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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Oh my gosh that is sweet. It would have been cool even if they just left the weird expansion slot off the back of the TG-16. That alone would have made the console tiny. "Ninja Punch"!
  2. No worries at all. I had one eye on you and the other on my beloved Portland Trail Blazers finally taking down the dreaded Utah Jazz. So I was silent running.
  3. Cool! Thank you. I'm the master at fudging ball #1, this will really help. I'll see if MESS allows this button combo to work. Frankly, I'm getting tired of that skeleton face laughing at me.
  4. I did see a good one go on ebay (almost complete...missing that back cover thing) for about $120 shipped. That's about as good as it gets price-wise. Keep on looking and hopefully one turns up for a price you like.
  5. Hey Justin, I was watching you last night, and I have a quick question. I noticed that when you do badly on ball #1, you quickly restart the game and try again. How do you do that? It may just be that I'm missing a button on emulation.
  6. I've never seen a Duo either. It seems like anything PCE, TG, or Duo is super rare, even in a prime retro market like Portland. We have the biggest retro show in the country and several smaller shows each year, yet the TG stuff remains elusive. At any show, you'd see several Vectrex, Virtual Boy, and Jaguars for sale, but very rarely a TG-16. I know a guy that found and bought at TG-16 at PRGE two years ago, and it ended up not working. The good news is that the everdrive appears to play the Japanese titles on a TG-16, so I'm really looking forward to that.
  7. I hope that I'm selling this stuff at fair enough prices that it doesn't feel like a biblical sacrifice I really like to see this stuff go to people I know, and that I know will enjoy them -- even if I get a lower price. Win-win is always the best way to go.
  8. One good reboot I can think of is Batman. I think the Christian Bale "Dark Knight" series is much better than what came before. Star Trek is another. I can't say it's better than before, but at least it brought new life and new fans to Star Trek. As far as sequels, Star Wars is a really fascinating one. Watching episodes 7 and 8 really makes me wish they'd done these BEFORE episodes 1 - 3 were made, as the OG cast is really old. They still get the job done, but it makes me sad to think of the missed opportunities.
  9. This would be totally awesome. But like so many sequels these days....what the heck takes them so long? Think about it...Bladerunner, Star Wars (with original cast), Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, etc. They waited 20+ years in most cases, and by then the momentum was gone, and the actors had aged considerably. You just have to respect something like the Back to the Future trilogy, which went ahead and filmed parts 2 and 3 back to back, and then closed the book. No more sequels.
  10. I've sold a lot of stuff and still have a few pending items. I will post more in about a week. Thanks everyone!
  11. Best multitap I've ever seen is on the Saturn. 8 player Bomberman!
  12. RickR


    SWEET! Enjoy. I have one more spare, which will be my backup.
  13. NEC pulled an Apple! "headphone jack not included". Ahead of their time.
  14. How in Bonk's name do you attach a second controller to this thing???
  15. Music to game to.  And also to eat chicken to.



  16. I'll be honest, I almost didn't go to the swap meet due to my "downsizing" mood. I finally decided to just go. I thought I'd say hello to the people I know and have a little fun....but ended up finding a lot of cool stuff AND saying hello.
  17. Turbo Everdrive has been ordered.
  18. I was just getting ready to sell my SMS collection. But this console was a bargain, so I'm back in. It does have Alex Kidd built in. I might just sell my original SMS now and keep this one. I like that it's very compact.
  19. I also came so so close to buying a Jaguar at this show too, but I could not afford both the Jag and the TG-16. So I prioritized the TG-16 higher and brought that one home.
  20. Thank you! I am thinking seriously about getting that everdrive. Seems like games are very costly for this system, so the everdrive really is good bang for the buck. I think I did pretty well on the price, and I'm very happy with the condition.
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