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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I'll make a post in the "For Sale" forum as I make a pile of stuff to sell to give you all a chance to buy before I go to ebay.
  2. I'd add in one more factor: fear. If you have something that you are afraid to use or touch....get rid of it. A collection is meant to be enjoyed in my opinion. If it's too valuable, I can't enjoy it, so it goes. And one more: dust. If it just collects dust and isn't enjoyed...give it up. Similar to fear, but a touch different.
  3. An update! Here's a picture of the old girl on my shelf. And also, a picture of the re-fixed axle. The original repair broke after a few forays onto the carpet. But now it's exoxy and a metal clip and it seems to be holding much better.
  4. OMG, this is one of the best games on the system IMO. 15538
  5. I stopped drinking soda entirely about a year ago. Don't miss it at all. Unsweet iced tea or water are my main choices now. If I'm at a McD's that doesn't have tea, I'll to that Sprite/Orange mix that they have, which I think is delicious. Don't consider me judgy about soda.. I have really bad bones, and soda isn't good for someone like me who is getting up in age. I have no issue with others enjoying it, and heck I'll have one on some occasions. It's the phosphoric acid that's bad for bones, and some sodas don't contain that at all.
  6. I've got some ideas for you. First is to use banker boxes. They fit most magazines perfectly. Downside: You can't see the contents. That cardboard box on the left is one I grabbed from my father's estate. Vintage 1960. It's awesome to me. It slides out of the sleeve. I think they still sell them like this. I need to make a fancy label. Second idea is these cardboard half-boxes. They sell these at most office stores. Very handy. And you can see the contents. Finally, I use old wooden crates. They are pretty much indestructible. Look at all those MAD magazines from the 80's that fit in that thing!
  7. Found these 3 for a grand total of $4.25.
  8. Plus, the 6502 has a CES legend. The story of MOS filling a barrel with non-functioning chips at CES to "prove" they had chips in stock and ready to sell. And then essentially saving the company by producing sales in a hotel room at the show.
  9. I thought this article was a lot of fun. I need to track a few of these games down and give them a try. https://metv.com/lists/11-weird-vintage-video-games-that-were-based-on-classic-tv-shows
  10. Check out this entry for the Bowmar calculator: https://spectrum.ieee.org/consumer-electronics/gadgets/the-consumer-electronics-hall-of-fame-bowmar-901b Another company that went huge, then out of business in just a few years. There are some roots here for Commodore and TI. And in hindsight, it's easy to see the mistake they made. Sourcing parts from other companies but not being able to control those sources was their doom. I think that's a lesson that Jack Tramiel (of Commodore and then Atari) knew better than anyone else. One thing that should also be in this hall of fame is the MOS 6502 processor. I agree with Justin, the 2600 should have been first on the list, or possibly second after the 6502.
  11. Oh man, this is a great site. Thank you for sharing. Besides the gaming consoles, I really enjoyed the entries for Sony (Trinitron and Walkman).
  12. Works for me too. I use freeware "7-zip" to extract the files.
  13. I've been working on PS2 - Family Guy for the last nine months. I'm only about half-way through. Too much work, not enough time to play. My goal is to finish it before June.
  14. If you are talking about me...no chance. I have the worst memory. I need a RAM upgrade. Blue Print is not a game for someone with my deficiency.
  15. I'll be in soon. We have a guest staying in our gaming room, so the Intellivision has been off limits to me until this weekend.
  16. RickR


    That was a very worthwhile video, thank you for posting. I know it's simplistic, but it sure seems like the Sears catalog model would have been absolutely primed to move to the internet. They knew how to market stuff in an appealing way, organize the ads, and take orders and ship them efficiently. The irony here is that the Sears website has ALWAYS been an absolute mess. What a shame.
  17. RickR


    Ah yes, I do remember Prodigy and their connection to Sears. I want to say that they made Prodigy for the Atari 8-bit, but I may be remembering wrong. My memory is displaying yellow 5 1/4" floppy disks...
  18. Great stuff! I've got some good news for you too. The Craftsman name will live on. They sell Craftsman tools at Lowes now. Sadly, the Sears here are all gone. I didn't get much gaming-wise this Christmas, but my kids did get me this custom "Lillard-Time" watch. The best player from my beloved Portland Trailblazers.
  19. Don't let the a-holes win, Willie! We've got your back and love your videos. Happy New Year. 2019 goal is to help you get to 10k subscribers.
  20. It does. For me in the Pacific Time zone, it shows as 6pm
  21. Same as last year: Sell what I don't use. I made pretty good progress in this area in 2018. Sold off several systems, some extra TV's, a bunch of games. My sale plans for 2019 include a couple of modded 2600's, an Atari 800, a Rana disk drive, a bunch of handheld games (Entex Pac Man 2 for example). I want to also get rid of a lot of my Intellivision collection and a Mattel Aquarius. Anyone interested in these or maybe something else that I may have, please let me know. Buy less, play more.
  22. I wonder too. My bundle came with the higher-end color monitor, and I never had any rolling issues with all the software I tried. However, I sold the monitor because I didn't have space to store it and once I saw the composite signal was pretty good. But at that point, I didn't use it much before storing the system away. Can you provide a game name (and link) that you have the problem on, and I can see if my system does the same thing?
  23. Is this true when using an Atari monitor too? Or just when attached to a TV?
  24. That upgrade was like a gift to all of us! And now new members can join with no issues too. Cheers to a fun and prosperous 2019!
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