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Everything posted by RickR

  1. OH! There's an add-on for composite out? I should try to get one of those. Is there a name for it that I can search for?
  2. OK, my 5200 is in that tub upper left. I've gotten it out, and HOLY HELL, this game is hard! Best I can do this evening is 17,921
  3. I'll definitely give Ms. Pac Man a go when I get my 5200 out for the Centipede challenge. I don't remember it being "bad". But perceptions change over time I think.
  4. I couldn't agree more. It felt like they wrapped it up way faster than they wanted to. Still, I loved how they bridged some of the gaps between TOS and TMP and even TNG. I may burn a set myself if time permits. Thank you for the good idea and inspiration. Probably I'll give Axenar a try next.
  5. My overall impression: Before owning a TG-16, my mind thought it would be somewhere between the NES and SNES performance wise, based on when it was released. But what I've found is that the system is a lot more advanced that I thought it would be. Devil's Crush is a lot prettier to look at on the TG over the Genesis version. Games like Galaga 88 show graphics that are really colorful and fast and don't flicker. I'm very impressed. I want to spend more time exploring all the games. It compares very well to Genesis and SNES. I'm also lucky to have a perfectly working controller. The TG-16 they have for the various shows here in Portland has a very wonky pad, and that makes it hard to evaluate any games. I like the little turbo switches. It's a good controller. But it would have been nice to see more than 2 buttons. Keith Courage was NOT a good pack-in game. It looks good, but it is very unoriginal. A rehash of other better games. Reminds me of "Super Breakout" being the pack-in for the 5200. Bleah. I do like the tiny "credit-card" style game carts and the CD cases they stored them in. My final thought is one you've already mentioned. The system itself is already very small. I think they should have taken that further and made it as small as possible. I don't really get the plastic piece that snaps on the back. Simplifying the system would have made it even better. And include a second controller port. Right now, I'm in a tough spot. We are re-doing flooring in the house, so I have to put stuff away for now. So the TG-16 is going into a box for a few months. I will get back to it ASAP. I'm looking forward to it.
  6. I finally finished Star Trek Continues. The 2 part finale was so dang awesome. I loved it.
  7. Berzerk is an awesome idea for a future challenge. in the meantime, I'm going to get my 5200 out of storage for this one.
  8. I just want to say thanks for picking this game. I'd never played it before this challenge. I now I consider it the best video pinball game I've ever played. And now I realize how advanced the TG-16 really was. It's version is better than the Genesis version. I'm going to see if there are other games these two systems have in common to compare.
  9. TrekMD, your article on the Supercharger is EXCELLENT. Very nicely done. Congratulations on getting that published.
  10. 9839800 on the TG version. I got this score during Justin's instagram live feed. Justin, you are good luck!
  11. Nice! Looks to be in nice shape too. I hope you like it. I think the CV is pretty great. Although I'm not a huge fan of that controller. Side buttons are the worst IMO. CV, 5200, and Intellivsion all had a similar controller with a keypad and side buttons. And they are all not ideal IMO. But the CV is the best of those three I think. My favorite CV game is "Frenzy", which is a sequel to "Berzerk". I don't think they made that game for any other system.
  12. Wahoo! Guess what came in the mail today? A Genesis everdrive. And it even plays SMS games. Anyways, are you keeping separate scores for Genesis vs. TG-16 versions of this game? Here's my first try at the Genesis game. 8566000. Both versions are fun, but the TG-16 one looks and sounds better IMO.
  13. I'll save the Game Gears for another post. I have one of the Majesco GG's. I also love the look of the OG SMS. You nailed it: black wedge with red splotch = eye catchy for sure.
  14. I'm really slow at binge watching. Have you noticed? I just made it to episode 9 of STC "What Ships are For" and just had to comment. This one is the best episode so far. It seriously is good enough that it fits right in with TOS. Excellent. I'm stunned.
  15. The Turbo Everdrive works perfectly. Although I did have trouble at first because the little switch was set to PCE mode. I found directions in a youtube video and then was good to go.
  16. It is SEXY. I also bought a Genesis everdrive...maybe that will come within the week too.
  17. LOOK at what came in the mail today! I already had the microSD card.
  18. Welcome! You've got several subscribers to your channel here.
  19. Wouldn't it be cool to work at NORAD and walk around with a Missile Command notebook? Or maybe be a proctologist and carry the "Assteroids" one. (Folks, I'll be here all week)
  20. They do have them at our local Target stores, in case you don't want to order from Amazon.
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