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Scott Stilphen

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  1. The game really isn't Boulder Dash II, though. The original BD II has different levels. This new VCS version has the same levels as the original but with improved graphics.
  2. I missed out on all the drama. So, someone created a video showing people how to back up their games... and people (including Ryzin) assumed the game was hacked/pirated? The result being, the original 16K version is no longer available for anyone, in any form. Personally, I want that version, which is the version Ryzin originally wanted (and I looked around and didn't see a copy of it online). He went to Atari because Audacity wanted him to make some bloated 128K version. He later gives the game to Audacity and Crane indeed creates the bloated 128K version he wanted. From what I gather, the original has 20 levels and the 'enhanced' version has 80 levels, which are actually the same 20 levels repeated 4 times, with Crane's high score QR code added as a menu option. So here's my brief recap of what's happened to date: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/350984-alien-abduction-by-john-van-ryzin-was-in-vcs-store-removed/ Game is announced and made available May 5th, 2023 May 10th, 2023 Atari updates the VCS 800 fireware, which renders the game unplayable. DRM is blamed due to someone posting a video on Discord/YouTube on how to back up your VCS 800 games (which is every owner is legally entitled to do btw) and the game being hacked/leaked online (even though there's no evidence this ever happened and to this day it's still not available online). May 11th, 2023 New firmware version is available and game is again playable. October 31st, 2024 Game is removed from Atari online store, as per Ryzin's 6-month exclusive deal with Atari. Apparently Atari promised to sell carts afterwards, but due to them instead promoting Mr. Run and Jump, Ryzin instead gave the game to Audacity Games to release. Due to a fault with Atari's store, those who purchased the game aren't able to download it again. Atari promises to fix the issue. At the same time, some people spread the rumor that Atari is removing the game from the VCS 800's hard drive, which they aren't. November 8th, 2023. The game is again back on Atari's site thanks to a new agreement with Ryzin. December 20th, 2023 https://forums.atariage.com/topic/350984-alien-abduction-by-john-van-ryzin-was-in-vcs-store-removed/?do=findComment&comment=5370679 Ryzin tells his side of things. "I originally developed the game for Audacity. But they wanted me to make my 16k game into a 256k Ben Hur type product. Could not do that for health reasons. Plus I just wanted to make a pure retro 1983 16k game, no additional hardware required." He also still asserts his game was hacked. Again, no proof of that happening AFAIK. February 2024 https://forums.atariage.com/topic/360316-newish-7800-games-and-accessories-announced-by-atari-and-plaion-compatible-with-the-2600/page/13/ Ryzin questions Atari's choice of re-releasing old games in new boxes and catering to collectors while Atariage is forced to remove some homebrews that are unlicensed arcade conversions while at the same time selling a blatant knockoff of H.E.R.O. (A.R.T.I. https://atariage.com/store/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1307) Not only does his last question not get answered, someone calls him a drunk and an imposter and basically trolls him. May 31st, 2024 Audacity Games released the game at CORGSCON on June 1st, 2024 and later on their website June 15th. David Crane made a 128K, 80 level enhanced version of the 16K, 20 level original. https://forums.atariage.com/topic/367385-audacity-games-is-planning-an-announcement-tomorrow-at-corgscon-alien-abduction-cartridge-release-confirmed/#comment-5478987 Someone finds a rather nasty bug in the original 16K game. John Hardie, who's one of the play testers, claims the bug has been fixed (trust me, it hasn't. The same bug is in the new 128K version). June 8th, 2024 Atari removes the 16K game from their site, again by Ryzin's request. July 6th, 2024 The guy who trolled Ryzin tries to claim he didn't insult him but rather making a joke about calling him drunk. Great sense of humor there. Ryzin is 'gone'. What does he want, an encore? lol https://forums.atariage.com/topic/368972-just-to-clear-the-air-here…/
  3. According to someone from Atari ("TrogdarRobusto") confirmed the same thing regarding the Haunted House pcbs; no Limited Edition cart pcbs can't be installed backwards b/c of the lighted plexiglass piece on the end of the cart. He also said the issue with Crystal Castles is still being worked on, and also sent a Gravitar XP cart to Yarusso to dissect (? Didn't know there was an issue with those as well). Someone else in this same thread mentioned they had a non-working Crystal Castles XP cart and was sent a replacement, and the replacement cart is buggy, with some levels having crystals outside of the maze area (and thus rendering you stuck on that level) or sometimes you collect all the crystals and still can't progress to the next castle. There's also considerable RF noise on the screen. https://forums.atariage.com/topic/366299-atari-fans-spent-1000-on-50th-xp-collection-only-to-find-two-of-its-games-are-broken/
  4. You shouldn't. Nobody should, because the Amico isn't happening. Atari didn't buy the Intellivision properties from Amico because they never owned them to begin with. If Atari decides to put out an Intellivision emulation console at some point (like they did with the 2600+ and Atari 400 Mini), it won't be the Amico. The Amico was a scam, much like the 7800XM was.
  5. While the VCS/2600 version of Boulder Dash is technically very impressive, it doesn't play as well as the original due to the larger graphics creating a smaller viewing area. There's also some lagging with the movement, since the screen constantly has to scroll whenever you move. The upcoming Boulder Dash 2 version offers 3 different zoom modes allowing for larger viewing areas, which should help. I'd still like to see a VCS version of the original arcade version, The Pit, with some optional improvements to the gameplay.
  6. Working Colecovision system. Includes: 2 joystick controllers AC power plug RF cord w/ coax-to-RF adapter System box 18 Colecovision carts (one with box and manual) 17 Atari VCS/2600 carts Expansion Module #1 (VCS/2600) with box and foam Expansion Module #2 Driving Controller (has battery cover but no batteries) cartridge storage case (lid is cracked/broken) Price $300 plus shipping. PM me if interested, thanks.
  7. Working Intellivision system. Includes: RF cord System box 2 catalogs 17 carts (4 boxed) + 5 duplicates (1 boxed) 1 prototype cartridge Intellivoice Voice Synthesis Module Intellivision II system (untested - no AC adapter) Price $200 plus shipping. PM me if interested, thanks.
  8. Well, they didn't buy the Amico, so that counts :)
  9. Maybe someone should tell him there's already a homebrew Gunfight game, done by Manuel Polk in 2001.
  10. So Crystal Castles is glitched, and Haunted House has the pcb installed upside down. Atari purchased Atariage last September - 8 months ago - and Rosen can't have Yarusso make replacement carts? Or better yet, make the Mr. Run and Jump SE carts that are now what, nearly a year late? Why are they using Mega Cat Studios (who??) to make VCS carts for them? If they're the same company behind the original 3 XP VCS titles, then they didn't learn anything from the issues with those, and certainly aren't testing their products before shipping them. MCS is also behind the 'new' VCS Food Fight: Culinary Combat title which apparently has its own issues:
  11. True, but if you have the home rights to the 2nd most popular game in the world, are you going to limit yourself to only use it as a pack-in game, when the biggest competitor in the business already has a userbase of 10-15 million units? There's also a thread hear about DK Jr not long ago where we talked about DK:
  12. I also recall the programmer had no experience programming the Intellivision. That's who you want converting your premo licensed title lol.
  13. That unfounded rumor is over 40 years old, and was actually about Donkey Kong Junior (which is 8K). It's well known Garry only had 4K and 3 months in which to develop it, and the results speak for themself; he's mentioned that in several interviews over the years. I saw someone recently make that conspiracy claim on the 2600 Facebook group. I would never have asked Garry that question. I don't remember anybody ever asking him that.. until now. What a ridiculous claim, and there was never any great debate about whether or not Garry intentionally did a poor job with it. I think in most cases, programmers did the best they could, to the best of their abilities. Not everyone can program and design games like Garry, Rick Maurer, Bob Polaro, David Crane, or several others. For every Rob Fulop, there were 4 Tod Frye's. Garry has also mentioned several times that had he been given 8K to use, he could very likely included all 4 screens. So there's a challenge for today's homebrewers - take Garry's game and add the other 2 screens :)
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