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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Great deal on that top loader. To fix that crack, I'd go with the most mild fix you can. Take the top off. Add some Elmer's glue and push it back up from the bottom. Then add a piece of duct tape to the bottom.
  2. I just now played Ms. Pac Man on a 5200. It's a great game. Yes, there is flicker. But it's not bad. The ghosts have white eyes with a blue pupil, and I think that explains the flicker. The movement is a little choppy at first. Kind of like Jr. Pac Man on the 2600 and 8-bit, they seem to introduce the choppiness to slow down the game on the early levels. Once you get up to level 5 or so, everything flies around with no choppiness at all. I'm going to say this version of the game is superb. A+. It's fun, and I really had a good time playing it.
  3. Here is Justin's list in Word doc format for old timers like me who prefer a hard copy. TG-16 Best Games List.docx
  4. If anyone is looking for a Turbo Everdrive, check out this ebay auction. The seller isn't anyone I know, but it looks like a great deal. Ends on 2/11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/223377841270?ul_noapp=true
  5. Pretty incredible to see an Atari Pong at Goodwill.
  6. It's a good idea. It's the exact same hardware as a 5200. The Atari 8-bit computers are one of my favorite things on the Earth. But it's kind of hard to find other enthusiasts. Maybe Blue Max or Donkey Kong. I'm going to guess it will be hard to find more than a few of us that have the hardware and the game.
  7. This one looks like it was launched off a ladder onto a concrete floor. So it truly is a launch edition.
  8. Not a bad idea if time permits. The problem is that getting ebay to do anything is hit and miss. Example: the auction ArenaFoot mentioned elsewhere -- someone is selling an SD card full of Atari 2600 bin files for a pretty outrageous price. That is clearly not allowed (copyright material), but they won't take the listing down.
  9. "Launch Edition" or not, that thing is in sad shape. Maybe "Lunch Edition" is more like it. There is no way to know if that thing even works, and the seller is in jeopardy for listing it as "used", which implies that it works. It should be "as-is". If someone buys it and it does not work, ebay will make the seller refund the full amount -- including shipping (which is a whopping $36 for me) -- AND pay for return shipping.
  10. I thought I'd do a quick write up on the Atari Flashback 9, which has two features that make it VERY worthwhile. It has an SD card slot (to load any game file you like) It has HDMI output (razor sharp video on a flatscreen TV) These two features work really nicely. I am getting great output on my flatscreen (my pictures don't do it justice). And we have all been clamoring for a 2600 that uses an SD card slot. It does use emulation, but I think it's really well done. I haven't noticed any sound or graphics glitches. I want to thank Arenafoot for his flashback portable gamepack (available from the AtariAge forums), as that's what I used on mine. There is one small quirk I should mention. The Flashback 9 won't load a file if there is a space in the filename. I used a batch file renamer program to remove spaces from all of the files in Arenafoot's pack. And BOOM, they all work. I bought mine used on ebay. I think you can get them new for $60 or so on Amazon. IMO, avoid the "Gold" version. It comes with "wireless" controllers and I don't like the lag those introduce, plus they have to be aimed at the console. This product is made by atgames. In this case (and also with the portable), they deserve a lot of credit and praise. I really feel that this is an outstanding product. Let me know if you have any questions or need help in any way.
  11. I usually love giving sports games a try, as I loved to play most sports as a young person. It's kind of amazing how the older systems really could do a good job of making a fun and accurate version of complicated sports games. The Intellivision is famous for it's sports games. While those games are fun for two players, the usually offer nothing for a single player. Just to add more to 5200 RealSports Baseball...it's also really easy to play once you get the hang of the controls. Intuitive is a word I'd use. And the single player game is really fun too.
  12. I have a co-worker that has that exact car and also loves it. I'll have to look into one of those! Enjoy it, man! Hard to believe how the insurance company will total out the old car. Sounds like the regulations need to be updated if we're ever going to make progress on everyone having electric cars.
  13. Looks really nice. When you have an atari.io party, I'll make sure to use a coaster and not leave a ring on your new furniture.
  14. 7800 RS Baseball is awful. Just to be clear. I do love 7800 One on One Basketball however.
  15. It is the best classic baseball game imo. The speech is cool. And the batting uses the analog stick to great effect. It is awesome.
  16. You need to also get my favorite: RealSports Baseball.
  17. This is great. Thank you. I'm going to go down the list and try each game as time permits. 👌
  18. A day in the life of RickR: I spent some time today during the Super Bowl on a little project in my garage. I decided to mount my garage TV on a wall mount so I could reclaim the workbench space. Indeed, it seems to have returned 20% of the bench top. I think it turned out really nice. The mount came from Harbor Freight, and was only $10! I had to rearrange the stuff on the wall a bit, but that's just part of the fun. I use this TV to watch over-the-air channels while exercising, football on weekends, and a lot of times for gaming (either repairing or testing consoles, or playing systems I've pulled out of the attic).
  19. I recently ditched Virgin Mobile and went with Twigby due to needing a new phone for work. It's only $15 per month, and I'm happy to pocket that extra I was paying before. So far, the service has been perfect. I think it uses the same Sprint network as Virgin did.
  20. 19,437 I'm sticking to my initial assessment: This game is damn hard. As good as it is, I think there are some flaws. The scoring on the spider is suspect. I've got him one millimeter from my wand...300 points! WTH! Autofire is absolutely necessary to save your thumb...but it's terrible. It won't fire when you need it to. Still, you have to admire the incredible speed of everything here. No flicker. This game gets flying and I don't think any other system of the time could do it like this.
  21. I also highly recommend the Atarimax SD cart for the 5200. All of the games for the system fit on there, and the price is not too bad. In fact, you can find them on ebay for about $80 used (that's what I did).
  22. The Trak Ball is the way to go for the 5200. That thing is a beautiful piece of engineering. Example: The buttons have the metal bubble switch instead of the stupid rubber and mylar. Get one if you can. Highly recommended. Plus, it's totally awesome on the side-to-side games too. Space Invaders, Galaxian, Super Breakout all become infinitely more fun with the track ball. I'd have loved to see Atari take the Track Ball design and replace the ball with a joystick for an "Arcade Stick" product. It would have been a HUGE improvement. I can't tell you how nice it is to have those buttons flat on the face instead of on the side of the controller.
  23. PS - thank you for all the info Rob. To be honest, I think I'm just going to stick with RF. It's tempting to make a cable myself or buy the one you linked from ebay...but I have no desire to take any risks with this console. I paid a pretty high price for it. And the RF signal is excellent. And all of my gaming TV's have the RF in.
  24. Check out this item I found on ebay from China. It says it's for PC Engine, but I assume it will work for TG-16 too? https://www.ebay.com/itm/PC-Engine-AV-Booster-RGBS-output-TurboGrafx-16-Composite-RCA-RGB-SCART/153340041454?hash=item23b3c758ee:g:Za8AAOSwhu9cFTgo:rk:2:pf:1&frcectupt=true
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