I buy it anyway. It's Tele-Story presents Dragon's Lair by Superscore with a copyright of 1984. It was supposed to come with an audio tape, but that wasn't there. I was hoping I could find the audio track on-line, download it, and then burn a CD. Does anyone here have any ideas on how to find such a thing? Maybe you'll have better luck than me. Even without the tape, and even in terrible condition, it's still a cool item to find. I love the artwork! The Retroist blogged about a similar item a while ago: https://www.retroist.com/2016/09/10/read-dragons-lair-storybook/
  9. I do! 2600 Asteroids was one of those "Wow!" games for the system. As in "how the heck did they pull this off?". I can remember playing and playing and playing, and a bunch of other kids at school were doing the same thing. It was a great port and it's still fun today.
  10. Desert Falcon comes to mind, but I didn't love it. It sure feels like all the great games for Lynx most likely came from Epyx.
  11. Maybe I'll give season 4 only of Enterprise a binge-watch. Thanks for the suggestion!. I do remember that the show got better as time went by.
  12. Those cups are really cool, Justin. I will look into getting a few for myself too. I agree with you on DS9. It's my favorite Trek series by far. Mostly because it's consistently good from beginning to end. (For comparison's sake, season 1 of TNG is absolutely terrible and hard to watch). DS9 had a great pilot episode and really hit it's stride early on and kept it up for a long time. They really did give some flavor to Ferengi, and also to Klingons, Cardassians, and a bunch of new alien races. Once I finished binge-watching DS9 recently, I tried to start Voyager and just can't do it. Enterprise? I watched it when it was new and I'm pretty sure I don't want to spend time on that again.
  13. This game (or rather "Elmo's ABC's" holds a special place in my heart. Why? Well, that game and a teal GBC are the very first video game (and system) I purchased for my first child. Must have been right around 1997 or 98. I got them both from Toys R Us at Lloyd Center mall in Portland. My son loved them both, and he's been a Nintendo kid even to this day (he's 23 now). I still have the GBC and the Elmo game, both in very nice condition. I would agree with you that the game is a little too slow to be really fun. But the graphics and music are both fun. I do think it helped Jr. learn his letters and some spelling.
  14. Selling a house can be very stressful, even without the situation you're in. Good to get offers quickly. GOOD LUCK!
  15. Here we go....here's a few shots from the Star Trek traveling exhibit that started in Seattle in 2017, featuring the collection of Paul G. Allen. No "Guardian on the Edge of Forever" though....dang. I would have loved to see that. I'm sad there's no TrekMD in sick bay, but we do get Engineer RickR in a Jeffries tube.
  16. Thank you guys. I love this game. I'm still playing Tetris. Getting better and better. We have between now and July 1 to play whatever the heck we like, right? No challenges!
  17. Incredible, KidA!!! This game is always fun. And good times spent with my son, who showed me a trick or two.
  18. It's been a while since I won some nerd cred. Figures that it's the on the first home cartridge I ever had. Good times! Thanks.
  19. I know this thread is pretty old, but I just finished this book. I agree with you, StormSurge: highly recommended. I listened mostly on our many trips to/from Seattle in the last month. Even my wife enjoyed it. Not a lot of gaming stuff, but still absolutely great to listen to and remember. There's not much plot here. It kind of reminded me of a 70's episode of "Seinfeld". It's about nothing, yet it's really fun and entertaining.
  20. Well, my wife and I made it back from Seattle. Very tired from lots of driving. No pizza, but we had quesadillas. That's like a Mexican pizza, right? Cheers everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend.
  21. Very informative video. I need to buy an LTO Flash.
  22. New high score for me: 22670. I think I'm a "morning gamer". My focus is much better in the morning.
  23. 9095 I think I could have gone longer, but I got distracted by the thought of what to do if the score rolls? Are we on the honor system? I've never filmed a video before for a game, but maybe that's the answer.
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