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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Oh man, this is brilliant. Do you mind if I write this one down as a possible homebrew idea? I'm thinking something that looks a lot like the Snoopy/Red Baron game.
  2. This has got to be one of the best movie-based games on any classic system. It's a simple game, yet it perfectly captures the feel of that first Hoth battle at the beginning of TESB. A good lesson on keeping it simple. A lot of other movie adaptation games are too ambitious, or the gameplay doesn't seem to have anything to do with the movie.
  3. Don't forget this iteration of Halloween Grandpa....
  4. 1142. Oh for the love of God, no one beat this score -- I don't think I could do any better. RE: The variations. This particular game I would never go beyond the "easy" levels because even "easy" was too hard to me.
  5. This reminds me of a story from my local town. A grocery store chain started growing...they wanted to build a store in the suburbs that was the size of an entire block. So they bought all the houses on the block EXCEPT one! That one guy would not sell. So they built the store right around this poor saps house! No back yard...or next door neighbors....just wall of the store. This was back in the 60's, and that house remained occupied by the stubborn owner for another 30 years! Let me find a picture..... https://roseway.org/neighborhood-history/
  6. Ha ha ha! From all the reading I've done on movie production, that pretty much captures how it most likely works. They come up with an idea on a napkin, then create a budget and start casting -- ALL BEFORE a script is even written.
  7. This is a game in which the best controller scheme is to use TWO controllers. One for direction, the other for firing. One in each hand. I will give it a go soon.
  8. This gives a lot of legitimacy to the Amico project, doesn't it? Line up some killer software and it all starts to feel real. 🤜🤛
  9. And I just now noticed my SMS 2 is from Canada! It has "Canada" on the serial # sticker, and English/French on the warning sticker.
  10. Here are pics of mine SMS #1 - Snail only SMS #2 - Hang-On. Note that the stickers are upside down compared to #1! SMS II - Alex Kidd - Miracle World
  11. The Game Gear is essentially the same hardware as the SMS.
  12. This is just like those after-school meet ups with friends in the 1980's...take turns playing and learn from each other what to do and what to try. So much fun! I love this game.
  13. Oh wow, that snake in level 2 is part of the boss! I watched your video Justin and saw how to "park it in the safe spot". I'll try that next. Thanks!
  14. I did it! Thanks to your tips, @Justin and @Control Issues, I made it past that first boss. New high score = 86,700. Thanks very much! Now I need tips on how to get past that stupid snake on level 2. Maybe I should watch Justin's video above to see.
  15. I need help getting by the first boss. Is it a matter of shooting him right in the center? Does it require super-charged shots?
  16. I think that's an outstanding deal. I'll try to keep my eye out for that AtariAge post.
  17. Do you have any idea what the price may be, TrekMD? This looks really cool. I'm glad you shared it.
  18. Oh wait...you can press "Run" to pause? I'll try that on my next run to get a picture. Even though I am Klingon and have tons of honor.
  19. Thank god for the honor system. I'm not fast enough to get a picture. 41,800. Wow, what an amazing, yet very difficult game. I'm going to have to spend more time with this!
  20. Gee whiz, I had no idea this was going on. I'll try to tune in this week.
  21. I think I play a lot more now that I used to. Since we are empty nesters, I seem to have more time for that, and it makes me happy. Right now, I'm on a big GB/GBA kick, so I play that almost every day.
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