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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Switched to a "Slik Stik" joystick and BOOM. 91,000. Plus I got super lucky to hit several of those stupid red things.
  2. YES we are interested. Post at will.
  3. I put Sting Ray Afternoons on hold at my library (the audiobook version). Thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Here is the sale thread. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/287760-dragons-lair-is-now-available/
  5. There is a sale post over in the AtariAge forums. It looks like a very nice boxed cartridge is $95 shipped. I am considering it, and I know how much effort goes in to something like this. However, the cost is probably a little steep for me personally.
  6. Incredible! Do you have a link for where to get one? Fixed video link:
  7. May as well put this here. It's a good review and helpfully goes over the scoring and gameplay.
  8. Oh yeah, a 7800 version would have been fantastic I'm sure. It really is an amazing game for the 2600. They took liberties with the graphics, but it ends up working really well. I think it was developed by Mike Feinstein of GCC, who had a hand in a lot of other of the later, well-done ports on the 2600.
  9. It sure does! I can't remember if Battlezone is better or worse than Robot Tank. I'll find time to try them both and see.
  10. 27,000 My favorite part of this game is the cool "static" effect when you get shot.
  11. I'm not sure. I know a lot of members here have a 5200. I also spread the word on a few 5200 Facebook groups. It could be the Chas10e case...maybe they tried but didn't feel like posting a score.
  12. One tip I kind of discovered is to keep your wand in the middle of the screen as much as possible. The spider can't surprise you there. But that can be difficult when the centipedes make it down to the bottom. And even then, the spider can still get you if you don't dodge fast enough. I found this game to be very frustrating. For most games, I usually get a little better the more I play. But not this one. I plateaued very quickly. I did learn to appreciate the 5200 reset button on the controller though. I ended up using that a lot.
  13. We watched "WarGames" (1983) last night.  It wasn't as dated as I thought it would be.  It has good acting, a story that keeps moving, and some really cool 80's arcade scenes.  Yes, the technology shown is really old (8" floppies!  A phone coupler modem!), but it doesn't distract at all. 


    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      If you stop and think about it, that movie kind of foreseen internet hacking long before the internet was born.  Really a good movie.

    2. GRay Defender

      GRay Defender

      Classic 80's movie all around fun to watch..

    3. Justin


      I always enjoyed that movie! I also think Matthew Broderick works so well in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" because of a bit of typecasting in that we've already accepted him as a brilliant hacker kid whose great with technology and gets in over his head. "Cloak and Dagger" is another movie from around the same time, maybe not quite as good but has a similar feel as "WarGames"

  14. K's score of 39k is amazing to me. I played for hours at a time and always topped out right at about 19k.
  15. Giant Ichiro protects the trophy after Pike beeped twice.
  16. I won an indy 500 tournament once.
  17. This item is pretty old, but I've been looking for one for a long time with no luck. It's the Ms. Pac Man plug and play and it has the twisty knob for Pole Position control. It also has the little game key slot, but no cartridge (dang it). It had really old and dead batteries within, but I wasn't able to open it at Goodwill. I took a chance (only $5), and when I got home, the batteries were ancient. One had leaked, but not bad. I got it cleaned up pretty easily and it works fine.
  18. Do you happen to know the name of the Facebook group?
  19. I think this speaks to the tremendous legacy of Super Mario Bros. For all the arguing we like to do about the 7800 or SMS vs the NES....it's THIS game that really built the Nintendo legacy and makes those arguments moot. The 7800, whether it was released earlier or the Tramiels had never purchased Atari, was never going to beat the NES without a killer piece of software.
  20. Looks like a successful test. Your capture device works nicely.
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